How can WareIQ help?
Usually, goods are fulfilled and shipped in bulk in B2B fulfillment, which requires more labour intensive service, and strict adherence to certain regulations. With WareIQ, B2B sellers get easy access to a smarter & premium fulfillment solution that simplifies B2B fulfillment for sellers across categories.
Pan-India Fulfillment Network
Integrate channels from 20+ D2C platforms and marketplaces & connect your orders to our platform
Fast Shipping of Bulk Orders
Use intelligent AI algorithms to identify inventory placement locations closest to customers and unlock same/next day delivery at a cheaper cost
Easy Transfer of Inventory
Leverage our capable operations team to store inventory in our pan-India fulfillment network and manage end-to-end order fulfillment efficiently
Real-time Inventory Management
Choose automatically or manually from a network of national, regional and hyperlocal courier partners to optimize for cost and speed
WareIQ Capabilities
Bulk Processing of Orders
Customized Labeling and Packing Lists
EDI Compliance
Dedicated Account Management
Multi-retailer Support
Quality control
Fragile Item Storage
Loose Products Handling
Combo/kit creation
Boxed units
Poly bagged units
Case-packed products
Expiration dates
Photo documentation
Authentication of Genuine Goods
WareIQ’s B2B Fulfillment Process
Initiate Inventory Transfer
Use WareIQ’s Smart Inventory Transfer & PO Management Feature to easily send stock to our warehouses
Picking & Packing of Orders
Use our skilled operations experts and smart fulfillment platform to ensure accurate picking and packing of products
Ship & Track Orders
Create custom rules to automatically assign courier partners and ship order to customer, while tracking shipment status in real time
Our Clients