Product/Feature Releases

Minimize Marketplace Claims Rejections with WareIQ’s New Returns QC Solution
Now you can rescue your brand margins from the impact of rising marketplace claims rejections. We are thrilled to announce the general release of our Returns QC solution that will allow sellers to access all the required image/video proofs on our tech platform in a few clicks. No need to struggle with complex systems or wait endlessly for your warehouse operator to send you blurry CCTV footage that barely shows vital details like shipping labels and product attributes. What problem is this solving? 1) High Marketplace Claims Rejection Rate Rejections on Marketplace claims have increased more than 2X since last year. Marketplaces need image and video proof which are conclusive. 2) Unclaimed Rejections Lowering Profitability Unclaimed return claims completely wipe away the brand margins every month! 3) Complex Media Proof Capture & Retrieval Getting video/image proof from FCs is time-taking (2-5 days), and prone to error due to inconclusive image/video quality from CCTV footage Our Solution 1) WareIQ Returns QC App for HD Footage Capture Warehouse executives capture HD footage of returned items using our mobile app, reducing claims rejection due to low-quality footage used as proofs 2) WareIQ Tech Platform as System of Record Our platform logs real-time returns data and centralizes all media evidence from the QC app for easy access and retrieval during claims filing 3) Scan-based Error-free Returns Processing Handheld scanning devices for real-time updates during processing returns, and reducing data errors See our Returns QC App in action
August 23, 2023