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Global E-commerce: Universal Postal Union Tracking

Universal Postal Union Tracking

The Universal Postal Union (UPU), which was founded in 1874 and has its headquarters in Berne, Switzerland, is the second-oldest international organisation in the world.

The Universal Postal Union, which has 192 member nations, serves as the main venue for collaboration amongst participants in the postal industry. It contributes to a network of modern, really universal goods and services.

This allows the organisation to accomplish its advising, mediation, and liaison functions while also offering technical support as required. It establishes guidelines for international postal exchanges and offers suggestions to encourage an increase in the amount of mail, packages, and financial services while enhancing the calibre of customer care.

Bodies of Universal Postal Union Tracking

UPU BodyDescriptionResponsibilities
CongressSupreme authority of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).Meets every four years.Plenipotentiaries from 192 member countries gather to decide on the World Postal Strategy and international mail rules.Set a new World Postal Strategy.Establish rules for international mail exchanges.
Extraordinary CongressMay be convened at the request or with the consent of at least two-thirds of the Universal Postal Union member countries.Held occasionally outside of regular Congress meetings.Addresses specific or urgent postal issues and decisions.
Council of AdministrationComprises 41 member countries.Meets annually at Universal Postal Union headquarters.Ensures continuity of Universal Postal Union’s work between Congresses.Studies regulatory, administrative, legislative, and legal issues.Approves proposals for adopting regulations or new procedures.Approves biennial budget and accounts.Promotes technical assistance among member countries.
Postal Operations CouncilConsists of 48 member countries.Meets annually.Focuses on modernizing and upgrading postal products and services.Addresses operational, economic, and commercial aspects of the postal business.Recommends standards for technological and operational processes where uniform practices are necessary.
International BureauLocated in Berne, Switzerland.Houses about 250 employees from diverse countries.Provides logistical and technical support to Universal Postal Union bodies.Promotes technical cooperation among Union members.Manages postal technology applications, direct mail, and EMS development.Monitors global quality of postal services.Assists developing countries through regional coordinators.Establishes regional support centers.

UPU’s Role in the UN

On July 1st, 1948, the Universal Postal Union was admitted as a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN). As a result, the UPU helps shape UN initiatives and policies that are directly related to its mandate and missions to advance social and economic development.

The Universal Postal Union started a lot of cooperative initiatives with other UN-specialised funds, programmes, and organisations. The Chief Executives Board, which organises the operations of the UN system, includes the director general of the Universal Postal Union. The UN Secretary-General serves as the board’s chair.

How terminal dues (fees) are set by the UPU

  • Every four years, the Universal Postal Union sets terminal dues, which are charges that nations must pay for the international transport of mail and small goods (weighing up to 4.4 pounds). They make up between 80 and 90 per cent of all foreign postal shipments
  • The Universal Postal Union separates the world’s nations into two groups: “transition” countries, which are developing countries, and “target” countries, which are industrialised countries. According to UPU rules, transition nations give target countries cheaper terminal dues.
  • A tiny part of international postal packages sent by other international postal services, such as parcel post and express mail services, are subject to a separate delivery price. It should be noted that post offices are free to negotiate various fees.

UPU in News

The Eleventh Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), which was signed during the 27th Congress of the Universal Postal Union held in Abidjan 2021, contains revisions to the UPU Constitution that have recently been authorised by the Union Cabinet.

  • It would make it possible for the Indian Department of Posts to get the Honourable President of India’s signature on the “Instrument of Ratification” and deposit it with the Director General of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union.
  • Additionally, it would meet the requirements of Articles 25 and 30 of the UPU Constitution, which call for the adoption of Constitutional modifications proposed by Congress by the member nations as quickly as practicable.
  • Many long-standing inconsistencies in the language would be resolved, and provisions for “acceptance or approval of the Acts in compliance with the Vienna Conventions on Law of Treaties, 1969” would be accommodated.
  • Drafted by the International Law Commission of the United Nations, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties is a global agreement that regulates treaties between governments. It was ratified on May 23, 1969, and it went into effect on January 27, 1980.


What is the Universal Postal Union (UPU)?

The UPU is the second-oldest international organization globally, established in 1874, headquartered in Berne, Switzerland, and comprising 192 member nations.

What is the primary role of the UPU?

The UPU serves as the central platform for cooperation among participants in the postal industry, focusing on developing a universal network of goods and services, providing advisory, mediation, and liaison functions, and setting international postal exchange guidelines.

How often does the UPU Congress convene, and what is its function?

The UPU Congress meets every four years to decide on the World Postal Strategy and international mail rules, establishing rules for international mail exchanges.

Under what circumstances is an Extraordinary Congress convened?

An Extraordinary Congress can be held at the request or with the consent of at least two-thirds of UPU member countries, addressing specific or urgent postal issues and decisions.

What is the purpose of the Council of Administration (CA)?

The CA, consisting of 41 member countries, ensures the continuity of UPU’s work between Congresses, studies regulatory, administrative, legislative, and legal issues, approves proposals, and budgets, and promotes technical assistance.

What does the Postal Operations Council (POC) focus on?

The POC, with 48 member countries, concentrates on modernizing postal products and services, addressing operational, economic, and commercial aspects of the postal business, and recommends standards for technological processes.

Where is the UPU’s International Bureau located, and what are its functions?

The International Bureau in Berne, Switzerland, has about 250 employees from diverse countries, providing logistical and technical support, promoting technical cooperation, and managing various postal technology applications.

How does the UPU set terminal dues for international mail transport?

The UPU establishes terminal dues every four years, charging nations for the international transport of mail and small goods. Transition countries (developing) offer target countries (industrialized) cheaper terminal dues.

What is the Eleventh Additional Protocol to the UPU Constitution?

The Eleventh Additional Protocol to the UPU Constitution contains revisions to the UPU Constitution, allowing for ratification by the Indian Department of Posts, addressing long-standing inconsistencies and aligning with international treaties.

How does the UPU contribute to the United Nations (UN)?

The UPU, as a specialized agency of the UN since 1948, participates in UN initiatives and collaborates with UN-specialized funds, programmes, and organizations, helping advance social and economic development goals.

Shraddha Thuwal

Shraddha Thuwal

Shraddha Thuwal worked as a content writer at WareIQ. She actively contributes to the creation of blog posts centered on eCommerce operations, fulfillment, and shipping, in addition to providing insights on various strategies and techniques tailored for eCommerce sellers. With an impressive track record, Shraddha boasts over two years of content writing experience, spanning a spectrum of industries including logistics, supply chain, and media.

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