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Pavel D’silva

Pavel is a content marketing analyst at WareIQ. He has more than 3 years of content marketing experience. His key responsibilities include writing SEO-based blogs, guides, guest posts, and other types of content on a plethora of topics related to eCommerce fulfillment, operations, supply chain, warehousing, shipping etc.

Top 10 eCommerce Trends to Watch Out For in 2023 [Views from Industry Leaders Included]

Top 10 eCommerce Trends to Watch Out For in 2023 [Views from Industry Leaders Included]

eCommerce as an industry is constantly changing and evolving, even more rapidly than other sectors, due to the proclivity of sellers and customers to jump on board emerging trends in relation to technology, services, website design, marketing, and more. This is because of the hyper-competitive environment that eCommerce sellers find themselves in. For instance, even if a retailer has a business idea in a relatively untapped industry and gains an early adopters advantage, the market will soon be inundated with other sellers trying to duplicate the success of the initial seller. This reduces their competitive advantage because every firm will be trying to be employing their own tactics to highlight their brand to prospective customers and showcase reasons why they should choose them as opposed to other competitors. Thus, in order to maintain an edge over your nearest rivals or gain ground over them, you need to consistently monitor eCommerce trends that are gaining popularity in the market and take advantage of them in your own business. “2023 is the year that brands need to figure out how to deliver fluid omnichannel shopping experiences.”Arjun Vaidya, Entrepreneur and Investor Significance of Keeping Up With eCommerce Trends eCommerce trends can have a significant impact on the success or failure of a business, based on how fast you are able to adapt. For instance, ultra-fast delivery is taken more or less for granted today but when it was first introduced by Amazon in the late 90s, it completely changed the way customers were able to purchase and receive their goods. Thus, companies that didn’t adapt and offer a similar solution of their own would often lose ground to other companies that did. The same can be said about features like live order tracking, multiple payment options, branded packaging, and more. Once consumers get a taste of these facilities, they would not want to go back to purchasing from a retailer that doesn’t offer them. Similarly, if every brand in your industry is promoting its items through social commerce platforms like Whatsapp, you also need to jump on the bandwagon to keep your business in the mix. Latest Growth Statistics on eCommerce Industry Let’s take a look at some notable statistics that reiterate the significance of keeping up with eCommerce trends: With many studies showing that the eCommerce industry is growing by upwards of 35% per year, with around 40% of new sellers coming from smaller towns and cities, the industry is expected to triple its value, from $50 billion in 2022 to $150 - $170 billion by 2027.In 2022, 20% of all retail sales were made online, up from 17% in 2021 and this number is expected to rise to 23% by 2025.eCommerce sales are expected to reach $6.51 trillion globally by next year, with 22% of those sales coming directly from sellers' websites.27% of eCommerce users use voice command technology, out of which, 46% used it to perform price comparisons with other products, and 41% used to it find out which businesses sell a particular item.18% of online shoppers stated that the reason they abandon their carts is because of a lack of multiple payment options.The number of customers that chose to pay for their purchase via an online payment option increased by 45% in 2022.75% of customers in 2022 suggested that they preferred paper and other sustainable packaging compared to plastic while 71% said that they would choose a sustainable alternative if they had a choice.By 2027, 27% of basic customer interactions with a business are expected to be performed by an automated chat bot.80% of customers state that they would be more likely to purchase from a company that offers personalised options for various products and services.75% of customers browse through multiple listings on various platforms before shortlisting where they want to buy from. “I think moving forward, a media company that’s separate from a marketing company will not exist. I think the lines are blurring and they will continue to blur.”Katia Beauchamp, CEO of BirchBox How Can You Monitor eCommerce Trends? Due to the amount of advanced technology at our disposal, you can monitor eCommerce trends using a variety of methods. The popularity of social media has played a big part in the way customers express their satisfaction or displeasure with a business. Similarly, businesses can monitor social media to identify the likes and dislikes of customers and identify what made them choose a particular brand over others. Another way to identify eCommerce trends is to look for the introduction of new features in the market, such as the emergence of sub-30-minute deliveries that were pioneered by having dark stores where products could be stored and delivered locally. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can successfully monitor eCommerce trends in 2023: Use Industry Reports Many companies and organizations publish reports on eCommerce trends. These reports can provide valuable insights into current and emerging trends in the industry. Either you or someone from your organization should browse through these reports and identify if there is anything of significance to you and your brand which can help propel your business going forward. Follow Industry News and Blogs Staying up-to-date with industry news and blogs can help you stay informed about eCommerce trends. Many of these sources provide analysis and commentary on trends in the industry, which come in useful if you need precise data to analyze the effect that such trends could have on various portions of your business. Use Social Media Social media platforms can be a great source of information on eCommerce trends, considering that platforms like LinkedIn act as a digital meeting point where the world’s brightest minds can seamlessly exchange ideas and have healthy debates for every user to see. Many eCommerce businesses primarily use social media to announce new products, promotions, and other updates, which can provide valuable insights into current trends. 67% of small businesses prefer marketing and promoting their products on social media to conventional marketing. Use Analytics Tools Analytics tools such as Google Analytics can provide data on customer behavior, including trends in traffic, conversions, and revenue. This can help you understand how trends are affecting your business and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, they can help you pinpoint the pages that customers spent the most time on and the ones that resulted in them leaving, so you can make edits to your listings and websites accordingly. Conduct Customer Surveys Asking customers directly about their preferences and behaviors can provide valuable insights into current and emerging trends. Surveys can be conducted online or in person and can be a useful way to gather customer feedback and stay attuned to changing trends. For instance, a customer may have experienced a specific service while ordering from a specific company and may voice their dissatisfaction that your company doesn’t provide that same feature. This allows you to gather similar data and implement the facility in the future. “There are so many opportunities on the horizon, from mobile exclusives to geo-located offers to better filtering and searching. We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible with personalization.”Michelle Peluso, CEO of Gilt Group 10 Most Important eCommerce Trends to Watch Out For in 2023 Omnichannel Retail is Making a Comeback With the world recovering daily from the after-effects of the global pandemic, many shoppers have decided to go back to their old shopping habits as well. A recent study by Harvard indicates that 73% of consumers prefer purchasing through a variety of means, compared to 20% that shop solely in physical stores and 7% who shop exclusively online. While online shopping is extremely convenient for some things, customers have showcased that there is nothing quite like browsing for exactly what you need while the products are tangibly present in front of them. Thus, retailers need to make the jump to omnichannel retail if they want to take advantage of higher sales in 2023. Watch the full video where Mrs. Vineeta Singh, Co-founder of Sugar Cosmetics explains why the future of D2C retail is omnichannel Increasing Importance of Highlighting Differentiating Factors During the pandemic, with the burgeoning popularity of eCommerce compared to previous years and people making the jump to try their hand at starting a business, the number of online companies that emerged have been unparalleled since. With all these new sellers diluting the market, the onus is on each brand to highlight and promote the reason customers should choose them. Whether it is providing lower prices, free shipping, or flexible returns, identify the unique selling point of your brand and waste no time in reiterating that message to customers. Globalisation is Taking the World by Storm With the borders of many significant countries fading away, at least for retail international trade and investments recuperating after a couple of hard years, globalisation has become the power for the course in modern society. It has never been easier for brands to manufacture their products in one country and sell them in multiple countries of their choosing. Additionally, many local Indian brands are expanding their services abroad, to take advantage of markets with higher GDPs and per-capita incomes, resulting in the increased international movement of commodities. Performance Marketing is On its Way Out Given the emphasis placed on performance marketing for what seems like an eternity, it may be a surprise to learn that industry experts have suggested that firms do not need to waste resources and effort on performance marketing and rather divert their attention to social commerce and social media marketing. A common consensus among industry experts is that performance marketing has seen a dip in its significance so it makes more sense to invest in your brand itself and have all your sales and operational funnels in place, with promotions and marketing being required only after that is done. So if you want your business to increase its exposure to potential customers, you need to update your tactics. Mobile Optimization is the Future Most online interactions take place on mobile devices. After all, they are smaller. More portable and less cumbersome to use than dragging around a laptop everywhere. Seldom do people not perform every task on their mobile devices. Given that mobile devices comprise 71% of online traffic and 61% of where orders are placed, there is no dispute that mobile devices are the present and future of eCommerce in the foreseeable future. As phones start to get more capable, more and more people will start using them for their eCommerce needs. Therefore, your business needs to make sure that every interaction customers have with your online store is optimized for a smooth and seamless mobile experience. Brands are Becoming Increasingly Reliant on External Funding It is estimated that upwards of 73% of direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands plan to opt for external funding for 2023 and beyond. This phenomenon will result in increased competition and retailers trying to do whatever they can in their bid to stay competitive and be profitable. These tactics are necessary because the current state of the global economy could indicate that taking on so much debt by giving away equity could create a vacuum that many companies might not be able to recover from. Thus, it is important for retailers to try their best to increase their profit margins and maintain their profitability. The Rapid Onset of Social Commerce Social commerce takes place when sellers use social media platforms and messaging apps to promote their products and services directly to customers. This strategy has become progressively more important as social media has gained a strong foothold in everyday life for the strong majority of customers. For instance, Gen Z uses TikTok more than Google to browse for and purchase products. Social media platforms generated a mindblowing $992 billion in online sales in 2022, a figure that is estimated to skyrocket even further to $2.9 trillion by 2026. Platforms like Whatsapp and Telegram have become increasingly common for business transactions and even support features like automated chat bots for basic interactions with customers. Watch this debate on social commerce vs eCommerce with panelists like Mohit Bhatnagar, MD at Sequoia India and Vidit Aatrey, Co-Founder of Meesho Rise of Automated Communication As mentioned in the previous point, businesses are increasingly using automated chat bots for both regular and advanced communication with customers. If you have ever received a promotion or link from a Whatsapp business account, odds are that it has been sent by a chat bot. Additionally, most well-designed websites have implemented chat bots to assist customers in navigating around the website and searching for various product details, such as pricing, colours, availability, and more. They provide a cost-effective and hassle-free way of keeping customers engaged and providing instant answers to queries. 87% of customers wouldn’t shop at a brand that has poor customer service and chat bots are a great way of rectifying that. Expanding Emphasis on Sustainability The world has generally become more environmentally conscious as more and more people get elevated to a comfortable lifestyle and start to question the impact of consumerism on the planet. More than 51% of customers have stated that they have become more sustainably aware after the pandemic. Companies are encouraged by consumers to adopt technologies and materials that contribute to reducing carbon footprints in every sector. If your company has successfully adopted some form of green technology, either in the products themselves, the packaging, or the delivery process, make sure to highlight it to consumers so they would consider your brand in contention for their purchases. Customers Place Additional Value on Personalization Customers thrive when they get to purchase a product in exactly the configuration they want, a sentiment backed up by more than 60% of consumers. A personalized experience can range from being able to customize a logo on a t-shirt to having orders delivered at a specified time. In the eyes of customers, the amount of personalization and freedom that a brand offers are a strong indication of the value it places on them. Therefore, you need to enable some form of customization that will be a meaningful addition to the way customers interact with your brand and will definitely pay off in the long run in the form of positive reviews and feedback online. “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.”Jeff Bezos, Owner and Former CEO of Amazon eCommerce Trends: Winding Up Staying up to date with the latest eCommerce trends is a must if you want your business to be on the bleeding edge and you do not want it to fall behind your competitors. In the past, certain eCommerce trends, such as Amazon’s ultra-fast delivery and Prime badges that indicate delivery speed revolutionized the way eCommerce operations were conducted and the convenience with which customers view eCommerce. All these years later, trends like those have become widely adopted as industry standards, with every firm needing to adapt or risk getting left behind. In recent years, there has been a new wave of eCommerce trends seeking to enhance and streamline even more aspects of the industry. If you are a current or aspiring eCommerce seller, we hope this post gave you the insights you needed to be aware of the latest trends permeating the market in 2023 and how you can adopt them for your own business. Infographic to Summarise the Latest eCommerce Trends 2023 A quick summary of top ecommerce trends to watch out for in 2023

January 09, 2023

List of Top 10 Logistics Companies in Surat Providing Best Logistics Services for Omnichannel Sellers in 2024

List of Top 10 Logistics Companies in Surat Providing Best Logistics Services for Omnichannel Sellers in 2024

Surat is a city located in the state of Gujarat. It was initially founded in 1818 by the British East India Company. Since India gained independence, the city has had a turbulent and ever-changing dynamic. It has since improved for the better and is currently ranked highly in metrics such as cleanliness and livability. It is one of the fastest-growing cities, not just in India but globally, paving the way for eCommerce sellers to try their luck at penetrating the rapidly expanding base of potential customers. Additionally, the city has the highest per-capita income of any city in India, even beating out cities like Bangalore and Mumbai. This makes it the perfect location for budding entrepreneurs to attempt to get their business the velocity it needs to be successful in the future. In this blog, we will take a look at what logistics companies are and the best logistics companies in Surat for your eCommerce business. What are Logistics Companies? Logistics companies provide a wide range of eCommerce services, primarily in relation to activities like inventory management, order fulfillment, order processing, picking and packing fulfillment service, physical distribution, and last-mile delivery service. They offer increased flexibility, affordable pricing, and value-added services like WMS software, order tracking facilities, customizable packaging, and more, making them an excellent option for order fulfillment. Though the scope of services offered may differ from company to company, successful order delivery to clients is always the main priority. Once you've teamed up with one of the many logistics companies in Surat, all you have to do is take orders and keep an eye on them; they'll take care of the rest. These businesses offer relief from the majority of eCommerce logistics and fulfillment-related duties, so you can concentrate on the key areas of your business, such as product development and marketing. [contactus_uth] Top 10 Logistics Companies in Surat for your eCommerce Business in 2023 [Updated] WareIQ Source Founding Year: 2019Services Offered: Last-mile delivery, inventory management, customized packaging, product preparation, distribution, storage facilities, and reverse logistics. WareIQ, a provider of eCommerce fulfillment services in India, was founded in Bangalore, Karnataka, in 2019. The company offers a wide range of logistics and fulfillment services, including last-mile delivery, inventory management, customized packaging, product preparation, distribution, storage facilities, and reverse logistics. It offers a unique WMS that can automate numerous warehouse processes and interact with a variety of top eCommerce platforms like Amazon and eBay, website builders like Shopify and WooCommerce, and shipping platforms like FedEx and BlueDart. Additionally, the business partners with over 12 of the biggest shipping companies in the sector and it use smart courier allocation, which chooses the quickest and least expensive alternative for each item. The company also consists of a vast storage network dispersed across the entirety of the country and can ship internationally to more than 220 countries across the globe, making it one of the best logistics companies in Surat. Some features of WareIQ that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It does not have minimum order requirements and consists of adjustable price structures.It is compatible with numerous online marketplaces, including Amazon and Flipkart, as well as website builders like Shopify and Magento.It offers incredibly quick delivery through a collaboration with more than 20 shipping providers.It enables packaging components to be customised according to your preferences.It offers branded tracking services for each order. [signup] Suggested Read: List of Top 10 Warehousing and Logistics Companies In Delhi NCR Seros Logistics Source Founding Year: 2014Location: Hazira, Surat Services offered: Transportation services, shipping, logistics solutions, end to end solutions, doorstep delivery, storage and distribution Seros Logistics is a corporation with more than 20 years of experience offering logistics services and solutions in a variety of industries. It is a Logistics & Supply Chain company and has headquarters in Surat, Gujarat, India Their primary responsibilities are within the operational categories of logistics, maritime, energy, and offshore. Their nationwide logistics network enables them to ship goods to even the most isolated regions of the nation. They seek to provide their customers with a transparent experience by providing hassle-free, superior custom logistics solutions. With its capable surface fleet, Seros Logistics can carry freight in bulk by both rail and road. They guarantee prompt and economical delivery of every order thanks to a comprehensive network of operators. Some features of Seros Logistics that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It operates the largest fleet of coastal vessels in the country.It consists of a virtual pipeline that enables supply chain customizability.It provides transportation through a variety of mediums.It offers a vast distribution network.It handles upwards of 4 million parcels annually. Paradise Logistics Surat Founding Year: 2009 Location: Udhna, SuratServices Offered: Freight forwarding, supply chain management, logistics & transportation, warehouse & distribution, cargo services and 24*7 customer service. Gati is an eCommerce logistics company that is operating successfully in Surat, Gujarat. It offers different services such as freight forwarding, supply chain management, logistics & transportation, warehouse & distribution, cargo services with 24*7 customer service. Additionally, the company has a wide network of offices located PAN India. We have served 1000+ clients successfully in 15 years. It has multiple offices in Gujarat, which makes it a good choice among other logistics companies in Surat. Some features that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It offers a range of services at a competitive prices.It serves 99% of states and more than 17,000 pin codes nationwide.It provides services to a variety of business, consumer and industrial sectors.It provides time-scheduled delivery, custom packing, incredibly quick fulfillment, distribution of large items, and more.It has a personalized tracking system. It offers flexible transportation solutions. Piramal Logistics Source Founding Year: 1990Location: Surat, GujaratServices Offered: Road Transport services, logistics service, domestic & international logistics service Piramal Logistics is a Gujarat-based logistics company that was founded all the way back in 1990. Having originally been in the storage of consumer appliances and communication, the company seized all its initial operations and decided to divert all its attention to logistics and distribution. The company is one of the leading importers and exporters of textiles and fabrics, owing to the fact that Surat has a thriving clothing industry. It offers other distribution-centered services and delivers throughout India, making it a good choice among logistics services providers in Surat. Some features of Piramal Logistics that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It provides comprehensive road transportation.It offers support for most logistical procedures.It has a vast amount of experience in the logistics sector.It provides storage facilities for specific goods.It services pin codes throughout the country. TCI Freight Source Founding Year: 1958Location: Kawas, Surat Services Offered: End to End Multimodal Transportation, Multi Location Delivery & Pick up, Single Point Billing, Online Track and Trace, Key Account Management and Godown & Warehousing Facility TCI Freight is a sub-division of Group TCI, one of India’s largest transportation companies that was founded in 1958 in Kolkata, West Bengal. The company handles the logistics and distribution of every package type, ranging from small, delicate items like jewellery to large, bulky commodities like automobiles. They have a vast fleet of GPS-enabled trucks to ensure that all orders are monitored and updated constantly. It also offers additional features, such as key account management and scheduled pickups and deliveries, making it one of the most flexible and well-stacked logistics companies in Surat. Some features of TCI Freight that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It provides dedicated distribution facilities for heavy and bulky items.It has a strong presence in most SAARC countries.It has a fleet consisting of various GPS-enabled delivery vehicles.It offers order tracking facilities.It provides single-point billing. Suggested Read: Find the List of Warehousing Companies in Kolkata Arrshan Logix Founding Year: 2017Location: Pardi, GujaratServices Offered: Domestic logistics services & e-commerce logistics service, transportation, distribution and warehousing solutions. With an operational timeline spanning more than three decades in the fields of warehousing, shipping and distribution, Arrshan Logix has been a reliable option for eCommerce companies, particularly in the FMCG industry. They are well-represented in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh by a robust distribution network. They offer tailored end-to-end cargo delivery and are experts in on-ground logistics. They are able to provide businesses with optimal, affordable, coordinated and skilled transport solutions because of their sizable fleet of 20 ft. and 32 ft. containers. Some features of Arrshan Logix that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It provides warehousing facilities for FMCG companies.It fully owns and operates its transport fleet, consisting of more than 50 containers.It provides a comprehensive distribution network within the state of Gujarat.It has more than 30 years of experience in the logistics industry.It provides affordable and transparent pricing. DTDC Source DTDC is one of the most seasoned and well-known courier and eCommerce fulfillment companies in the nation. Since 1990, it has provided nationwide coverage to more than 10,000 pin codes with its courier and logistics services. The company can manage huge shipments and ensure smooth pick-up and delivery by providing a fulfillment status thanks to a cutting-edge management information system (MIS). Cash-on-delivery and a customised shipping method for imported and speciality commodities are a couple of their value-added offerings. Additionally, they can also ship internationally to most countries around the world, making it one of the most comprehensive logistics companies in Surat. Some features of DTDC that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It serves around 17,000 pin codes nationwide.It offers real-time order tracking capabilities made possible by a unique API.It provides expedited delivery.It makes it possible to fulfill and distribute expensive, huge, and hazardous products in a specialised manner.It can accept the majority of widely used payment methods. Raj Air Express Cargo Source Founding Year: 1998Location:  Begampura, SuratServices Offered: Packaging and Storage, Movers and packers, railway logistics, air freight, ocean freight, warehousing. A private company with a strong focus on and capacity for specialisation in international packages, express courier services, and global door-to-door parcel services is Raj Air Express Cargo. It is one of the many logistics companies in Surat. The corporate headquarters of this corporation are in Mumbai and it has numerous domestic offices all across India. Through its fleet of specialised vehicles and customizable packaging, the company is able to provide quick, personalized solutions. In order to meet customer deadlines, Raj Air Express Cargo also offers next-day delivery services in significant cities across Europe and the USA. Some features of Raj Air Express Cargo that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It provides international services to Europe and the US.It offers scheduled delivery services.It employs specific methods to ensure the safety of your cargo.It offers round-the-clock pickup and delivery services.It has a team that monitors every consignment till it reaches its destination. BVC Logistics Source Founding Year: 1975Location: Varaccha Road, SuratServices Offered: B2B shipping, international shipping, luxury goods solutions, domestic and international e-commerce and custom brokerage solutions. BVC Logistics has been providing services to eCommerce firms with knowledge of the jewellery value chain for over 60 years. They advertise themselves as a secure logistics infrastructure platform and provide a range of logistics and distribution services, making them a top choice among other logistics service companies in Surat. They offer specialised shipping options that are quick, insured, and affordable. In India, BVC Logistics serves 20,000-plus clients scattered across 10,000-plus pin codes and 1500-plus cities. Additionally, the business provides import and export services to over 130 nations. PCJeweller, Flipkart, and Tanishq are some of their most well-known clients, in addition to others. Some features of BVC Logistics that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It offers delivery services to more than 10,000 pin codes across India.It provides 24/7 customer support.It offers real-time order tracking.It has a custom API that can integrate externally.It provides ultra-fast delivery. Shree Tirupati Courier Services Source Founding Year: 2003Location: Rajkot, GujaratServices Offered: Domestic express service, overnight express, logistics services, retail, and chain distribution Shree Tirupati Courier Services was founded in 2003 and offers timely services 24 hours a day through a network of 1500 facilities spread throughout 21 states. For domestic services, where they offer overnight rapid service for goods, they are a reliable option for eCommerce enterprises and among the best logistics companies in Surat. The business has a group of competent employees to handle the tedious administrative paperwork necessary to supply goods and services. In accordance with specific company goals and requirements, Shree Tirupati Courier Services can also create tailored solutions if necessary. Some features of Shree Tirupati Courier Services that make it one of the best logistics companies in Surat are listed below: It offers ultra-fast delivery domestically.It services locations across 22 states.It has a vast fleet of delivery trucks.It can ship anytime that weighs below 1,000 kgs.It offers overnight delivery services. Conclusion: Why WareIQ Should be Your Primary Choice Among Logistics Companies in Surat in 2023? Surat has the potential to be one of the largest eCommerce markets in the country, so companies that get a head start can cement themselves as a go-to option in the eyes of consumers. While eCommerce has gained popularity and awareness among the general public in smaller cities like Surat, quality order fulfillment is still lacking among smaller companies and online selling platforms. This is why partnering with logistics companies in Surat is essential to the long-term success of your business. These firms provide solutions to most eCommerce requirements so they will help you deliver products nationwide, in addition to surrounding localities. If you need an experienced and comprehensive fulfillment solution, look no further than WareIQ. WareIQ is an eCommerce fulfillment company that was incepted in Bangalore, Karnataka, in 2019. The company’s services span the entire gamut of eCommerce processes and it operates throughout the country, even offering international courier and shipping solutions in India to more than 220 countries. Some of the key features that can help your business gain traction are listed below: Inventory Management: Our specialised WMS offers real-time alerts and the capacity to automate a number of processes.Fast Order Fulfillment: We provide reliable same-day and next-day shipping alternatives. Storage: Inventory Storage: With our assortment of dark stores and fulfillment facilities available across India, we can hold your product wherever you need it.Shipping Badges: We make it possible for you to add shipping badges, which provide delivery estimates, to your online product listings, similar to PrimeApp Store: We provide a thorough, well-organized app store with a large assortment of downloadable apps.Branded Order Tracking: You can customize the details you add to your order tracking pages to set yourself apart from the competition.Shipping Aggregation: We cooperate with more than 12 distinct courier providers, and we always pick the optimal choice for each order.Online Integrations: Including Amazon, WooCommerce, Flipkart, and others, we are able to connect to upwards of 20 web development and online retailing platforms. Find omnichannel retail examples here.Personalized Packaging: We provide specialised packaging options that can be adjusted to meet your needs.Returns Management: We handle returns and safeguard you from any repercussions that may follow. You May Also Check: Discover The Top 10 Logistics Companies in Mumbai Logistics Companies in Surat FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Is Surat a Tier-1 or Tier-2 city?Surat is currently a Tier-2 city but is in the midst of experiencing rapid growth and expansion. What services do logistics companies in Surat offer?- Order fulfillment- Warehousing- Order processing- Shipping- Returns management What are the benefits of partnering with logistics companies in Surat?There are many benefits to partnering with logistics companies in Surat. Some of them are listed below:- Reduces costs- Increases customer satisfaction- Simplifies processes- Quickens delivery speeds- Improves business performance Is Surat a fast-growing eCommerce market?Yes, Surat is considered one of the fastest-growing cities not just in India but in the world. Additionally, it has the highest per-capita income in the country, contributing to the burgeoning use of eCommerce in the city. What type of services do people typically search for when looking for logistics companies in Surat?The common services people search for are delivery, shipping, transportation, and warehousing services. Do people prioritize cost or quality of services when searching for logistics companies in Surat?It depends, some prioritize cost-effectiveness, while others prioritize the quality of services. What other factors do people consider when searching for logistics companies in Surat?The other factors include; On-time delivery rate, reliability, reputation, and customization of services Which is the Best Logistics company in Surat?This will totally depend on your requirements and needs but here are the recommended ones;1. Seros Logistics 2. WareIQ3. Hitco Logistics and Transports Are there any particular industries for which people look for logistics services in Surat?Yes, e-commerce, manufacturing, and textiles are among the industries that search for logistics services in Surat. Does WareIQ provide services in other cities?Yes, WareIQ provides a fulfillment and storage network in most states and major cities across the country. Additionally, it can deliver to almost every pin code within India and also offers these services in more than 220 countries abroad.

December 23, 2022

Export From India to UK: Why Should eCommerce and Traditional Offline Sellers Export to UK From India in 2024 and How Can They Do It?

Export From India to UK: Why Should eCommerce and Traditional Offline Sellers Export to UK From India in 2024 and How Can They Do It?

International shipping in eCommerce has become easier and more widely adopted than ever before. As the world gets more consumer-oriented, retailers need to find ways to maintain their profit margins and take advantage of the increasing demand. Prior to the advent of globalised eCommerce, the only companies that could really take advantage of manufacturing goods in one market and selling them in other countries were large MNCs that could bypass the various restrictions that were in place. However, since the mainstreaming of international shipping, countries across the world have relaxed certain laws and regulations, making it simpler for even smaller businesses to set their sights on selling in international markets. Historically, one of the most prominent markets for Indian goods has been UK. In this blog, we will go over why now is the best time to export from India to UK, the paperwork that is needed and how WareIQ can help. Why Makes the UK an Ideal Market to Export Your Goods to? The UK is the 4th largest eCommerce market in the world, placing it ahead of countries with much larger populations, such as India and Japan. Crucially, the industry is continually experiencing stable year-on-year growth in the country, with it expanding by 9% in 2021, compared to 18% globally. The country’s population also enjoy relatively high incomes compared to most countries in the developing world. Additionally, eCommerce customers are no strangers to international shipping, with 82% of them having purchased at least 1 item from another country. This, combined with manufacturing goods in India for much cheaper than if it were done in the UK, contributes to sellers being able to make consistently high-profit margins on most of their products. Therefore, enterprising sellers on the lookout for lucrative opportunities to expand their business globally can export from India to UK to get the ball rolling on their aspiration for worldwide expansion. [contactus_uth] Why is 2023 the Best Time to Export From India to UK? Financially Capable Populace It is no secret that the UK is one of the most financially successful countries in the world. The general public enjoys a very high standard of living, which gives them the ability and privilege of being able to purchase almost anything they’d want or need. Thus, if your company is able to provide a product that has shown potential to gain popularity in the UK, it could be an instant hit. Additionally, even if you are forced to initially sell your items at competitive prices to capture a sizeable market share, the fact you will be manufacturing your goods in a country where it is cheaper to do so will give you a considerable advantage over local players in the market. The country’s larger cities like London, Manchester and Birmingham constitute a large portion of the majority of eCommerce orders  Reduced Regulations India and the UK share a large and diverse history, for better or for worse. This has contributed to the countries having very similar outlooks and laws in regard to international shipping. Regulations between the two countries are constantly being reduced, making it easier for small and medium-sized businesses to penetrate the market and gain a foothold. However, there still are products that are subject to various limitations, so it is important to identify the specific legalities that are associated with the products you are selling. Flexible Payment Options In the current day and age, there are a vast number of payment options that add to the convenience of the modern world and business transactions. India has had a budding eCommerce market in recent years, resulting in the wide adoption of most major payment methods, such as debit cards, credit cards, bank transfers, UPIs and more. Similarly, the UK is a developed country with highly efficient eCommerce infrastructure, including accepting most major payment alternatives. Since these options coincide across both countries, sending and receiving money between different parties is intuitive and simple. Variety of Shipping Options Because the UK and India are among the largest eCommerce markets in the world, with the latter experiencing rapid expansion, most major shipping companies and 3PLs offer varying degrees of shipping options for products exported from India to UK. Large-scale global juggernauts such as FedEx, DHL, Aramex and more provide seamless shipping services between both countries, taking care of things like customs clearance, documentation and other important processes. There are also many 3PL fulfillment companies, like WareIQ, that have increasingly started offering high-quality international shipping options to help you export from India to UK. Increased Profit Margins Because products in the UK are generally bought and sold in pounds, manufacturing your products in India for cheap and selling them at much higher prices in the UK than you could command locally, would help your business stretch its profit margins to the maximum limits. This is one of the main reasons to even get products exported from India to UK. Additionally, because your company doesn’t need to have employees or a physical office in the UK, all business interactions can be handled directly from India, which contributes to lower expenditures and higher profit margins. List of Required Documents to Get Your Products Exported From India to UK Way Bill A way bill is simply a record provided by every shipping carrier that comprises all important shipping-related information, such as the consignor's and consignee's names, the products' point of origin, its end-destination and the transit route that is assigned. Commercial Export Invoice Customs offices utilise the commercial export invoice to declare exported items at both the port of origin and end destination. The document has the following specifications: Name, address and phone number of the sellerName, address and contact information, as well as the EORI and VAT registration numbers of the recipientName, address and phone number, as well as the VAT registration number of the customerIssuance location and date, bill number and nation of originPayment and delivery terms and conditions, including incoterms, the type of SKUs and quantity of units being shippedProduct description, including item codes and quantity specificationsPricing of the product Letter of Instruction From the Shipper The exporting side of a trade (in this case, India) files the Shipper's Letter of Instruction (SLI), which is then granted to the shipping carrier, who will now oversee the shipment of goods on the exporter's behalf. This document assists in providing the logistics partner engaged in the shipping with transportation and paperwork instructions. In the documentation, an SLI is advised for when you export from India to UK. Import Duties and VAT On orders of any value, the minimum duty imposed when you export from to UK is £135. In addition, all imports entering the country, including those from India, are subject to a 20% VAT. When importing low-value items into the UK, VAT submission is always required. Additional Documentation Along with this, other documents, including a packing list, a letter of credit (LOC) and an airline bill, may also be needed, depending on the type of cargo being exported, such as a drug licence in the case of exports of pharmaceuticals. 5 Most Common Products Exported From India to UK in 2023 Industrial Commodities Source India is one of the global leaders in supplying industry-grade equipment, machinery and other hardware required to manufacture various items. The country is also one of the largest steel producers in the world and hence, produces a variety of stainless steel tools and apparatus to assist with the efficient use of the material. Pre-pandemic, the rate and valuation of the export of industrial goods from India to UK was slightly higher than it is now. However, since 2021, the industry has seen a positive recovery, racking in more than $76 billion. Many leading UK-based manufacturing and engineering companies rely on the export from India to UK, of all the various materials they need for their production lines. Petroleum-Based Goods Source When it comes to petroleum products like oil and gas, most people’s minds would instantly think of countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia. However, it may come as a surprise that India factors into the list of the 5 leading exporters of petroleum-based goods. Some of the petroleum products exported from India to UK include petrol, natural gas, jet fuel, diesel, liquid petroleum, lubricants and more. These materials are essential to the smooth running of essential services, such as petrol stations and vehicle servicing, and also for manufacturing and operational processes. India also boasts of the 2nd largest network of oil refineries in Asia, which makes it an appealing alternative to countries like China. Jewellery and Gems Source India has always had a penchant for unearthing valuable materials and jewellery is no exception. The country is a prime source of various valuable gems, such as gold, diamonds, silver and more. Additionally, Indian jewellery is revered all over the world for its unique and intricate designs, making it an appealing option for westerners and people from other cultures. In addition to the sheer amount of natural gems, synthetic gems are also produced and exported in large quantities. These factors have made India the 5th largest exporter of valuable gems and jewellery in the world. They are one of the leading products exported from India to UK. Clothing and Fabrics Source India is home to a comprehensive fashion and textile industry, producing some of the largest quantities of cotton and other fabrics in the world. As a result, India is one of the leading exporters of cotton, especially to the UK. In fact, even countries that commonly manufacture clothing items, like Vietnam and Bangladesh, import huge amounts of cotton from India. Since cotton is highly necessary for the creation of high-quality clothing goods, a high premium is placed on it, making it a desirable and sought-after commodity. In the latter half of 2020, cotton exports went up by more than 100%. Pharmaceuticals Source India is one of the largest manufacturers of pharmaceutical items in the world and the UK is among its leading customers. Pharmaceutical products exported from India to UK are estimated to be valued at $705 million in 2021, a consistent expansion from previous years. Additionally, the country also has a reputation for producing vaccines at faster rates than the global average, as was evidenced by the rapid production and export of vaccines worldwide in the midst of the global pandemic. Due to the increased emphasis placed on healthcare in countries like the UK, pharmaceutical products exported from India to UK are highly desired. Conclusion: Introduce Your Brand to International Shipping to UK With WareIQ Global International shipping has taken the world by storm and has made it possible to seamlessly export from India to UK and to enjoy the best of what both countries have to offer. India provides an expansive and cost-effective labour force which makes it possible for goods to be manufactured at cheap rates. Conversely, the UK is a highly developed country with a refined eCommerce customer base that is accustomed to using online services to purchase the products they need. Because of these factors, products exported from India to UK have a high chance of being successful and garnering the attention of customers in the UK. Therefore, from a business standpoint, it could be the push that your company needs to increase its sales figures and profit margins. If you need assistance exporting products from India to the UK or any other country or territory worldwide, you can consider partnering with WareIQ. WareIQ is one the fastest-growing eCommerce fulfillment companies in India. Our WareIQ Global Service offers retailers the infrastructure and facilities to ship their products to almost anywhere across the globe. To aid with this, we provide the following features: International Shipping We have partnered with most major international courier service and shipping carriers, such as FedEx, DHL and more, to provide cost-effective shipping services, in return lower shipping costs to more than 220 countries and territories across the world, including the UK, US, EU and Australia. Multiple Inventory Storage Options We have partnered with multiple warehousing companies and fulfillment companies worldwide to provide localised storage facilities in countries you’d want to ship to, including the UK. Additionally, you can also store your inventory in India and export each order individually, as soon as they come in. Last-Mile Delivery We provide international last-mile delivery services in most international destinations to the customer's doorstep. Cost-Effective and Flexible Rates We offer some of the most cost-effective rates in the industry in addition to providing multiple offers and discounts on bulk orders. Seamless Setup Process We require only the essential documents required for international shipping and provide a swift onboarding and setup process so you can start shipping your goods instantly. Suggested Read: Top 10 Courier Services From India to USA Export From India to UK: FAQs What are some additional Indian products that are popular in the UK?Many Indian goods are popular in the UK. Some of them are listed below:- Plastics- Pharmaceuticals- Organic chemicals- Electronic items- Cotton and other fabrics Do you need to pay taxes on goods shipped from India to the UK?Yes. Anything that is couriered or posted to you from another nation must pass through customs to ensure that it is not prohibited or restricted and that you have paid the appropriate tax and duty on it. Online purchases, both new and old, are included.  What is the estimated value of the UK’s eCommerce market?The UK is the 4th largest eCommerce market in the world and is valued at an estimated $177 billion. Which Indian products are the simplest to export?There is a high demand for Indian exports of a number of goods. Some of them are listed below:- Tea- Coffee- Spices- Leather- Cosmetics Does WareIQ Global completely manage your international shipping requirements?Yes, WareIQ Global can help you with getting all your documentation in order, shipping your products, storing them and delivering them to the customers’ doorstep in more than 220 countries and territories around the world.

December 22, 2022

Future of eCommerce Shipping | 10 Prominent and Latest eCommerce Shipping Trends for eCommerce Sellers to Watch Out For in 2024

Future of eCommerce Shipping | 10 Prominent and Latest eCommerce Shipping Trends for eCommerce Sellers to Watch Out For in 2024

Every industry is subject to changing trends and newly introduced technologies and features. eCommerce is even more affected by the latest fads due to its highly competitive nature. For instance, if one company pioneers a service that has the potential to change the eCommerce landscape for the better, such as what Amazon did with same-day delivery service and order tracking, the onus is on other companies to follow suit and implement similar services, to avoid losing customers to businesses that have been able to successfully adapt. Shipping is one of the most crucial and painstaking eCommerce activities as it enables orders to be delivered to their customers on the specified date and time. There are constantly new eCommerce shipping trends that revolutionize the way orders are delivered to their customers. In this blog, we will examine the importance of keeping up with eCommerce shipping trends, the top 10 trends that are currently taking place, and the future of eCommerce shipping. What are eCommerce Shipping Trends? eCommerce shipping includes all the processes involved in getting an order to a customer’s doorstep, including preparing an item for dispatch, picking it up from the warehouse, transporting it to the customer’s location, and using last-mile delivery partners to get it to their doorstep. eCommerce shipping trends refer to the introduction of various technologies and services that can have a profound impact on changing or improving eCommerce shipping procedures. Additionally, they can also refer to the implementation of certain methods for conducting various tasks and processes on a massive scale by several eCommerce sellers, necessitating other retailers to follow suit for fear of being left behind if they don’t get on board. Some examples of past eCommerce shipping trends that have contributed to the way sellers currently ship their products include the enhanced popularity of same-day delivery, cross-border shipping, providing order tracking facilities and much more. [contactus_lilgoodness] Importance of Monitoring eCommerce Shipping Trends in 2023 Enhances Customer Satisfaction By monitoring and taking advantage of eCommerce shipping trends, you will be able to provide a better overall experience to your customers. eCommerce shipping trends gain popularity because they bring something new to the table that may not have been implemented before. Therefore, by utilizing the services and technologies that are made popular by certain trends, you can offer your customers the bleeding edge in terms of order fulfillment - something that they’re sure to appreciate. The positive customer feedback and reviews will make them more likely to make repeat purchases and will spark interest from potential customers that may have been on the fence. Reduces Shipping Expenditures As is laid out above, trends become trends by introducing new and improved ways of doing certain tasks. While the end result of staying on top of eCommerce shipping trends would ultimately be the same - delivering products to customers - the time and money spent would drastically reduce. This is due to the fact that advances in technology and services are often more expensive when it is newly introduced but fall dramatically when it starts to become mainstream. Thus, if you are able to identify trends beforehand, you can make use of it once it starts to become more broadly adopted. Increases Competition While this may not necessarily be a direct benefit for your business, it does pave the way for the hastening of trends becoming more widespread, contributing to the lowering of costs and scrambling by other companies to find a worthy alternative. Just like how customers benefit from increased competition by getting access to the best products and services at the cheapest prices, your business will benefit from other companies researching and introducing new and more efficient ways of conducting shipping operations. However, this does also mean that you need to stay on your toes and offer a service if it becomes pervasive. Streamlines Various Procedures Keeping up with eCommerce shipping trends can assist businesses with streamlining their operations and improving their efficiency, which can help them save time, effort, finances and resources. Since eCommerce shipping involves multiple different processes, enhancing the efficiency of even one of them can have a snowball effect on procedures further down the line, resulting in an overall more well-put-together shipping experience for both your business and customers. Improves Flexibility By following up with shipping trends, businesses can access a wider range of shipping options and be more competent at adapting to changes in the market or the needs of their customers. You will be able to preemptively make decisions based on the nature and scope of various trends, resulting in your business being more prepared to handle challenging situations. Additionally, if a trend introduces a new feature, you can be one of the early adopters and test the waters to see if it is worth the hype. What is the Future of eCommerce Shipping and Where Is It Heading? The future of eCommerce shipping looks bright and full of potential for innovation and growth. With the consistently rapid expansion of the eCommerce user base in terms of both sellers and customers in the past few years, there has been an increasing demand for efficient and reliable shipping options that can meet the needs of consumers. Overall, the future of eCommerce shipping is full of potential for innovation and growth. As technology continues to advance and consumer preferences evolve, we can expect to see a range of exciting developments in the way packages are delivered to customers. Here are a few statistics that showcase the direction eCommerce shipping is heading in: 73% of online shoppers specified that they were placing more online orders than in previous years.18% of the total retail spending in the world is generated by eCommerce.44% of consumers indicated that they were willing to only wait 2 days to have their orders shipped.57% of eCommerce customers have shifted to purchasing online from conventional brick-and-mortar stores.56% of Gen X and 55% of Millennials, the age groups that make up the majority of the world's population, prefer having their orders shipped to them than the other way around.  10 Emerging eCommerce Shipping Trends to Watch Out For in 2023 Increase in International Shipping Source eCommerce, unlike conventional brick-and-mortar stores, is not subject to the restrictions on international distribution imposed by country borders. The industry is expected to grow by $44 billion by 2025. It has become common for customers in one part of the world to order products that are listed, sold and manufactured in a completely different part of the world. Due to the rapid emergence of globalism and all the benefits that come with it, including being able to seamlessly distribute products globally, eCommerce retailers and customers alike are more inclined to take advantage of the tools at their disposal. International shipping enables sellers to locate a region where they can manufacture their goods at the cheapest rates and sell their products in a market that commands the highest prices.  Accelerated Expansion in Rural Areas Source With more and more people gaining access to the internet every day and making a concise effort to change their age-old habits and use it for their everyday needs, eCommerce is expanding like never before to distant and isolated rural areas. This trend is especially prominent in countries like India, where it is possible to witness seemingly overnight changes in many regions. While the Indian population sits at around 1.4 billion, the total internet user base was just 300 million people in 2017. Since then, it has more than doubled, with 750 million users in 2020 and is estimated to reach 1.5 billion people, more than the current population of the country, by 2040. This will result in even more people choosing to use eCommerce for their everyday needs and will necessitate that sellers begin to streamline eCommerce shipping. Advent of Hyperlocal Order Fulfillment Source Hyperlocal delivery refers to the eCommerce shipping strategy that is currently used by most food and grocery delivery apps. Having strategically located hyperlocal or “dark” stores scattered across areas of high demand enable sellers to drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to deliver their products to their customers. Same-day and next-day delivery has been replaced by 30-minute and even 10-minute delivery timelines. Trends like this have resulted in eCommerce retailers needing to streamline shipping processes for eCommerce to take advantage of the increased visibility and convenience that customers associate with it. Use of Drones and Other Advanced Technology Source Drones are being tested for use in delivering packages to remote and hard-to-reach areas. Companies like Amazon have already implemented the use of drones for various delivery circumstances. eCommerce shipping trends such as this, although still in early in their lifecycle, have the potential to revolutionize the way packages are delivered and make shipping faster and more efficient. Other new technologies that could shape the future of eCommerce shipping include self-driving delivery vehicles and augmented reality technology to assist with package tracking and delivery. Once these technologies become mainstream, consumers will start to have more interaction with them, resulting in a better overall experience. Accelerated Shipping Speeds Source Providing ultra-fast delivery has been important for quite some time now, a sentiment that is reiterated by the fact that over 61% of customers would voluntarily pay more to get access to faster shipping. In years gone by, customers wouldn’t complain if their order reached them in a week. However, if the same thing were to happen today, they would instantly take to social media and online forums to voice their displeasure. Additionally, some sellers offer even quicker delivery times, such as 30-minute and even 10-minute deliveries to certain locations. The hyper-competitive nature of eCommerce has necessitated that retailers adopt features as soon as they become popular and due to the resounding success of ultra-fast delivery when it was first introduced, the entire industry has jumped onto the bandwagon. Enhanced Focus on Sustainability Source In our increasingly aware world, focusing on sustainability has become one of the most persistent eCommerce shipping trends. Many companies are focusing on eco-friendly packaging and reducing the carbon emissions and overall footprint of their shipping operations. Achieving this does not come easy and companies have had to go through massive changes to various tools and processes in order to generate success in being sustainable. Additionally, there is the added pressure of any mishaps or issues spreading like wildfire on social media so it is important for companies to ensure that they are reducing their contribution to global warming and pollution. Rise of Branded Packaging Source The unboxing experience is one of the most important factors in the entire purchase. After customers have spent their hard-earned money on purchasing a product and have waited patiently for it to arrive, they want to see a well-protected, well-designed package that feels premium and gives a sense of luxury. Therefore, many brands have started providing branded packaging where every element of the box and outer layers can be customized with various designs, materials, logos and more. It also provides much-needed publicity to the company’s brand itself, so if a  customer is happy with their experience, they know who to thank. Over 40% of all eCommerce customers also share their unboxing moments on social media, contributing to eCommerce shipping trends like this one. Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Source Artificial intelligence and machine learning can help eCommerce companies optimize their shipping processes and improve efficiency. For instance, AI can be used to predict shipping demand and route packages in the most efficient way possible, reducing costs and delivery times. It can also perform tasks such as assigning the quickest and most cost-effective shipping carriers, determining the quickest route to a given destination, tracking orders across multiple fulfillment platforms, placing replenishment orders and much more. Another advantage of AI and ML is that because they are software tools, they are constantly being refined and updated with new features and capabilities. Use of Omnichannel Order Fulfillment Source Omnichannel order fulfillment occurs when retailers list and sell their products on multiple selling platforms. Advances in technology and integrations have enabled sellers not to put all their eggs in one basket and branch out to different online marketplaces so that they can get the maximum exposure and generate the most sales. For instance, a retailer may have more sales on Amazon than Flipkart but combined, they will have more sales than if they were selling on each channel individually. As a result, the number of orders that need to be shipped and delivered increases exponentially and sellers need to take the necessary steps to scale up their operations. Choice of Shipping Carriers Source In addition to traditional carriers like FedEx and UPS, some eCommerce companies have increasingly started using alternative carriers, such as USPS, DHL and more. This can help businesses find the most cost-effective and efficient shipping options for their products. It also helps reduce the effects of unwanted shipping delays and unforeseen circumstances by providing multiple alternatives so that orders can still get fulfilled on time. This ensures that customers can still receive their orders, despite challenging situations, increasing their faith and satisfaction in the brand they ordered from, prompting them to consider the same company for future purchases. Conclusion: Stay On Top of eCommerce Shipping Trends in 2023 With WareIQ eCommerce shipping has come a long way in recent years, introducing various convenience and lifestyle features that have contributed to an ever-increasing amount of people using eCommerce for their everyday requirements. It continues to evolve and adapt based on the changing state of technology and consumer expectations. Staying up-to-date with the latest eCommerce shipping trends can help your business improve its operations, reduce costs and better meet the needs of its customers. By keeping an eye on these trends, you can stay relevant and competitive as the eCommerce market continues to be inundated with sellers from every sector and industry. If you need assistance with monitoring eCommerce shipping trends, delivering orders to your customers and having a vast amount of shipping partners at your disposal, WareIQ could be the right choice for you. WareIQ is one of India’s fastest-expanding eCommerce fulfillment companies. We provide a vast range of services that can contribute to the efficient operation of your eCommerce shipping procedures. Some of them are listed below: International and Domestic Shipping Through our WareIQ Global service, retailers can ship their products locally and to more than 220 countries and territories around the world. We also provide storage facilities, last-mile delivery and more, both domestically and internationally. Last-Mile Delivery We help retailers with the last leg of the delivery process by ensuring their products are picked up from the warehouse after they have been transported to the relevant customer’s city and delivered right to their doorstep. Choice of Shipping Aggregator We have partnered with more than 20 of the largest shipping services in the country and automatically assign the fastest and cheapest option for each individual order to enhance customer satisfaction, in addition to providing ultra-fast same-day and next-day delivery. No Minimum Order Requirements Unlike other 3PL fulfillment companies, we do not have any minimum order requirements for packages to be shipped. Additionally, we give users a choice of services they want to opt for and they pay only for the facilities they use, which increases their profit margins and reduces their prices. RTO Shield Our custom RTO Shield employs methods to minimize RTO requests and prevents retailers from incurring RTO expenses through liability protection and insurance. eCommerce Shipping Trends: FAQs Why is it necessary to keep up with eCommerce shipping trends?Keeping up with eCommerce shipping trends can help businesses improve their operations, reduce costs and better meet the needs of their customers. It can also help businesses stay competitive in the rapidly-evolving world of eCommerce. What are the benefits of using fulfillment centers for eCommerce shipping? Fulfillment centers can help businesses reduce shipping times and costs, and they can also handle the packing and labelling of orders. This can help businesses streamline their operations and improve their efficiency and also ensures that orders are accurately selected, packaged and dispatched. Why do eCommerce companies use alternative carriers?Using alternative carriers can help businesses find the most cost-effective and efficient shipping options for their products. It can also provide businesses with greater flexibility and allow them to adapt to variations in the market or the needs of their customers. Additionally, many 3PL companies like WareIQ provide smart courier allocators to automatically determine the best option for every order. What are the challenges of cross-border eCommerce shipping? Cross-border eCommerce shipping can be complex, as it involves navigating different customs regulations and duties in different countries. It can also be more expensive due to the added costs of international shipping and customs clearance. Does WareIQ provide same-day and next-day delivery?Yes, WareIQ not only provides same-day and next-day delivery but provides a network of dark stores that aid in sub-30-minute hyperlocal delivery.

December 17, 2022

10 Simple Ways to Streamline Shipping Processes for eCommerce Sellers in 2024

10 Simple Ways to Streamline Shipping Processes for eCommerce Sellers in 2024

eCommerce shipping is one of the most crucial parts of the entire industry. It consolidates a variety of tasks, such as picking, packing, dispatch, distribution, and first-mile delivery and last-mile delivery, to ensure that orders are successfully delivered to their respective customers. However, due to the volatile and constantly fluctuating nature of various external components that influence eCommerce shipping, such as fuel prices, distances, weather conditions, road closures, and more, paying more than you expected for each order is not uncommon. This is why you should streamline shipping processes for eCommerce. Even if a situation arises that you haven’t accounted for, its potential to cause delays and disruptions is reduced when all your shipping services are running smoothly. While there are many simple ways to ensure that your shipping processes are running at their maximum potential, you should also keep an eye on emerging trends that could have an effect on the way you are able to ship and deliver products to your customers. We will take a look at all these aspects and more so read along. What is eCommerce Shipping? eCommerce shipping refers to the process of delivering goods that have been purchased online to the relevant customer's doorstep. This typically involves locating the items in the warehouse, packaging them, arranging for a vehicle to transport them to the dispatch point, shipping the consignment to the customer’s destination, having a delivery partner pick it up and transport it to the customer’s end location and tracking the shipment to ensure that it arrives on time. eCommerce shipping can either be directly handled by your company or the first-party fulfillment solution offered by chosen selling platform or outsourced to a third-party logistics provider. Because there are various processes involved with eCommerce shipping, there are different costs associated with it, all of which can skyrocket if they are not managed properly. Hence, investing in the resources needed to streamline eCommerce shipping operations pays dividends. [contactus_lilgoodness] Why is it Important to Streamline eCommerce Shipping? Improves Customer Satisfaction When streamlining shipping processes for eCommerce, helps ensure that orders are delivered promptly and accurately, which can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, which results in increased sales and revenue for your business. Many customers will also take to your website and other online forums to voice their positive experience with your business, which can lead to even more prospects deciding to give your business a chance over your competitors.  Reduces Distribution-Related Costs Once you streamline shipping processes for eCommerce, it will help improve the efficiency of each operation, ensuring that it is running at its most efficient and cost-effective capacity. It will also reduce the number of errors and missteps that can lead to additional expenses. This can also have a snowball effect on other processes further down the supply chain, ensuring that your business receives a significant amount of savings that can then be redirected to more core business activities.  Improves Inventory Management Inefficient inventory management can lead to more expensive holding and operational costs. When you streamline eCommerce shipping, it necessitates that you also invest in WMS software or OMS software that can enhance inventory management and group every product by size, weight, cost, SKU number and more, making it easier to locate each item so that it can be dispatched as soon as possible. It can also help improve the accuracy of demand forecasting, which can help to avoid overstocking and understocking situations. Top 10 Methods to Streamline Shipping Processes for eCommerce in 2024 Set Up Automatic Alerts Source Order tracking for ecommerceis a must-have facility that every customer needs access to, to prevent them from getting agitated regarding the whereabouts of their order. Using order tracking software that can automatically keep you and your customers informed about every stage of the supply cycle that an order passes through is one of the biggest steps to streamline shipping processes for eCommerce. It enables both parties to have peace of mind and can reduce RTOs and cancellations due to a lack of communication. Synchronise Shipping Data Into Your CRM Source CRM stands Customer Relationship Management and as the name implies, is a tool that consists of vital information regarding the various interactions you have with your customers. Integrating your shipping and order information into the CRM itself will let you know instantly if there is a delay or an actionable item with any customer’s order, giving you a headstart on rectifying it, which makes it a necessity if you want to streamline eCommerce shipping.  Conduct Periodic Inspections Source The main goal of streamlining something is to identify areas of improvement or bottlenecks that are impeding your intended level of progress. Similarly, in order to successfully streamline eCommerce shipping, you must implement a process of rigorous periodic checkups that can keep an eye out for any inefficiencies that can hamper your ability to deliver orders to your customers on time. Things like scanning SKU numbers to check if the product matches the order can save you tons of hassle in the long run. Deliver Orders From the Closest Warehouse to the Customer Source Despite many advances in delivery technology, nothing can match the speed with which an order can be delivered if the physical distance is as small as possible. Many 3PL companies have software that can determine the best storage location to fulfill an order from, based on the factors like distance to the customer’s location, transit time and more. This technique will help streamline eCommerce shipping by ensuring that the shortest delivery distance is always allocated. Use Automated Courier Allocation Source If you or your 3PL fulfillment company has partnered with multiple shipping carriers, selecting the fastest option for each order is paramount. Many external fulfillment solutions are able to streamline shipping processes for eCommerce by automatically assigning the quickest option by comparing factors, such as the available routes, prices charged by individual shipping companies, delivery phases and more. This will ensure that orders are delivered quickly and efficiently.  Automate Replenishment Triggers Source Either invest in a good WMS software or partner with a 3PL company that provides an in-house option. This will enable you to get access to data regarding which SKUs are being sold the most and which ones need to be restocked at particular intervals. Some alternatives can help you automate your replenishment triggers so that when units are running low in relation to the order frequency of a particular item, a reorder for a pre-determined quantity will be placed so you never have to worry about overstocking or understocking situations. Present Realistic Delivery Estimates Source While it would be nice to have same-day delivery guarantees for every item, it just isn’t feasible. There are constant factors that physically prevent certain orders from being delivered in such a short amount of time, such as distance, item size, harsh weather conditions and more. Therefore, if you want to streamline eCommerce shipping and avoid giving customers false hope, make sure you mention realistic delivery estimates once an order is confirmed to avoid criticisms and negative feedback.  Store Similar SKUs Separately Source Even the smallest eCommerce seller has multiple items, often in the same categories, that look so similar, they cannot be differentiated without comparing their SKU numbers. To successfully streamline shipping processes for eCommerce, you need to ensure that these items are stored separately. If multiple similar-looking products are stored together and there is a flurry of orders coming in, the wrong item can easily be picked and shipped, leading to multiple delays and awkward encounters. Identify Supply Chain Bottlenecks Source Identifying bottlenecks or things that are slowing down your ability to dispatch orders on time in your supply chain. It could be something minor, like a staff member taking longer than needed to pick, pack and dispatch an order. Conversely, it could also be something major, such as mismatched serial numbers, disparities in inventory counts and more. Scouting for these issues and tackling them before they fester and cause further disruptions is imperative to streamline eCommerce shipping. Make Sure Your Objectives are Achievable Source The biggest mistake that eCommerce businesses often make is being too over-ambitious. It is important to discern where you are with where you want to be. For instance, if you have an objective to be able to sell and fulfill a certain number of orders a month, you need to ensure that your existing fulfillment infrastructure can handle it or you will have to make the necessary investments to improve its capacity. If that doesn’t happen, it can cause multiple issues, from unfulfilled orders and out-of-stock items being listed to massive delays and negative customer sentiments.  Conclusion: How Can WareIQ Help Streamline eCommerce Shipping for Your Online Business? As online retail fulfillment continues to grow and evolve, the need for retailers to streamline eCommerce shipping cannot be overstated. In today's fast-paced world, customers expect their orders to be delivered quickly and accurately, and any mistakes or delays in the shipping process can lead to dissatisfaction and even lost sales. Overall, streamlining eCommerce shipping is vital for the prosperity of any online retail business. By offering fast and reliable delivery, you can increase customer satisfaction, reduce shipping costs and cement your place in the market. By investing in the right tools and processes, you can ensure that you streamline shipping processes for eCommerce and that your customers stay happy and loyal. If you need assistance with streamlining your eCommerce shipping operations, WareIQ can be the answer to your needs. WareIQ is an eCommerce fulfillment company that was founded in 2019 and is currently based in Bangalore, Karnataka. We offer a vast array of solutions, encompassing every facet of eCommerce, including shipping and physical distribution. Some of the key ways we can help you streamline eCommerce shipping are listed below: Partnership With Multiple Shipping Carriers We have partnered with more than 12 of the leading shipping companies in the nation to give you the best options for every order Ultra-Fast Delivery We provide ultra-fast same-day and next-day delivery through our WareIQ Rush platform that is guaranteed to delight your customers. Smart Courier Allocator We provide a custom courier allocator that automatically assigns the quickest and most cost-effective option for every order. International Shipping We provide international shipping to more than 220 countries and territories around the world through our WareIQ Global platform, in addition to storage and last-mile delivery internationally. Last-Mile Delivery We provide last-mile delivery facilities both locally and abroad, to ensure orders are delivered on schedule with the help of Last Mile Delivery Management Software. Streamline Shipping Processes for eCommerce: FAQs Why is streamlining eCommerce shipping necessary?Streamlining eCommerce shipping is necessary because it can help ensure that orders are delivered promptly and accurately. Additionally, streamlining eCommerce shipping can help to reduce costs by improving the efficiency of shipping processes and reducing the number of errors and missteps that can lead to additional expenses. What are the challenges associated with streamlining eCommerce shipping?eCommerce shipping consists of many different challenges. Some of them are listed below:- Increasing costs- Unforeseen delays- Incorrect address information- Goods getting damaged in transit- Customers expecting free shipping What are some of the costs associated with eCommerce shipping?Some of the main costs associated with eCommerce shipping are listed below:- Fuel costs- Maintenance costs- Loading costs- Last-mile delivery costs- Employee salaries How can customer satisfaction be increased by streamlining eCommerce shipping?Streamlining eCommerce shipping can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can lead to increased sales and revenue for your business. This is because customers will get access to benefits, such as timely order delivery, well-packaged items, order tracking and more. Does WareIQ provide both international and domestic shipping?Yes, WareIQ provides shipping services both domestically and internationally in addition to inventory storage, last-mile delivery, returns management and more.

December 15, 2022

When and How to Choose a Fulfillment Service for Shopify for Your D2C & eCommerce Business in 2024? 

When and How to Choose a Fulfillment Service for Shopify for Your D2C & eCommerce Business in 2024? 

Shopify is one of the largest eCommerce marketplaces in the world. Consisting of a user base of around 2 million sellers across the world, the company provides a wide range of unique services and facilities, such as offering support for brick-and-mortar sellers, providing a vast catalogue of external and 1st-party apps and plugins that can enhance various facets of a company’s eCommerce operations, enabling well-designed websites through custom templates and editors, and much more. Additionally, Shopify offers its users the ability to opt for external fulfillment solutions for their own convenience. This is advantageous because many sellers may have an existing relationship with a fulfillment company, have all their data securely stored in their databases, and is accustomed to their prices, policies and user experience. Conversely, some sellers choose a fulfillment service for Shopify due to the multiple benefits associated with them, such as lower prices, access to vast storage networks, use of the latest technology, and more. In this blog, we will cover when you should choose a Shopify 3PL company, the benefits of partnering with them, and elements you should look at while making your decision. An Introduction to Order Fulfillment and Fulfillment Services for Shopify Order fulfillment comprises all the procedures associated with successfully delivering an order to the doorstep of the customer that ordered it. This includes identifying the appropriate product in the warehouse, packaging it, getting it ready for dispatch, shipping it to the customer’s destination and using a delivery partner on the ground to ensure it reaches its intended location. Thus, it is a big portion of the entire eCommerce process because, without order fulfillment, customers would not have any reason to purchase items online in the first place. Similarly, companies that provide all the above services and more are known as fulfillment services or 3PL fulfillment companies. Since Shopify provides 3 fulfillment options - automatic, partial, and manual - the last of which enables retailers to opt for their own Shopify 3PL company, you can choose which one would be the best option for your current business requirements. Fulfillment services can additionally provide many more services, such as a storage network, custom packaging, online integrations, and more. [contactus_lilgoodness] When Should You Look Out for a 3PL Fulfillment Service for Shopify? The top 6 situations in which you should definitely look out for a 3PL fulfillment service provider for fulfilling orders from Shopify are listed below: Erratic Sales Patterns Fluctuating demand and sales patterns can have dire impacts on even the most experienced eCommerce businesses. Sellers have to factor in many different things while choosing how much inventory they should have on hand for each SKU. If consumer demand is volatile and fluctuating constantly, you may not be able to gauge how many units you need to store, which will create uncertainty and could lead to overstocking or understocking. If you choose a fulfillment service for Shopify, you will instantly be able to monitor external conditions and utilize various tools to safeguard your inventory in such conditions. Reduced Financial Capabilities Not every business has access to a vast pool of capital. In fact, most of them have to be extremely careful with their finances. Because of this, they often get left behind when it comes to introducing the latest services and technology to their customers, which will diminish their brand’s reputation in the long run. However, if you partner with a Shopify 3PL company, you will get access to all of their features and technology, and use it effectively to fulfill orders and satisfy your customers. Periods of Excess Growth During various holiday seasons, such as Christmas and Diwali, when customers are most likely to make online purchases, your sales can flourish. However, if you aren’t prepared for the increased demand, you may find it difficult to keep up, which will eventually lead to errors and order backlogs. To actually appreciate and make use of appreciating sales, partnering with a Shopify 3PL company is a good option because they have the necessary infrastructure in place to tackle bulky orders and high demand.  You can refer to this to avoid mistakes during the holiday season. Lack of Your Own Fulfillment Infrastructure Many eCommerce companies do not have access to their own fulfillment infrastructure, such as fulfillment centers, shipping carrier partnerships, last-mile delivery service personnel and more, which is obviously needed for successful order fulfillment. Most fulfillment providers supply all these options and some even let businesses choose the specific services they need. To keep up with each other, they also employ the latest technology and features, which will help your company be on the bleeding edge of eCommerce fulfillment. Difficulty in Omni Channel Order fulfillment If a seller on Shopify has a presence across multiple online marketplaces as well as traditional offline channels, streamlining the entire fulfillment process, including eCommerce warehousing, shipping, etc. or self-fulfillment becomes a difficult task to manage. Seeking to Prioritize Other Business Activities Even though order fulfillment is important, it isn’t the be-all and end-all of a company’s activities. Work also has to be done to research new products, refine existing ones, market them to the relevant audience, conduct audits and much more. For a company that is doing all these tasks on its own, it can get more than a little strenuous. Therefore, partnering with a Shopify 3PL company can alleviate the burden of order fulfillment from your plate, so you will be free to pursue more nuanced business activities. 5 Benefits of Partnering With a 3PL Fulfillment Company for Shopify Increased Efficiency 3PL fulfillment companies have the expertise and resources to handle all aspects of order fulfillment, from storage and inventory management to packing and shipping. This can help ensure that orders are fulfilled quickly and accurately, which can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the risk of returns or refunds. Additionally, every process will be streamlined and handled directly by the fulfillment company itself, so you rest easy knowing that everything is taken care of in relation to order fulfillment. Improved Scalability As your business grows and the volume of orders increases, it can be challenging to fulfill orders in-house. A Shopify 3PL partner can provide the necessary resources and infrastructure to handle the increased demand, allowing you to scale your business without having to invest in additional equipment or personnel. Make sure to choose an option that has future-proof facilities and technology, and you should be able to fulfill orders, regardless of how fast the volume increases. Reduced Costs Partnering with a Shopify 3PL service can help you save money on fulfillment-related expenses, such as storage, packaging and shipping. A 3PL can also provide bulk discounts on these services, further reducing your logistics costs and other. Additionally, outsourcing fulfillment to a 3PL can free up your time and resources, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business that are also important, such as marketing, research and development and accounting. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction A Shopify 3PL company can provide additional services, such as custom packaging and gift wrapping, that can enhance the experience customers have with your business. They can also offer faster shipping options and provide order tracking information to customers, which can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of returns or complaints. Most importantly, they ensure you are able to provide the most cutting-edge facilities to your customers, so you can stay relevant in relation to your competitors. Top 5 Factors to Consider While Evaluating 3PL Fulfillment Services for Shopify in 2024 Storage and Distribution Network Source It is important to choose a fulfillment service for Shopify that is conveniently located in regard to your business and especially, your customers. This will help ensure that orders are shipped and delivered quickly and efficiently, regardless of where they are placed from. Many 3PL companies have nationwide storage and distribution networks which will help you fulfill orders to remote locations just as easily as to large metropolitan areas.  Range of Services Source Different Shopify 3PL companies providers offer different services, so it's important to choose one that can meet your specific criteria. For example, some providers may offer additional services like custom packaging and labeling, while others may only offer basic fulfillment services. You should also look for fulfilment services that can easily integrate into the existing framework used by other eCommerce businesses. For instance, when you sell on various eCommerce platforms, those linkages are crucial for seamless channel-to-channel logistics. This covers vendor management systems and B2B wholesale channels. Pricing Options Source A Shopify 3PL provider can have the best possible feature set and have every facility you need but if you cannot afford it or it bombards you with additional hidden costs, it may not be the option for you. Fulfillment services can vary greatly in price, so it's important to compare the costs of different providers to ensure that you're getting a good deal. Don't forget to consider any additional fees or charges that may not be included in the quoted price because they can contribute greatly to the amount you’d actually end up paying. Reputation Amongst Existing Clients It's always a good idea to do your research and read reviews from other businesses that have used the Shopify 3PL provider you are considering. This can help you get a sense of their reliability and customer service. It pays dividends to browse through their reviews on their own website and other online forums to get a sense of how they tackle existing issues and whether customers are satisfied with the resolutions they received. After all, since the company is going to be responsible for such a big part of your business, they should be answerable to you whenever you need any clarifications. Data and Analytical Infrastructure Source eCommerce, like other internet-based industries, is extremely data-driven. Data is used to identify how much inventory to order, predict future demand, ascertain the right target audience, identify which products are successful and which aren’t, determine why customers are abandoning their carts and much more. It is able to give you detailed insights that we just wouldn’t see without clear indication. Hence, it is important for you to choose a fulfillment service for Shopify that gives you access to a detailed suite of data and analytical tools so you can monitor key metrics of your business and its performance relative to where you want it to be. Conclusion: Why Should WareIQ be Your First Pick for a Shopify 3PL Fulfillment Service in 2024? Choosing a fulfillment service for Shopify can be a make-or-break decision for your eCommerce business. Shopify 3PL companies can be your gateway to increased sales, positive reviews and expansion to other markets. On the other hand, if you are struggling to tackle the increased load brought about by successfully selling and marketing your products, it may lead to negative sentiments among customers if orders are delivered incorrectly, delays occur and stockout situations arise. Shopify, one of the biggest online selling platforms on the market, can provide the publicity and visibility your business needs. However, this could work both for and against you, based on the type of experience you are giving your customers. Therefore, choose a fulfillment service for Shopify that closely resembles your desired objectives. One of the best options currently available is WareIQ. WareIQ has emerged as one of the leading eCommerce fulfillment companies in India. Having been founded in 2019 in Bangalore, Karnataka, WareIQ offers many conventional eCommerce facilities in addition to unique features that can result in skyrocketing customer satisfaction. Some of the key services we offer are listed below: Platform Integrations Shopify itself, as well as upwards of 20 other eCommerce marketplaces and online stores can be seamlessly integrated with WareIQ so you can view all of your crucial data from a single dashboard. Super-Speedy Delivery With the help of WareIQ Rush, you can deliver purchases to consumers the same day or the following day, improving their satisfaction with your business. Returns Management Returns are an unavoidable aspect of online shopping. Crucially, their detrimental effects on your company don't have to be. We fully manage your returns process and provide a number of precautions to protect your business and its products. Selection of Shipping Companies With more than 12 of the largest shipping companies in India in the nation as partners, WareIQ also provides an intelligent courier service allocator that chooses the quickest and least expensive shipping method for each order. India-Encompassing Storage Network We have a network of dark stores and fulfillment centers that spans the entirety of India. Additionally, you can manage your inventory and orders across all of them using our unique WMS. Suggested Read: Shopify Fulfillment: How to Fulfill Shopify Orders with WareIQ? Choose a Fulfillment Service for Shopify: FAQs How many fulfillment methods does Shopify offer?Shopify offers 3 fulfillment methods. They are listed below:- Automatic: The entire fulfillment process is automated.- Partial: Some tasks are automated and some are manually completed.- Manual: Most major tasks need to be done manually. What are some other popular online storefronts?There are many online selling platforms that are available. Some of them are:- WooCommerce- Magento- BigCommerce- Wix- Ecwid Does Shopify have a first-party fulfillment solution?Yes, Shopify does provide its own fulfillment services, known as the Shopify Fulfillment Network. However, it is only suitable for fulfilling Shopify orders and cannot integrate seamlessly with other platforms. How can fulfillment companies be added to Shopify?Fulfillment companies can be added to Shopify using the following steps:- Tap “Shipping and Delivery” under “Store” settings- Click “Add Fulfillment Service” under the “Custom Order Fulfillment” section- Enter the name of your custom fulfillment supplier in the form- Enter the email address of the company that handles your custom fulfillment- Press “Save” Can WareIQ fulfill orders for other online selling platforms?Yes, WareIQ can integrate and fulfill orders from multiple other online marketplaces and storefronts, such as Amazon, eBay, WooCommerce, Snapdeal, Flipkart and more.

December 14, 2022

15 Best Ways to Increase Shopify Sales for Your eCommerce Business in 2024

15 Best Ways to Increase Shopify Sales for Your eCommerce Business in 2024

Shopify is one of the largest online selling platforms in the world. It provides retailers with the opportunity to set up digital storefronts to sell their products and also gives them access to a vast suite of technology and facilities to help them be successful. Using these tools gives you the best shot of gaining as much website traffic as possible. However, in eCommerce and other internet-based services, traffic, clicks, and impressions don’t always equal sales. Oftentimes, customers might stumble upon a neatly designed web page, only to exit without purchasing after browsing around for a bit. Modern analytical tools enable sellers to monitor which pages customers are directed to, which pages they spend the most time on, which pages get them to leave and whether they have added any items to their carts, only to abandon the shopping cart later without proceeding to checkout. This enables retailers to identify patterns in customer behaviour and attribute reasons for those patterns using historical data. This will allow them to remove any weak links and hopefully get customers to convert their interest into a tangible purchase. In this blog, we will take a look at the main reasons why companies get poor conversion rates and 15 strategies you can use to increase Shopify sales. Introduction to Shopify It may be surprising to note that Shopify was initially pioneered as a channel to purchase snowboarding equipment. The company was initially founded in 2006 in Ottawa, Canada and is currently headquartered there. Since then, Shopify has branched out to become one of the leading online sales channels in the world, with almost 2 million active companies using its platform to sell their products on Shopify Website (which is covered under sell on Shopify). The company enables businesses to set up online stores and also offer their own apps and take advantage of existing add-ons and plugins to increase the functionality of their site and enhance the purchasing experience that they provide to customers. Additionally, the company also provides support for offline selling channels, which makes it unique among other eCommerce marketplaces. It can also integrate with multiple other tools, Shopify apps and others, which assists it in being highly flexible and customizable. Sellers can employ various tactics in order to increase Shopify sales. [contactus_uth] Top 5 Reasons for Poor Conversion Rates on Shopify Complex Website interface A complex website interface can be the nail in the coffin for sellers trying to increase Shopify sales. When designing your Shopify website, you need to keep in mind that not all customers are technologically inclined and so you need to design your page to be intuitive and approaching so that even the most technologically-challenged person can navigate it with ease. Some ways you can ensure an easily-navigable site is by providing easy access to the essential components, such as the main menu, back button, access to other pages and more. While we encourage innovative designs, the menu should be left clean and uncluttered to ensure that customers can easily identify it. Inaccurate Audience Targetting If your looking to boost sales on Shopify, odds are you have already done the research and put in the work to develop your product. However, that is only half the story. If you don’t identify the people that actively want to purchase your product and can realistically afford it, you won’t successfully get sales. For instance, if you are selling a technology-based item, such as a pair of wireless headphones, you’d want to make sure that younger audiences that can also afford to buy it have maximum exposure to it. Hence, you could shortlist people between the ages of 20 to 50. You wouldn’t want to primarily target older or younger audiences because they may not have the willingness or ability to buy what you are selling.  Lack of Smartphone Optimization Smartphones are the holy grail when it comes to browsing the internet. Sure, laptops may give you a bigger screen and increased functionality but it requires a dedicated effort to use. Smartphones, on the other hand, are always with us and are our primary means of communication. Therefore, a poorly-optimized webpage for smartphones is bound to create frustration and limit your ability to successfully convey your message to customers. Hence, you should devote time and resources to make sure your site runs smoothly on mobile devices. Poorly Designed Listing Pages eCommerce is a highly competitive business. The average conversion rate of online retailers is a mere 2.86% and having a poorly designed product page further reduces that to a lowly 0.86%. In order to boost sales on Shopify, you need to make sure to include multiple high-resolution images of the product in different use cases, well-written descriptions, a clear-cut call to action, testimonials and reviews and contact information. This will ensure that customers have all the information they need at their fingertips so they can make an informed decision without needing to leave the page. Cumbersome Checkout Process According to research, a smooth checkout process can result in a 35% increase in conversions. No one likes an unnecessarily long and convoluted checkout process. After putting in the time to browse and shortlist a product you want to buy, you want the checkout process to be instant so that the product can be dispatched and delivered as soon as possible. If you find that your conversion rates are stagnating, identify any flaws with your checkout process that are making it additionally complex and try curtailing it. 15 Best Strategies to Increase Shopify Sales in 2024 Identify Your Unique Selling Point Source The unique selling point of your products should be identified and highlighted as much as possible. It will give customers all the information they need as to why they should pick your product and brand over your competitors. Your USP could be anything, ranging from your products being more cost-effective or using higher quality materials to providing customers with free shipping or 24/7 customer support. Making sure that potential customers are aware of the value proposition you are offering in relation to your competitors can often be the nudge they need to purchase your products and help you increase Shopify sales. Survey Potential Customers Source Knowing what your customers expect from your products and services is one step towards eventually convincing them to purchase items from you. There are a variety of apps, such as RevenueHunt and OctaneAI, that can provide this functionality to your Shopify store. You can use them to survey customers on a variety of topics, such as their product preferences, ideal delivery timeline, available budget, pain points and much more. This will help to provide them with a more personalised experience and will help you recommend the appropriate products to them. Publicize Reviews and Testimonials Source An overwhelming 93% of customers indicated that reviews from existing customers play a big part in their purchasing decisions. Just like other internet-based services, eCommerce enables customers to share their feedback directly on Shopify pages and other online forums. This ensures that firms place the utmost importance on making sure their customers have a good experience and if they don’t, they will face the consequences through negative feedback, which will deter future customers from purchasing from them. Also, make sure to respond to existing comments and queries because how a firm resolves issues and communicates with customers is a litmus test for how they treat their customers. Utilize Blog Content Source Generating leads through online blogs has gained popularity because it is a more effortless and cost-effective alternative to conventional marketing and social media advertising. Blogs that cover a variety of topics can be genuinely useful to customers. Ensure you provide a suitable call to action so customers can enter their information or sign up. Additionally, you also have to take care of SEO metrics so that your blogs can rank highly on result pages whenever someone types in a respective keyword. This will increase the visibility of your company’s web pages and will help you boost sales on Shopify. Provide Free Delivery Source Various studies have showcased that as many as 66% of eCommerce customers expect free shipping and 49% of them will abandon their carts if the checkout process of plagued with additional costs, including delivery charges. If you want to maintain your profit margins while also providing free shipping, you may need to increase your product prices to compensate. Similarly, you can also implement strategies such as having a minimum order amount to take advantage of free shipping. As long as customers perceive that they are getting a good deal, it will boost sales on Shopify. Retarget Existing Customers Source Retargeting existing customers that have either purchased from your store before or that have shown interest but abandoned their carts before purchasing anything is a good way of keeping them engaged and reminding them about your company. The best way to do this is through running specifically targeted email campaigns where you remind them about a new product or inquire about the reason they abandoned their carts so you can make their future experience better. This will help generate attention among prospects that have already shown interest in your brand and its products. Implement Up-Selling and Cross-Selling Source Up-selling and cross-selling have always been successful and highly-utilised ways of getting customers to spend more than they initially anticipated. Up-selling refers to pitching a similar, more expensive item instead of the one customers are currently considering. Cross-selling, on the other hand, is the practice of recommending complimentary products that will enhance the experience of using the existing one that customers want to buy. These strategies will definitely help increase Shopify sales by boosting the number of items bought by each customer. Use Trust Indicators on Your Listing Pages Source Trust indicators are like a stamp of approval that customers can instantly expect a certain benefit or service whenever they see them on a product listing page. Some instances of trust indicators are shipping badges, guarantees, cashback refunds, SSL certificates and more. Each of these reflectors convey different messages to customers. For instance, if customers see a shipping badge, they will get immediate assurance that their order will be delivered within 2 days, helping to improve trust and increase Shopify sales.  Improve Your Website Interface Source Your Shopify website will be the first thing customer interact with if they are interested in your product. If they arrive at a website that is simple to use, looks good and, most importantly, easy to navigate, it will increase the chances of them making a purchase rather than exiting out of frustration due to long loading times or difficulty in finding what they are looking for. You can also provide other product suggestions so that they can instantly browse through items of the same genre as what they are looking for. A good website is one of the key ways to boost sales on Shopify. Simplify Your Checkout Procedure Source The simpler your checkout process is, the faster your customers can pay for and receive their orders. Avoid practices like prompting your customers to fill out unnecessary information, redirecting them to external pages and preventing them from adding or removing items from their cart. There are also many apps that can contribute to the simplicity of the checkout experience your customers have and all of them have proved to increase Shopify sales by ensuring that customers can seamlessly pay and confirm their orders.  Give Customers Multiple Payment Options Source In recent times, many additional payment options have gained popularity for their enhanced simplicity. No longer do customers need to enter long and cumbersome credit and debit card details for every order. However, not every customer has taken advantage of the advances in payment technology. Some prefer paying for their items with cash once they have a physical and visual confirmation that they have received them. In order to increase Shopify sales and capitalize on every purchase, you should provide all the available options to customers so that they do not get discouraged that their preferred payment method isn’t accepted. Offer Comprehensive Customer Support Source There are many different reasons that customers contact a company’s customer support team. They may need personalised help with getting product recommendations as they would in a physical store. They may have an issue or query regarding their order. They may want to find out additional information about certain aspects of the company. Therefore, you should have a dedicated customer support team that can communicate effectively with customers and sort out issues before it festers and becomes a major issue. If customers are satisfied with the resolution, they will make their feelings known through feedback and reviews, inspiring more trust from potential prospects. Implement a Loyalty Program for Customers Source Loyalty programs entail rewarding customers for patronizing your business. The rewards are generally based on factors such as the frequency of their purchases, order volumes and value, the type of feedback they provide on your online pages, promoting your brand on social media and more. Even if the reward is small, it will help show existing customers that you appreciate their business. Additionally, if they are able to use the rewards to get discounted items or other perks, it will encourage them to stick with your business instead of moving to a competitor. Send Promotional Messages on Whatsapp and SMS Source Communicating and sending promotional messages on Whatsapp and SMS is a great way to maintain contact and keep customers up-to-date about your latest offerings. Whatsapp is one of the largest messaging platforms in the world and content sent on it has a much higher click-through rate than other social media apps. Additionally, it does not require a significant amount of effort or investment. Keeping your customers engaged with your brand is a surefire way to boost sales on Shopify. Market Your Brand on Social Media Source Like it or not, we live in a world that’s dominated by social media. Having high follower and engagement numbers will also contribute to your pages ranking higher on search engines like Google. Additionally, most of your prospective customers will use at least one form of social media so it is important to maintain a presence on most of the big platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. If you target the right people and stay true to your brand image, it definitely has the potential to increase Shopify sales. Conclusion: Partner With WareIQ to Handle Your Additional Shopify Sales in 2024 Aiming to increase Shopify sales should be the primary goal of every Shopify seller. Having the most well-designed, smooth-running website is of no use if no one is around to see it. Conversely, there is no point in having a great product if it is too expensive for your target audience or it is being hampered by a slow website and cumbersome checkout process. All of these factors need to be addressed so that they can all come together to provide your customers with the best possible shopping experience. If you pay attention to the reasons you don’t seem to be getting the conversion rates you want, you can identify them and take the necessary steps to solve them so you can boost sales on Shopify. However, once your implement these measures and your order volumes actually increase, you will need additional help in tackling the extra load. This is where WareIQ can be of assistance. WareIQ is one of India’s leading eCommerce fulfillment companies. Having been founded in Bangalore, Karnataka in 2019, the company has grown to offer a robust array of services, encompassing every eCommerce requirement you may have. Some of the reasons you should use WareIQ to fulfill orders from Shopify and other online platforms are listed below: Marketplace Integrations WareIQ can seamlessly integrate with Shopify and more than 20 other online selling platforms so you can access all your important data through a single dashboard. Ultra-Fast Delivery WareIQ enables you to deliver orders to your customers on the same and the next day, increasing their satisfaction with your company. Returns Management Returns are an inevitable prospect of eCommerce. However, their negative implications on your business don’t have to be. Returns management is a must. We completely handle your returns procedure and offer various safeguards. Choice of Shipping Carriers WareIQ has partnered with more than 12 of the biggest shipping carriers in the country and has a smart allocator that assigns the quickest and most cost-effective option for every order. Pan-India Storage Network We have a storage network that spreads across India, consisting of fulfillment centers and dark stores. Additionally, you can use our custom WMS to manage your inventory and orders across all of them. Also Check: Common mistakes to avoid when using Shopify in 2024 Increase Shopify Sales: FAQs What are some benefits of selling on Shopify?Some of the benefits of selling on Shopify are listed below:- It has a simple setup process- It does not require much technical know-how- It offers increased reliability and security- It has 24/7 customer support- It has a wide selection of apps and additional features Does Shopify provide an in-house marketing solution?Shopify enables retailers to run ad campaigns for an additional fee. Why is it important to increase conversion rates?Increased conversion rates mean higher sales as opposed to just clicks and impressions. This will enable your business to sustain itself with the income and profit that is being generated by each purchase a customer makes. How much does it cost to sell on Shopify?Shopify has 3 packages:- Basic: ₹20 per month- Shopify: ₹5,600 per month- Advanced: ₹22,680 per month Can WareIQ fulfill orders on other online marketplaces?Yes, WareIQ can integrate with multiple channels, such as online marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart and more, web-building platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce and more, and shipping companies, such as DHL, FedEx and more.

December 10, 2022

Is FBA Profitable? A Detailed Analysis Of the Pros and Cons of Amazon FBA in 2024

Is FBA Profitable? A Detailed Analysis Of the Pros and Cons of Amazon FBA in 2024

Amazon is one of the largest eCommerce companies in the world. Having been initially founded during the expansive growth of the internet in the early 90s, the company has since blossomed into the international behemoth we have come to associate with. Having almost perfected its sales policies, marketing efforts and product listing procedures, the company set its sights on providing its own professional order fulfillment services, which came to be known as FBA, abbreviated as Fulfillment by Amazon. FBA inspires conflicting opinions among eCommerce sellers. Some appreciate its ease of use, taking on important fulfillment-related tasks and providing multiple services and facilities. Conversely, some also find it expensive to use and cumbersome to abide by the strict rules and regulations that are imposed on every product and seller. In recent years, with the onset of multiple 3PL fulfillment companies that provide all the capabilities and technological features that FBA provides, there is a serious question mark surrounding whether retailers should opt for FBA or an external fulfillment company. In this blog, we will provide answers to the question - is FBA profitable? - and also provide statistics to back up our findings. What is Amazon FBA? FBA, which stands for Fulfillment by Amazon, is Amazon’s first-party fulfillment service that oversees the fulfillment of every order for all retailers that have subscribed to it. FBA began offering its services in 2006 and provides multiple fulfillment and distribution-related services, such as product storage, inventory management, shipping, last-mile delivery, and more. FBA also has its own set of practices in regard to how they store products. For instance, they bundle together all products that fall into a similar category and price point. Additionally, retailers lack flexibility as to how their products are packaged, stored, and dispersed. Amazon FBA also subjects various preparatory guidelines as to how products should be packaged and readied for dispatch. If any of these guidelines are not followed, the respective items will instantly become ineligible for delivery. If the offenses are repeated multiple times, retailers can have fines and other penalties imposed on them, making it a slightly risky option for companies with few resources and small teams. [contactus_lilgoodness] Is FBA Profitable? A Statistical Summary An estimated 73% of Amazon retailers across the world use FBA to fulfill their orders.Amazon Prime members spent roughly $1,300 compared to just $700 dollars by Prime users, indicating that FBA increases the visibility of sellers by showcasing Prime badges on their listings.In India, the number of sellers using FBA increased from just 23% in 2017 to 47% in 2022.In most major countries, the amount of Amazon sellers that use Prime is steadily growing annually.There are currently more than 200 million Prime members across the world, so if you opt for Amazon FBA, your chances of generating sales from them will be higher. Is FBA Profitable? 5 Simple Ways to Ensure Success in 2024 Start Out Small The most successful way to be profitable by using Amazon FBA is to start out with small quantities of each SKU. This will allow you to test the waters and determine how much to order and store of each item. Some products may be more expensive but will be more slow-moving, requiring less of them to be ordered in bulk. Similarly, cheaper, more popular items will get sold faster, so they will require more frequent replenishment. Use Relevant Keywords Keywords are an important part of modern internet communication. It allows search engines to display the most relevant results based on your search query and is utilised by virtually all major websites and selling platforms. By using the appropriate keywords for each product, you can ensure that they rank higher than your competitors if a customer searches for that specific term or anything related to it. Prepare Your Products As mentioned previously, Amazon FBA has extremely strict and rigid protocols regarding the guidelines that products need to follow to successfully take advantage of FBA’s services. Failure to comply with these standards can result in a lot of inconvenience and even monetary penalties. Thus, it is important to go through the regulations in detail and ensure that every product meets them down to the most minute detail. Highlight Your Flagship Products Your flagship products are your company’s pride and joy. If they are targeted and promoted properly, they will be the number one earner for your business. Therefore, you should ensure that these crowned items are always in stock. You can also create additional space for them by removing slow-moving products from your inventory. You can also highlight these products on your company’s Amazon page and mention them on other products’ listing pages for increased visibility. Take Advantage of Amazon PPC Amazon PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click and is Amazon’s advertisement program. If retailers choose to opt for PPC, they will be able to run sponsored ad campaigns that will highlight any item that they choose. It is an invaluable tool to help your products stand out and gain additional visibility, especially in the hyper-competitive environment known as Amazon. Payments are imposed based on clicks rather than impressions, enabling you to win big if you have set up the ad just right. 5 Drawbacks of FBA To Assess the Question “Is FBA Profitable?” Heightened Fulfillment Expenditures Since Amazon FBA takes care of every fulfillment procedure, you will have to pay for the privilege. This includes tasks such as order processing, picking, packaging, dispatch, shipping and last-mile delivery. All these procedures together can add up, especially when Amazon imposes its own premiums on each one. Thus, for retailers on a tight budget, Amazon FBA is probably not the right option. Increased Storage Costs Inventory storage is a must for every eCommerce seller, as many companies do not have their own physical stores or offices where they can store their products. Instead, most companies rely solely on warehouses and fulfillment centers, which are provided by Amazon FBA. However, storage costs are some of the most expensive in the industry and once you opt for a certain amount of storage, you cannot instantly upgrade or downgrade your plan if you need to, adding to the increased costs. Presence of Supplementary Fees FBA is notorious for having multiple hidden costs that only plague retailers once they have actually subscribed to the service. In addition to conventional fees for fulfillment and storage, there are multiple other fees that are suddenly imposed without the discretion of retailers and if they want to continue to use Amazon FBA services, they have no other choice but to pay them. Some of these fees include referral fees, closing fees, label printing fees and more. Additionally, these fees can increase or decrease based on a variety of external factors not within the control of either sellers or Amazon. Loss of Input Due to Amazon aiming to provide a highly standardised experience for every FBA service, retailers lose most of their ability to provide their own inputs as to the way certain services and procedures are conducted. Additionally, the disputed cases of damaged or returned items, Amazon usually sides with its customers rather than its sellers, which can cause a lot of damage to smaller firms relying on thin profit margins. Reduced Flexibility Similar to the above point, sellers cannot implement any changes they desire. Everything, down to the packaging and unboxing experience a customer will have, is centred around Amazon itself and not the company the item was purchased from. Additionally, there are very few customization options and aspects that are within the seller’s control, so it can be a pretty unyielding experience. Is FBA Profitable? 5 Benefits of Using Amazon FBA in 2024 Increased Visibility Source Because FBA indicates fulfillment speeds by providing Prime badges on your listing pages, there will be increased trust and visibility amongst potential customers. Customers are often sceptical to purchase from retailers that don’t provide fast shipping or other features. Having the Prime badge next to all your product listings will instantly inspire them to purchase from your store more than if you didn’t have them, thus generating more sales. Ultra-Fast Delivery Source FBA set the now widely-used industry standard when it revolutionised order fulfillment with same-day and next-day delivery. It was so popular that in recent times, customers view it as a necessity rather than an added convenience. Through Amazon FBA, you can provide seamless same-day and next-day delivery options for every order, with the added bonus of having Prime badges displayed next to all product listings. Prime Label Source We have already spoken about the benefits of having a Prime badge next to your product listings but they cannot be stated enough. They act as an instant verification that orders will be handled and shipped within a certain time directly by Amazon. It is akin to having your order with you as soon as you purchase it because you know that it will be dispatched and shipped instantly, and given much higher priority compared to regular orders. Inventory Storage Source Amazon stores all of its FBA inventory in its own, officially run warehouses. Customers can be assured that all procedures relating to order fulfillment are handled directly by Amazon and not by any external service. Additionally, the warehouses are highly stacked with the latest technology and automation. Amazon handles processes like processing, picking, packing, dispatching, and shipping of all FBA orders. Customer Service Source Being one of the largest eCommerce firms has multiple perks for sellers that use Amazon FBA and customer service is one of them. Amazon offers some of the best customer care facilities in the industry, with highly trained personnel offering quick resolutions at every hour of the day. This will instantly make sure that your customers always have the best assistance when it comes to any query or issue. Conclusion: Why WareIQ is the Best Alternative to FBA in 2024 if FBA is not Profitable for Your Business? Amazon FBA is revered amongst many Amazon sellers that insist it has contributed to the success and efficiency of their companies but is FBA profitable? The answer can vary from seller to seller based on the industry they operate in, the types of products they sell, their business model, manufacturing costs, proximity to their customers and much more. However, Amazon FBA is widely heralded as one of the more expensive options in the fulfillment industry. This, coupled with its lack of flexibility, rigid regulations and harsh sentences for retailers that make minor errors make looking at an external fulfillment option worthwhile. They provide all the same features, more value-added services, and offer cost-effective pricing. If you need assistance with fulfilling your online orders, WareIQ can be the right solution for you. Also, you can read about how to create an effective amazon pricing strategy here. WareIQ is an eCommerce fulfillment company that was founded in 2019 and is currently based in Bangalore, Karnataka. The company provides a variety of eCommerce services, including product storage, inventory management, marketplace integrations, an in-house WMS, shipping aggregation, last-mile delivery and much more. A few features we provide that make us one of the best options to fulfill online orders are listed below: An India-encompassing on-demand fulfillment center and dark store networkA custom WMSIntegrations with 20-plus online marketplaces, including AmazonUltra-fast deliveryA partnership with multiple shipping carriersFBA preparation servicesHigher inventory turnover as a common inventory pool for sales through multiple channelsDedicated support to centrally manage returns claim management across marketplacesAvailability of inventory planning & optimization for higher product availability, and lower inventory holding costReady access to marketplace benefits such as Prime tagPick and pack servicesCustom appsAccess to Amazon’s first-party 24/7 customer serviceReturns management Is FBA Profitable?: FAQs When did Amazon introduce FBA in India?Globally, Amazon has offered FBA since 2006. However, the company only entered the Indian market in 2013 and FBA was offered straight away. What profit margins can sellers expect while utilising FBA?A profitability margin between 16% and 50% is power for the course by 52% of Amazon merchants. The majority of new Amazon FBA sellers can anticipate having a 10% profit margin. What are the various charges associated with FBA?The main fees imposed by Amazon for FBA are:- Inventory storage fees- Order handling fees- Distribution fees Can FBA be used to fulfill orders on other platforms?Yes, in theory, FBA can be used to fulfill orders on other platforms. However, the selection is extremely limited and does not have the same functionality as it does on Amazon itself. Can you fulfill Amazon orders with WareIQ?Yes, WareIQ enables you to integrate directly with Amazon and more than 20 other online marketplaces so you can import your existing data and have access to all your important order and inventory information in one digital location. 

December 09, 2022

Top 10 Courier Services From India to USA for Online and Offline Sellers Looking to Sell in International Markets Like USA in 2024

Top 10 Courier Services From India to USA for Online and Offline Sellers Looking to Sell in International Markets Like USA in 2024

India is a massive country, both in terms of population and the ability of eCommerce sellers to maximise and amass as many sales as possible. Additionally, India has an abundance of cost-effective labour sources that highly developed western countries like USA seldom have access to. This makes India a lucrative option for enterprising retailers that want to cut down on manufacturing costs while simultaneously selling their products to countries that have higher median income levels and thus, the ability to purchase more expensive products or buy items in bulk. However, if you want to start shipping from India to the USA, there are various hurdles in play that make it more cumbersome than you may have thought. This is where courier services play an important role. By offering advanced technology and special features, such as customs clearance and highly secure packaging, they are able to bypass most of the inconveniences that could be presented on this long journey. In this blog, we will go through the benefits and considerations of choosing courier services from India to USA, and find out the best courier service from India to USA that is currently available. Introduction to Courier Services From India to the USA eCommerce Shipping from India to the USA presents a good opportunity for eCommerce retailers to expand their portfolio in the largest eCommerce market by revenue in the world. Although India’s population is more than quadruple that of the US, the size of their respective eCommerce market reflects a different story. The valuation of the USA’s eCommerce market sits at $843 billion, while India’s sits at a mere $67.5 billion in comparison. However, this does paint the full picture as the growth rate of India’s eCommerce industry has been steadily rising for the past decade. One advantage that India has is that its manufacturing industry is significantly cheaper than that of the US. Consequently, most US retailers actually seek to outsource their manufacturing processes to Asian countries, such as China and Vietnam. However, the increasing red tape, hostility to foreign companies, and uncertainty regarding the future have prompted multiple companies to scout for alternatives and India presents a unique opportunity. Not only is the country home to an explosive number of potential eCommerce customers in its own right but it also has a business-friendly environment that has boosted the rate of entrepreneurs being able to start their own companies. Additionally, eCommerce has relegated the need for borders as customers from most countries are able to purchase and sell items from abroad. Thus, using courier services from India to USA enables retailers to save on manufacturing costs while selling their products to a generally wealthier clientele. [contactus_lilgoodness] Why Should Indian Brands Expand Their Business Operations to the US market in 2024? Not only is the US eCommerce market highly developed, but using the internet to order items from online stores is second nature to most of the population. The country is equipped with world-class infrastructure when it comes to the buying, selling, and fulfillment of items. The COVID-19 pandemic saw growth rates take a hit, as most industries across the world did, but what is important is how it bounced back. Since 2020, the US eCommerce industry has consistently seen growth projections in excess of 50%. Additionally, the advent of international shipping from India to the USA has made it possible for eCommerce brands to use the plentifully cheap labour and resources available in India and ship their finished products to a highly developed, sophisticated market like the US. If your company takes off the ground running, it can be a simple way to skyrocket your profit margins and eventually begin the journey of going global. 5 Benefits of Shipping From India to USA and Selling on US marketplaces Access to High-End Prospects The US is the richest country in the world when it comes to per-capita median income. Additionally, most people, regardless of their income status, have access to technology like the latest smartphones, stable internet access, and highly developed transport infrastructure. Thus, the country could be deemed as the birthplace of modern eCommerce and convenience services, such as ultra-fast delivery, eCommerce order tracking and more. Therefore, customers are more likely to use eCommerce as a go-to purchasing option rather than just a backup plan. If you introduce the right products and market them to the right people, there is no reason you shouldn’t be successful while shipping from India to USA. Exposure to Seasonal Demand The US is filled to the brim with various holiday seasons and festivities, and Americans are encouraged to participate and make the most of the celebrations by buying lavish gifts for themselves and their loved ones. Thus, if you can successfully capitalize on the added seasonal demand from holidays, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving, you can earn a good amount of sales in a relatively short amount of time. The fact that using eCommerce as a medium in the States is more prevalent amongst the general populace doesn’t hurt either. Use of Advanced Technology The US consists of a highly advanced and developed transportation and communication infrastructure. Almost every part of the country has internet and smartphone access, which enables customers to order whatever they need. eCommerce procedures can also be carried out seamlessly using the country’s impressive road and rail network. Courier services from India to USA also employ advanced technology to make sure that orders are fulfilled smoothly and cost-effectively.  Enhanced Brand Recognition The US has a huge cultural impact on the rest of the world. Whether it is music, food or TV serials, if it becomes popular in the US, it has the potential to be recognised on a global scale. This is due to the gigantic marketing efforts that are commonplace in the country and with each brand trying to outdo the other to grab the eyeballs of customers, it is important to partake and come up with a unique pitch that will get customers to buy your products. Therefore, if you become successful in shipping from India to USA, you could set your sights on going global. Increased Profit Margins As mentioned above, the US is home to some of the highest-earning people in the world and that includes normal, everyday citizens. Customers are also more likely to use eCommerce for their shopping needs than in other countries, which makes it the perfect market for burgeoning online businesses to expand into. Shipping from India to USA can play a key role in the influence and prosperity your business has in the future. How Can Indian eCommerce, traditional and D2C Brands Start Shipping from India to the USA in 2024? Selecting a Courier Partner Courier services from India to USA can take on the bulk of important fulfilment and logistics processes while alleviating the stresses involved with international shipping from your shoulders. Not every international courier service will have the same amount of features or offer their services below a particular price point. So it is important to conduct some research into the respective offerings of each company and choose the best courier service from India to USA that fits your requirements. Checking for Regulations for International Shipping Shipping from India to USA is subject to its fair share of rules and regulations that could cause hiccups if the necessary documents and permissions aren’t in order. The US has some pretty strict import laws and duties, so it is important to keep an eye on any policy changes and anything else that could impact your ability to get your goods there. There are many commodities that don’t have permission to be imported into the US from India, such as motherboards, caffeine products and alcohol, among others.   Identifying the Dimensions of Your Packages The dimensions of your packages are extremely important as it dictates how much space it takes up in transit and storage. With many shipping companies imposing rates based on the amount of space you would consume, lowering the overall footprint of your packages could result in cheaper prices. Additionally, knowing your package dimensions beforehand will also help you determine rates of various courier services from India to USA, so you can account for it accordingly. Securing Your Products With Proper Packaging Shipping from India to USA requires your products to be transported literally across the globe, with the added pressure of meeting tight deadlines to boot. This can easily result in your products being handled carelessly and squeezed in tightly in order to maximise shipping or storage capacity. Thus, investing in high-end packaging materials to ensure products are protected and secure while they are in transit will benefit you in the short and long run. It will result in increased customer satisfaction by giving them a positive unboxing experience and will consequently reduce return initiations and non-deliveries. Choosing Shipping Insurance Choosing the appropriate insurance policies to safeguard your products from damage or mishaps while they are in transit, especially for extremely long and perilous journeys like shipping from India to USA, is of utmost importance. Insurance will help shield you from the burden of damaged products, non-delivered items, delays and returns. Many courier services from India to USA provide shipping insurance as a standard or an additional option, so identify which policies are suitable for your company and its products. Top 10 Courier Services From India to USA in 2024 for Traditionals Offline, eCommerce, and D2C Businesses A list of the top 10 courier companies for shipping from India to USA for omni-channel brands in 2024, along with their top features and offerings is mentioned below. Courier ServiceFounded/HeadquartersSpecial FeaturesWareIQ2019, BangaloreE-commerce fulfilment, local storage, last-mile delivery, flexible pricing.DHL1969, Bonn, GermanyExclusive eCommerce division, software integration, express delivery, customs handling.Aramex1982, DubaiSupply chain and warehouse management, technical support, facility control.FedEx1973, Little Rock, USAMultiple shipping options, returns management, specialised shipping for dangerous goods.Easyship2014, Hong KongConfigurable shipping extensions, access to 250+ international services, lower rates.Shoppre2017, BangaloreShipment consolidation, assisted purchasing, partnerships with DHL and DTDC.Parcel Chief2016, MumbaiFree pick-up, door-to-door delivery, full refund for misplaced shipments.DTDC1990, BangaloreInternational COD, network in 240+ countries.Delhivery2011, GurgaonAffordable international shipping, order fulfilment, 24/7 customer support.SFL Worldwide2004, AhmedabadScheduled pick-up and delivery, partnerships with global carriers, 24/7 support. WareIQ Source WareIQ is an eCommerce fulfilment company that was pioneered in 2019 and is currently based in Bangalore, Karnataka. The company primarily offers every service encompassing eCommerce fulfilment and logistics. With the unveiling of its WareIQ Global service, the company has started offering similar facilities in more than 220 countries around the world that it does locally. Some of these services include order fulfilment, localised storage, last-mile delivery and much more. It has strived to offer services for the cheapest courier from India to USA over the time. WareIQ is now among the trusted international courier service partners and one of the best courier services from India to USA due to its flexible pricing, wide range of options, and use of advanced technology to ensure that your products are transported safely and effectively. They have also partnered with most major international shipping players so reliability is maintained down to the finest detail. DHL Source DHL began its logistics career in 1969 in San Francisco, making it one of the country's oldest continuously functioning international courier services that also serve foreign markets. The company's current global headquarters are in Bonn, Germany. Being an industry leader in providing shipping services from India to USA, they have opened a brand-new division called DHL eCommerce specifically for online retailers. International packages have been delivered on time for years, thanks in large part to DHL. As a result, they are regarded as one of the best shipping companies on the globe. DHL is a dependable industry leader with cutting-edge integrated software, customer support and delivery capability. When necessary, they handle express delivery, customs, and tracking of white-labelled goods. Aramex Source Leading eCommerce shipping behemoth Aramex was founded in 1982 and is currently headquartered in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. They provide facilities, such as supply chain management, technical assistance and eCommerce logistics solutions to a variety of business types, such as small enterprises, start-ups and established corporations. You can get a variety of solutions from Aramex, such as facility control, warehouse management and end-to-end order tracking. Their delivery service is rated as among the best options for the USA. Aramex is, without a doubt, one of the greatest courier services from India to USA because it has the most modern technologies at its disposal and a ton of experience. FedEx Source A well-known name in eCommerce shipping is FedEx, a company that was founded in 1973 and currently maintains its headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. You can choose to mail your goods using one of three options - First, Priority or Economy. They provide returns management in addition to accommodating unique shipping needs, including those for dangerous and hazardous items. FedEx also offers solutions for small and medium-sized businesses that are tailored to almost every sector. You also get top-shelf shipping, monitoring, and tracking capabilities so you can always be aware of your shipments in addition to these advantages. Easyship Source EasyShip is an eCommerce shipping business that was established in Hong Kong in 2014. It offers configurable shipping extensions for online platforms, such as Shopify. Order fulfillment, last-mile delivery, customer service support, and shipping are all made easier by partnering with the company. You instantly gain access to upwards of 250 international shipping services for shipping from India to USA. You can also benefit from perks like lower rates by selecting one of the many shipping alternatives available. By syncing with your current courier providers, you can manage orders from a single online database. You can offer your customers straightforward order-tracking support by using the provided dashboard. Rates are determined by the things that customers have in their shopping carts. These costs are in addition to delivery fees. Shoppre Source Shoppre is a shipping and distribution company that was founded in 2017 in Bangalore, Karnataka, where it also currently maintains its headquarters. The company provides many specialised services while shipping from India to USA, including shipment consolidation, assisted purchasing, bulk discounts, shipping insurance and a variety of payment methods, among others. It has also partnered with leading shipping carriers, such as DHL and DTDC to be able to offer its services in more than 220 countries around the world. Some value-added services provided by the company include free 20-day storage, door-to-door pickup and delivery, and 3 to 6-day delivery to any location in the US. Parcel Chief Source Parcel Chief is a domestic and international shipping and courier service that was founded in 2016 and is currently headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The company provides multiple benefits while shipping from India to USA, including free pick-up, door-to-door delivery, a full refund for misplaced shipments, shipping insurance, transparent pricing and much more. Additionally, it offers discounts on bulk orders through its partnership with multiple international shipping carriers. So it could be your partner for a cheap courier from India to USA. The company offers pick-up for most pin codes in India and delivery to most locations in the US. DTDC Source DTDC is one of India's most reputable and experienced local and international courier services. It has offered domestic and worldwide shipping coverage since 1990 Its current head office is located in Bangalore, Karnataka. Through a purposefully designed network of offices and distribution hubs scattered throughout more than 240 nations, including numerous SAARC countries and even parts of China, it offers extremely quick international courier services and international COD. Thanks to an advanced management information system, the business can handle large shipments and guarantee efficient pick-up and delivery by providing a fulfillment status. Some of their value-added services include cash-on-delivery and a customised transportation method for imported and specialty commodities. Rest assured, DTDC is one of the best courier services from India to USA. Delhivery Source The company Delhivery focuses on distribution and logistics. It was created in 2011 and has its current headquarters in Gurgaon, Haryana. It is a favorite among eCommerce companies due to its effective domestic and international delivery solutions. A technically sophisticated integrated system is used by Delhivery to provide inexpensive international shipping from India to the USA for both air and sea freight. It provides a range of services to support the supply chain, including order fulfillment, international marketplace integrations and storage facilities. The main goal of the organisation is to provide a reliable infrastructure that enhances regular eCommerce operations. Technology is employed to service numerous worldwide markets, provide round-the-clock customer support, provide a vast network of fulfillment facilities and more in order to do this. SFL Worldwide Source SFL Worldwide is a shipping and logistics company that was founded in 2004 and is currently headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The company provides a heap of courier services from India to USA. Some of the highlights are scheduled pick-up and delivery, doorstep order pick-up, fulfillment of personal packages, partnerships with multiple global carriers, a variety of transport options through air and sea, and much more. The company also facilitates 24/7 customer support and order tracking. The company also maintains offices in both countries to assist with any delays or unforeseen challenges. The Lead Time to Ship from India to the USA The time it takes to ship from India to the USA varies depending on the shipment method, size of shipment, carrier, etc. By ocean freight, it can take anywhere between 28-67 business days to ship from India to the USA, excluding the custom clearance times. By Air Cargo, there are express services to get the shipment within 5 business days. However, ocean freight offers the cheapest courier service from India to USA, especially for large containers. Factors Influencing the Shipment Times from India to USA Handling Time: Carriers take time to sort, document, and load shipments for transport. It varies between carriers and services. Customs Clearance: Depending on the shipment volume, complexity, and accuracy of documentation, custom clearances can take more time. Weather Conditions & Other Delays: Unsupportive weather, natural disasters, political and geopolitical factors can contribute to stretched shipping times from India to the USA.Local Holidays: The holiday times in India and other locations across the route can delay shipping from India to the USA due to peak times, and rush. Best Practices for Shipping from India to the USA Select durable and high quality packaging for shipping to withstand long transit times and multiple handling processes. It ensures your shipments are protected from external pressures. Wrap each item and use dividers to minimise damage during transport.Make sure to use clear labels wherever necessary. They should be made of durable materials to not fall off during rough transits and correctly placed. Ensure to include all necessary information like sender and recipient addresses, contact numbers, and a description of the contents.Consider public holidays and possible delays before estimating the shipping time. It gives a realistic view without introducing anxiety.Know the measurements and weight of your shipment so you don’t end up paying more for shipping.Compare courier rates for different carriers. If you’re looking for the cheapest courier service from India to USA, consider shipping consolidations or opt for slower shipping if there is no emergency.Beware of restricted and prohibited items when shipping from India to the USA. It prevents unexpected delays and shipment rejection by customs.Buy insurance for valuable items to get compensation for unexpected damages or loss during transit. Remember that even the best courier service from India to USA can’t guard against situations out of human control.Utilise tracking services offered by the shipping carrier to continuously monitor shipment progress and provide updates to the recipient.Understand USA import regulations, accurately complete customs forms, and consider freight forwarding services to avoid delays.Inform the recipients about possible additional charges like handling fees, taxes etc. It helps set realistic expectations about total costs. Conclusion: How You Can Utilize WareIQ Global for Shipping From India to USA in 2024? Shipping from India to USA could be an important part of your company’s journey to global domination. There will always be challenges with importing and exporting goods from one country to another but the advancement of eCommerce and the normalization of international shipping in the past couple of decades have contributed to the increased number of sellers that are trying this business strategy. The relaxation of regulations surrounding international shipping has also helped in this regard. If your goal is to expand your company internationally, the US is a good first option for commencing it. There are also many companies that provide courier services that are specifically tailored to making your products’ journey from India to the US as smooth and uncomplicated as possible. WareIQ is one such option and with our WareIQ Global service, you will be able to ship as many products as you desire to the US, EU, Australia and more than 220 other countries around the globe. WareIQ is an India-based eCommerce fulfillment company that was founded in 2019. We have grown to offer a vast range of facilities, including our international shipping solution, WareIQ Global. Through WareIQ Global, we enable our customers to gain access to the following services: Local Inventory Storage We enable you to utilize WareIQ's partner storage network in the US, EU, UK, and Australia to store your goods and benefit from lower freight forwarding costs and quicker deliveries. Reduced Transit Times We give our customers' businesses faster transit times of between 20 to 30 days, priority unloading and dependable sailing. Reduction in Delays and Expenses We can reduce shipping delays by inspecting and pre-approving containers prior to departure and avoiding deconsolidation. Last-Mile Delivery We provide the option to select from a variety of last-mile delivery services to get the purchase to the client while maximising cost and increasing shipping speed. Suggested Read: How to Export From India to UK in 2024? Courier Services From India to USA: FAQs Are there any customs duties imposed to ship goods from India to USA?Yes, although the US has exceptions for certain countries from paying customs duties, India isn’t one of them.  What is the conventional shipping rate per kg from India to USA?The typical rate per kg of inventory from India to the US is around ₹2,500 Does WareIQ provide local shipping services?Yes, WareIQ has partnered with some of the most revered shipping companies in India to provide ultra-fast delivery services. What are some of the courier channels that WareIQ Global works with?WareIQ Global works with multiple courier partners to make our smooth and fast international shipping services possible. Some of them are listed below:- DHL- FedEx- UPS- USPS- ShipStation Does WareIQ ship products to other countries around the world?Yes, WareIQ can ship products to more than 220 countries & territories across the world, including the UK, US, Australia, entire EU region, and much more. What is the cheapest way to ship packages from India to USA? When you’re looking for the cheapest courier from India to USA, know that it is not just related to costs. It depends on various factors like the type of shipment, emergency, mode of transport and the carrier. WareIQ, SFL Worldwide, DHL, FedEx, Aramex, Easyship, Shoppre, DTDC, and Delhivery are some of the carriers providing affordable overseas shipment transportation.Ocean freight offers the most economical shipping method from India to the USA. However, when shipping items with a short expiry date or emergency needs, Air Freight is the most efficient option. So, calculating the cost of shipping from India to USA is individual from case to case.

December 05, 2022