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What is Lead Time in Inventory Management? 8 Important Strategies to Minimise Lead Time

What is Lead Time in Inventory Management? 8 Important Strategies to Minimise Lead Time

Next-day delivery has become a standard expectation among online customers. As a result, consumers' willingness to wait for their orders has decreased dramatically in the last half-decade. You'll lose business if your eCommerce fulfilment procedure takes too long. Reduced lead timings are one of the most effective strategies to decrease your delivery window. Businesses calculate and shorten lead timings to match customer expectations and sustain their market position. It also improves manufacturing efficiency and increases sales income. Extended lead timings can be caused by various issues, including supply, production, and delivery delays, which can impair manufacturing and sales. Many people confuse it with throughput or cycle time, which is the time it takes to complete a procedure or order from start to finish until the product reaches the consumer. A better grasp of lead time, what it entails, and how cutting it may help your company develop. In this article, you'll learn all you need to know about this and how to utilize it to improve order fulfilment. What is Lead Time in Inventory Management? Time taken from when a purchase order is made to when it is received in the warehouse is referred to as lead time in inventory management. The definition of the term lead time, also known as a lead period, on the other hand, varies depending on the situation. It is also used in the following contexts: Customer Lead Time The time it takes for a client's order to be accepted and fulfilled is referred to as the customer lead period. The order fulfilment on the selected delivery date might be either a doorstep delivery or a pickup from an accessible area. Material Lead Time The time it takes to place an order with a supplier and receive the cargo is known as a material lead period. These are often large orders of raw materials needed in the production process or as inventories. So, whereas customer lead time refers to the time it takes for a product to reach its final destination, material lead time is primarily concerned with the production process. Production Lead Time The production lead period is the time it takes to make and send a product to the target destination, assuming the essential raw material is available, and there is no supply or logistical delay. Cumulative Lead Time The total of material and manufacturing lead timings is the cumulative lead period. Overall, it takes from when an order is confirmed to when it is sent, assuming that a raw material order must be placed. The overall lead time in inventory management for creating and delivering items comprises all of these aspects. For eCommerce fulfillment services, the customer lead period is the most crucial satisfaction metric. Customers anticipate quick delivery. Therefore cutting the time between consumer order and delivery will help you improve revenue. Your inventory planning and cash flow are affected by the time it takes to complete each part of your supply chain. For example, assume you wish to reduce client wait times by adhering to lean business management concepts and utilizing just-in-time inventory management. You'll need to lower your material and manufacturer lead times in such a situation. Components Of Lead Time The components of the lead period may be broken down into six categories. These elements are all essential and are given in chronological sequence. The following are the specifics: Preprocessing Time Receiving the request, interpreting it, and then converting it to a purchase order takes time. The word is also known as planning time, which refers to placing an order for a product or item one desires to purchase. Processing Time The time it takes to obtain or generate an order based on a prior request is known as processing time after preprocessing. Waiting Time The time it takes to get essential products or raw materials before the production process begins is called waiting time. Storage Time The time it takes for things to sit in a warehouse waiting to be delivered is called storage time. Transportation Time The time it takes for an object to reach its final destination is known as transportation time. Inspection Time The third component is inspection time, which refers to checking items for defects or flaws before delivering them to clients. [contactus_uth] Importance of Lead Time In Inventory Management Businesses must be able to manage timelines. For example, stock can run out, and customers' orders can't be fulfilled if lead timings aren't controlled properly. When lead periods become unmanageable, a vicious cycle might emerge, with lead times deteriorating as demand rises. This lag between customer orders and manufacturing may result in additional delays, causing the lead period to worsen. As a result, lousy order management may cost a company a lot of money by costing its valued clients and damaging its brand. Mention below are the points which show the importance of lead time in inventory management- Customers expect high-quality items delivered as fast as possible. Therefore a shorter lead period aids in customer satisfaction. Customers prefer to purchase from vendors that bring meals in the shortest amount of time as a result of this.To retain the inventory, the lead period is crucial. For example, suppose a corporation knows how long it will take to manufacture a product. In that case, it may order additional material in advance, reducing the possibilities of a material shortage or surplus in inventory.To attract clients, eCommerce businesses use lead time in inventory management as a USP. This is because customers are increasingly demanding high-quality items as quickly as feasible.A company's lead timings estimate how many items will be made and delivered at a given period. Therefore, they can boost their money creation by improving the pace.The lead period is beneficial in decreasing inventory waste. Instead of holding surplus goods in storage, the management will order merchandise as needed at a particular time. Lead Time Is Central To Inventory Control Regarding inventory management, you can state that lead time is required to keep your inventory running correctly. It's an essential hallmark of a well-functioning inventory management system. This isn't the only reason, though. To have a better understanding of the subject, examine the following factors: To understand why Lead Time is regarded as an essential aspect of Inventory Management, consider the following: Demand Estimation and Forecast You will be able to assess demand straight from the market and predict the product's requirements in a planned manner with lead time. As a result, you will be able to establish high standards without allowing inefficiencies to creep in. Order Management Order fulfilment is one of the most challenging aspects of inventory management. You may control your inventory in warehouses and take it out for distribution on time with the aid of lead time. You can also benefit from the ability to automate orders, reducing time and effort spent manually. Suppliers Management You may cooperate with your suppliers on needs and meetings linked to the supply of goods using lead time. Using this capability, you may contact your suppliers on a timely basis, avoiding any inventory gaps. As a result, the importance of Lead Time for good Inventory Management is evident. Factors Affecting Lead Time Manufacturers must be aware of the elements that influence the lead period. If the lead period is small, you are on the right track, but if it is large, you must document, control, and optimize the process to achieve superior growth and development. The following are the elements that influence lead time: Delayed Shipment  Shipment delays are one of the most typical causes of lead time extensions. However, the cause is unknown owing to weather conditions or other unforeseeable circumstances. However, by accepting many orders that can be handled efficiently, efforts may be taken to lessen shipment delays. For example, due to procedures, delivery and orders were delayed during epidemic periods. It impacted the whole distribution industry, which caused issues in the beginning but was eventually alleviated due to the simplicity of processes. Unnecessary and Protracted Procedure Due to redundant processes needed in assembling raw materials to final goods, lead times can often be extended. As a result, order completion may take longer than usual, reducing production. It is critical to optimize the process so that no needless motions occur. In addition, it will allow you to save time and effectively manage your production. Stockout Situation When a manufacturer runs out of stock, it signifies that the firm cannot produce new products due to a lack of resources. Not only will the scenario harm the loads, but it will also result in disgruntled consumers. The issue might deteriorate, resulting in a loss of revenue, reputation, and clients, which could have long-term consequences for you. Variability in Lead Time Variable aspects connected to delivery, such as communication and coordination, impact lead time. If there are any delays, you should collaborate with your suppliers to guarantee that the manufacturing is completed on time. It can assist you in making your manufacturing process more accessible and efficient. How Lead Time Affects Inventory Control Stockouts are common in companies that keep inventory for use in manufacturing. This happens when the stock on hand runs out without fresh stock arriving. Stockouts typically inconvenience customers because they must wait for orders to be met, while the firm incurs costs since it may be compelled to halt operations. In addition, employees and manufacturing machinery will be idle for a while during stockouts. Still, the firm continues to pay utility expenditures such as power, water, gas and administrative costs. Lead period delays, which vary by supplier, are the most common source of stock shortages. Natural catastrophes, human error, raw material shortages, inadequate inventory management systems, and other issues are all significant causes of lead time delays. A vendor-management inventory tool that automates the stock ordering process can help businesses decrease stockouts. The application saves supplier information for each component, making it simple to order them as they near completion. By making inventory requests early enough to avoid stockouts, automatic ordering shortens lead timings and lowers delivery costs. In addition, the firm can keep a database of backup suppliers for the most crucial components to supply inventories if the primary source is unavailable or out of stock. Impact of Shorter Lead Time The primary logistical objectives are to get the right items to the right place at the right time, in the right amounts, and under the right conditions. The lead period is a temporal factor in the logistics equation that is directly tied to service quality but significantly impacts stock control and demand planning. Let's look at the reasons why having a short lead time is critical to your business: More accurate demand forecasting: Short-term demand forecasting allows for more precision. One of the fundamental rules of thumb in demand management is that the further into the future you plan, the more unpredictability there will be. Shorter delivery periods can alleviate this problem by allowing for more reliable and accurate forecasting.The ability to carry less inventory: a short lead time implies you can fulfil client demand with a lesser inventory level. The fundamental purpose of warehouse management is to bridge the time gap between when a customer puts order and when the supplier delivers the order to the client. The impact of supply delays on inventory policy is linear: the longer the lead time, the more stock is kept on hand, and vice versa.Customers want high-quality service in a short amount of time, with little effort, and at a fair cost. You may provide consumers precisely what they want if you have a shorter lead period, such as quickly responding to changing client demand, completing the specified order quantity in less time, repairing damaged items in less time, and lowering expenses throughout the process.A shorter lead period will save you money and allow you to deliver on schedule. Furthermore, a shorter lead period results in more order fulfilment, which equals more cash flow.You don't need to purchase in bulk if your lead period is minimal since your complete processing procedure is rapid. This keeps your inventory at the proper level, allowing your business to function smoothly without the stress of having too little or too much stock.Last-minute modifications can only be implemented when lead periods are short since you can swiftly update items without delaying the purchase and jeopardizing client happiness. Furthermore, short lead times allow you to adjust to changes in market trends swiftly. All without the risk of losing money. Impact of Longer Lead Time To preserve the effectiveness of their operations, manufacturers and suppliers rely significantly on factory direct and authorized distributors to fulfil orders and satisfy business expectations. When lead period unpredictability becomes a problem for supply chain management, distributors and providers may experience longer lead periods and lower productivity. Some of the more frequent, longer lead period variability issues that wreak havoc on supply chain operations are listed below. Stoppages in the Production Line A long lead period might stop production if engineers don't have the components they need to finish the project. Preventing the production line causes suppliers to fall behind on client demands, resulting in another issue of low supplies. If a market expands and authorized distributors cannot meet demand, original equipment makers will fall behind on their manufacturing demands for clients. To guarantee that planned orders are delivered on time and to the buyer's satisfaction, authorized distributors must use a highly effective in house or third party logistics management system. Stockouts and inventory shortages might result from lead time variability difficulties, prompting you to either find a more dependable parts supplier or place a one-time purchase with an independent distributor. Revenue Generation The more significant the impact on a company's bottom line, the more manufacturing deadlines must be stretched. They could even wind up paying extra money to get parts from an unvetted independent distributor so that manufacturing projects can be completed and client orders can be delivered, bringing in much-needed income. Conversely, if a company cannot fulfil order demands for its clients, lead time variability severely threatens its earnings. How to Calculate Lead Time Lead time (LT) = Order Delivery Date – Order Request Date is the most straightforward fundamental formula. This method, however, allows for a reordering delay in the context of inventory management. Supply Delay (SD) + Reordering Delay = Lead Time (LT) (RD) The time a supplier takes to fulfil a client order after it has been placed is known as supply delay. The period between a completed order and placing the following order is known as the reordering delay. It is also necessary to account for reordering delays. Some vendors may only take orders once or twice a week or once a month. This means shops must plan for this delivery delay to keep a safety supply or buffer stock on hand. While waiting for your supplier to replace your supply, you can satisfy orders using your safety stock. Let's imagine you sell 500 shirts every day on average. Supplier A, on the other hand, only takes orders for shirts every five days. This signifies that your shirt supplier's reordering time is five days. Let's pretend that A delivers shirts to your warehouse in 2 days. This results in a two-day supply delay. In this instance, The lead time is calculated as follows: supply delay (5 days) + reordering delay (2 days) = Seven days. It should be simple to stock up for seven days. But what if you were selling something valuable and uncommon, such as exotic plants or fancy home decor? Such items are likely to be slower-moving than apparel and eatables, with significant supply and reordering delays. This implies you'll have to prepare for their acquisition, stock, and sale months ahead of time. But how can you figure out how much stock you'll need and when you should restock? The answer resides in the reorder point and safety stock. How much of a safety stock should be kept on hand? Safety stock is the amount of inventory you must have on hand in case of a supply or reordering delay. Its calculation accounts for lead time and demand variability (possible demand variations). Customer demand for items might fluctuate owing to various factors such as vacations, weekends, wholesale price fluctuations, special offers, and so on. Besides that, managers must prepare for unpredictably fluctuating demand, such as unexpected shortages, weather disruptions, and so on, because supply and demand are inextricably linked. The formula for safety stock is as follows: (Maximum daily sales*Maximum lead period) – (Average daily sales*Average lead time) = Safety Stock    When is it time to restock? The level of inventory that signals that you need to restock are known as your reorder point. The reorder point calculation influences your choice to replenish as inventory management, and the formula denotes it: (Lead time * Average daily sales) + Safety stock = reorder point It's time to pick up the phone and shop for some goods every time your stock reaches the reorder mark! Your reordering quantity will correspond to the amount of safety stock you have on hand. Additional factors to consider while determining lead time ARO Lead Time The point at which the supplier gets an order is known as the after receipt of the order (ARO). The overall period between ARO and order delivery makes up the lead period. Thus this is the first thing to consider when calculating the lead period. Lead Time in Manufacturing The manufacturing lead period is known as the time it takes for a merchant to place an order and for the product manufacturer to complete it. It comprises the time spent acquiring, manufacturing, and shipping items. 8 Best Strategies to Reduce Lead Time Remove Unreliable Vendors From Your Supply Chain. Do you get late delivery from particular vendors regularly? Keeping them in your supply chain might be more expensive than switching vendors. Even when considering the possible cost of a change, research conducted by NC State University reveals that supplier assessment nearly always has a favourable influence on a company's financial performance. If you decide to switch suppliers to shorten your lead time, ensure you have adequate inventory to carry you through the transition. Additionally, be sure that your new supplier is ready to begin shipping you things straight immediately. Select Vendors Who Are Near Your Warehouse You have access to more sellers than ever in today's global economy. Unfortunately, while searching for the most significant rates worldwide, you may find yourself waiting weeks for things to arrive from another country. This extends your lead period and makes returning broken or undesired items more difficult. Giving attention to local vendors to your warehouse or manufacturing site is one of the simplest lead time reduction methods for suppliers. If a local supplier can't compete on price, consider placing larger (but less regular) orders from foreign vendors and maintaining a more extensive inventory. Share Your Demand Forecasts With Your Suppliers Your orders may differ monthly if you work in a naturally fluctuating business. To keep your suppliers prepared for larger-than-normal purchases, let them know that you foresee an increase in demand as soon as possible. This ensures that they are not only capable of handling a huge order but also capable of doing it as rapidly as feasible. Internalize External Processes Do you manage most of your manufacturing processes in-house, but not all of them? Consider expanding your capabilities so you don't have to outsource the finishing of your items to a third party. This demands a considerable initial expenditure, but the long-term savings make it a financially viable choice in most cases. Furthermore, you'll be laying the groundwork for future expansion, allowing you to expand once your revenues rise quickly. Workflows for Order Processing Can Be Automated Ensure your internal procedures are up to standard after you have your raw materials and are ready to begin manufacturing. Consider: When it comes to consumer purchase orders, how long does it take you to enter them into your system?How long does it take you to get them through production and quality assurance when it comes to engineering change orders?How frequently does the process become stalled due to internal miscommunication?How frequently do orders go missing completely? Your lead times will most certainly deteriorate due to poor performance in any of these areas. However, automated order processing procedures might help you get your final items out the door faster. Complete Many Processes at the Same Time They were not getting past the fact that specific procedures must be finished before others can begin. However, if you can find strategies that many people can execute simultaneously, you can boost productivity and shorten lead times even more. Internal Communications Need to Improve Order processing necessitates the participation of all members of the team. Internally, if you're not cooperating correctly, you might be causing unnecessary delays. Suppose your process has numerous phases requiring input from multiple individuals. You may be wasting time you don't have. This is especially true if you're working with non-trackable paper. Paper-based projects on someone's desk lengthen your lead time and raise the risk of misplaced paperwork. Even though poor communication is a complex problem, manufacturers have numerous alternatives for removing bottlenecks.  Communicate With Your Customers More Effortlessly So while this doesn't help you cut your lead time in half, it does keep your clients informed as they wait for their orders. In addition, in several studies, communication has been proven to be a significant predictor of customer loyalty. Therefore it's a crucial factor to consider. Consider investing in a system that will send out order alerts if you aren't already doing so. (There are dozens of tools that automatically handle notifications, so automation is a significant time-saver here.) However, it's a simple – and relatively straightforward – technique to boost satisfaction and set expectations. Conclusion Staying on top of your business necessitates short lead times. In addition, they assist you in enhancing your cash flow and client satisfaction by allowing you to adapt to shifting market patterns. You may utilize it to optimize and reorganize your supply chain and production process now that you know how to calculate it. While understanding the lead time formula is a fantastic start, you can't keep calculating things by hand all the time. It's all about saving time, remember? Businesses should obtain everything they need to improve their supply chain and manufacturing process, from workflow automation and customized widgets to project planning and resource allocation. Allow WareIQ to Assist You in Reducing The Lead Period. We at WareIQ know how important it is for you to keep your business operating correctly, and we're here to assist you. We've given hundreds of businesses the tools they need to automate their order processing. So what's the result? Less time spent on inefficient back-office operations means more time for sales and product development. You may even cut the lead period by partnering with WareIQ for inventory management and eCommerce fulfilment. [signup] Frequently Asked Questions Is inventory a factor in lead time?Lead times can be influenced by production processes and inventory management. Building all aspects of a finished product on-site may take longer than finishing some items off-site in terms of manufacturing. What impact does lead time have on the supply chain?The influence of lead time on inventory management is depicted in this image. Lower lead times are preferred. However, obtaining shorter lead times from suppliers is difficult. Longer lead times, on the other hand, result in more goods on hand and in transit. Longer lead periods can limit the supply chain's capacity to respond to shifting demand, unpredictability, and uncertainty. What is the connection between inventory management and supply chain management?The supply chain manager will oversee inventory and flow management, taking into consideration any capacity or productivity concerns that arise along the way. The inventory manager will focus on his local inventory and arrange orders with suppliers, taking into consideration lead times and tariffs. What does a lead time look like in real?A lead time is a time it takes for a process to start and finish. For example, depending on numerous factors, the period between placing an order and receiving new automobiles from a certain manufacturer might range from 2 to 6 months. What is the delivery lead time?The number of days between the date the Order is acknowledged by the Supplier and the date the material is sent by the Supplier is referred to as the Delivery Lead Time.

June 15, 2022

Finished Goods Inventory: Definition, Examples, Importance & 3 Easy Steps to Calculate Finish Goods Inventory in 2024

Finished Goods Inventory: Definition, Examples, Importance & 3 Easy Steps to Calculate Finish Goods Inventory in 2024

All inventory follows a life cycle. It begins as different raw materials being combined together, grows to be work-in-progress, and finally emerges as finished goods. But finished goods are more than just the last stage of the inventory maturation cycle. They are the key component of being able to participate in the selling of products on eCommerce platforms. Let's take a look at examples, calculations, and why they are important. What is Finished Goods Inventory? Finished goods inventory is the number of goods available for a company to be able to sell to customers and fulfill orders. However, finished goods is a relative term, as a seller's finished goods could be the raw material for a manufacturer. Therefore, it could mean the inventory lying with a seller that is ready for dispatch to be sold or stock with the company that is prepared to be sent to a customer. Briefly, finished goods inventory is the stock of a wholly manufactured set of goods. Therefore, it is also called finished product inventory.  Finished Goods Examples  Finished goods are the everyday items surrounding us. Here are some examples of finished goods: You come across all kinds of food and grocery items in a supermarket. These perishables are ready for sale. Similarly, the gadgets or outfits that you adorn are customer-ready in an online or offline electronic store and clothing store. Finished goods examples include every product available for sales such as fruits and vegetables, processed and canned foods, clothing items, electronics, eggs and packaged meats, toys, petrol and gas, vehicles, and everything else that is available for purchase by consumers in a ready-to-use function. [contactus_uth] What is the Finished Goods Inventory Formula and Why is it Important? Once you know what elements are needed to calculate the finished goods inventory, you can understand why it is critical for you. Here's the formula: Finished Goods Inventory Formula Finished Goods Inventory depends on the expenses incurred for manufacturing the complete stock of goods, the cost of goods sold off, and the value of finished goods inventory from the previous period. This duration could be a month, a quarter, or a year. Finished Goods inventory = [Cost of Goods Manufactured – COGS] + Previous Finished Goods Inventory Value There are many reasons why it is a crucial calculation for everyone involved in the supply chain. Source Importance of Calculating Finished Goods Inventory Verifies Gross Profit For every manufacturer or seller, knowing the value of their inventory helps them to determine their gross revenue and profit margins. In addition, this tally helps in future operational and financial budgeting. You get to establish the expenses on goods manufactured and sold and the value of inventory in your warehouse. Documents the Current Assets Volume Finished goods inventory is counted as current assets in the balance sheet, which means they are short-term assets intended to generate revenue for you within a year. Your production strategy may be based on a 'Build to Order' or 'Build to Stock' plan. But it determines how many assets you hold at a time. To calculate the finished goods inventory level, you need to confirm the number and value of current assets lying with you after all the sales are made. Minimizes Material Wastage The formula helps you understand the finished goods inventory turnover rate. It is the rate at which your finished goods inventory is sold and replenished within a set period of time. When you know the worth of the finished goods remaining versus goods sold by the end of the month, you can ascertain how much inventory was ultimately utilized. Keeping a tab on the finished goods inventory can help you monitor and minimize its wastage. Streamlines Inventory Management  Many factors affect your inventory management decisions such as the economic, fiscal, and geopolitical scenario of the country, annual budgets, and other contingencies like war or natural disturbances, industrial dynamics, and price fluctuations. All these factors affect the finished goods inventory level you need to maintain. The formula helps you ascertain the costs you incur on manufactured and sold goods and how much inventory you need to preserve, from the date of your previous performance. This formula also helps you differentiate between goods that are hot-selling products versus the goods that stay in your warehouse longer. It also enables you to separate high-value goods from others and store them in a more protected space. 3 Easy Steps to Calculate Finished Goods Inventory in 2024 Step 1: Check Finished Goods Inventory of Prior Years Determine the value of finished goods for the previous period. You reach this figure in the last duration, which could be a month, quarter, or year using the same formula for finished goods as mentioned previously which is: Finished Goods inventory = [Cost of Goods Manufactured – COGS] + Previous Finished Goods Inventory Value Step 2: Subtract the Current COGS From the Cost of Goods Manufactured This step involves the below calculations: Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGM) refers to the money spent on manufacturing every unit of the finished good. For instance, if you made 400 candles worth ₹200 per piece, your COGM would be: 400 x ₹200 = ₹80,000. COGM = [Raw materials used + direct labour employed + all manufacturing overheads + beginning WIP inventory] - the ending WIP inventory. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): The money spent on manufacturing the products sold is referred to as COGS. So in the above example, if you sold 300 of the 400 candles made, your COGS would be: 300 x ₹200 = ₹60,000. COGS = [Beginning Inventory + Received Inventory] – Ending or Remaining Inventory Now deduct the COGS value from the COGM figure: COGM - COGS Step 3: Add the Prior Finished Goods Inventory Value to the Answer Combine the figure you have reached above with the value of finished goods inventory for the last period. Adding the overall value of assets available gives you the finished goods inventory for the current period. You can procure this data from past inventory records. [COGM – COGS] + Previous Period Finished Goods Inventory The period considered for the calculation must remain consistent throughout to avoid any discrepancies. How Do 3PL Fulfillment Companies like WareIQ Help to Efficiently Manage Finished Goods Inventory? 3PL companies assist businesses at every stage of the supply chain. Inventory management is crucial to your logistical success. An experienced 3PL service provider like WareIQ can help you efficiently manage your finished goods inventory.  Here's how it can be achieved: Real-time Data WareIQ offers advanced real-time data collection and analysis technology throughout the inventory life cycle. This means that you are continuously updated about your inventory levels and whereabouts, across multiple platforms, the moment a change is made. This is necessary to know what inventory is available to you and when. For example, to determine your inventory level, you need to see the number of finished goods ready for sale and the stock already sold and delivered. Real-time updates affect your decision-making and budgeting capabilities and enable you to make faster and more well-informed decisions. Quality Control A promising 3PL partner like WareIQ assures you of quality checks throughout the inventory lifecycle, so you know if and when any product has gone bad or has expired and needs replacing. This prudence comes in handy, especially if you are dealing with perishables. Additionally, the way products are stored in the warehouse, picked and packaged when an order is confirmed and shipped to the customer, meets rigorous quality control standards to ensure that everything is done in the most careful and efficient manner. Automated Systems The superior inventory management software gives you access to essential data like inventory levels, orders, and billing cycles and can integrate with multiple eCommerce platforms. This data helps you trace the previous and current inventory levels and the goods sold. These automated reports can be triggered at pre-set intervals such as daily, weekly or bi-weekly, to be sent via email or directly to your system via API integration. So all the information you need to know about the finished goods inventory is available at your fingertips. Superior tech also guides you on scaling up or reducing the manufacturing dependence on seasonality and demand. Inventory Tracking WareIQ's advanced dashboard triggers punctual updates via texts and emails. Further, it creates your company's branded, fully customizable tracking page. You can track your inventory in any of WareIQ's pan-India warehouses from a single dashboard. So you can keep a tab on all the raw materials from Pune, Guwahati, and Hyderabad that you need in Gurugram in the current week, from a single webpage. Conclusion Finished goods inventory is responsible for bringing in revenue for your eCommerce business. Hence, it must be regularly monitored and tracked. The preparation you need to do this is a simple calculation that ensures you gather data on all the necessary elements. Along with a capable 3PL partner who provides the data collection and analysis on your behalf, you have fewer things to worry about. WareIQ is one of India’s fastest-growing eCommerce logistics companies that uses a centralized technology platform to provide every service that is associated with fulfilling eCommerce requirements. Finished Goods Inventory: FAQs How is finished goods inventory recorded?In the balance sheet, you need to credit finished goods inventory while debiting COGS. This means that the items are transferred from inventory to expenses. When an item is sold, it would be listed as a transaction while the sales revenue account is credited with the sale. Can inventory be classified as finished goods?Inventory is generally classified into 3 categories:1. Raw materials2. Work-in-progress items3. Finished goodsFor accounting purposes, inventory is classified as a current asset because of the firm’s plan to sell it within a year. Why is it necessary to have an optimum level of finished goods inventory?Finished goods inventory assists a company in ascertaining the value of each unit produced of a good based on the raw materials consumed, labour used, and overhead expenses. What types of companies use finished goods inventory?Finished goods inventory can either be used by a manufacturer or supplier who uses raw materials and other components in order to manufacture products. These products are then sold directly to consumers or retailers, who sell them to customers eventually.

June 13, 2022

What is Inventory Days on Hand? Definition, Inventory Days on Hand Formula, Importance & 5 Strategies for Improvement

What is Inventory Days on Hand? Definition, Inventory Days on Hand Formula, Importance & 5 Strategies for Improvement

When you buy or replenish inventory in your warehouse, it doesn't leave immediately. It lies there for a period of time before being shipped or transferred. It is important for a business to refine its inventory management processes so that the duration of inventory lying idle is limited as this can lead to obsolescence or expiry. However, it is also suitable for a business to have inventory on hand in case there is an emergency or urgent requirement. Businesses need to find the sweet spot of having just the right amount of inventory in storage. In this article, we take a look at the meaning of inventory days on hand, how to calculate it using the inventory days on hand formula, its importance, and ways to improve it.  What is Inventory Days on Hand (DOH)? Inventory Days on Hand (DOH) is the number of days that inventory stays in your warehouse or storage space before being sold. It reveals how many days it takes you to sell your average inventory on hand. It is an accounting ratio that indicates the average number of days that different kinds of inventory, including raw materials, work-in-progress goods, and finished goods, spend in your warehouse before turning into sales. It is also called Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO), Days in Inventory, Inventory Period, or the Inventory Days of Supply. Further, it depicts how soon a company can turn its current assets into cash. This metric is extensively used by analysts and business intelligence to gauge the company's liquidity and financial and operational health. Source [contactus_gynoveda] What is the Inventory Days on Hand Formula and How to Calculate it? The inventory Days on Hand formula considers the average inventory value in your warehouse compared to the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and the number of days in an accounting period such as a week, month, or year. The below equation comes in handy for calculating the inventory in hand: Inventory Days on Hand = [Average Inventory Value / Cost of Goods Sold] x Number of Days in Accounting Period And if you know the inventory turnover ratio for your business, you can use the below inventory on hand Formula: (Number of Days in Accounting Period) / (Inventory Turnover Ratio) = Inventory Days on Hand Source Example for Explanation Let us take an example of how to calculate inventory days on hand. Mr. Sanjay Dutt owns a business that manages a huge amount of inventories. Let us assume that Mr. Dutt’s company owns an inventory worth Rs. 10,00,000 during the year 2022. The Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for Sanjay’s company is Rs. 1,00,000 for the same year. Therefore, now if we calculate Inventory Days on Hand, it will be, IDOH= (10,00,000 / 1,00,000) X 365 = 3,650 Days This means that Mr. Sanjay Dutt’s company had an average of 3,650 days of inventory in 2022. Importance of Inventory on Hand (IDOH) The inventory days on hand figure reveals much-desired information about your business. Here's why you need to monitor it regularly: Analysis of Operational Performance Inventory days on hand show how long working capital gets frozen in stock. Once you have that data, you can devise ways to shorten the duration by optimizing procurement and sales processes. A lower DOH value indicates that your business is productively utilizing its inventory. On the other hand, a higher number shows the company's poor investment decisions and inefficient stock utilization. However, a high inventory quantity doesn't always showcase unproductive business practices. For example, you may have a higher DOH value if you store stock for around-the-corner peak season sales or a lockdown-like contingency. Either way, this analysis helps calculate and enhance your business's operational performance. Prevents Stockouts and Overstocking While companies keep adequate stock to shield them from demand fluctuations and variable market dynamics, inadequate inventory management can hurt business operations and revenue. Stockouts or overstocking occurs due to poor demand forecasting or incorrect analysis and reporting. That is when inventory days on hand come to your rescue. DOH clearly tells you how far you are from a stockout or when you need to stop further ordering of inventory. Keeping a tab on it warns you before a crisis unfolds in your warehouse and can help prevent the crisis from occurring. Improves Efficiency Inventory on hand is an indicator of business efficiency. A lower DOH indicates better cash flow and higher productivity. A smoother cash flow also gives you the leverage to pump more capital into the business for expansion, promotion, research and development, and other activities. Attracts Potential Investors DOH helps you gauge the inventory conversion rate of your business. A higher stock conversion or liquidity means that you can frequently replace or refill your merchandise, thus keeping your product offerings refreshed for your customers. It is an indication of an agile and flexible business. This practice tends to lure more customers to your stores and attract larger amounts of attention from potential investors. Similarly, lower liquidity indicates poor business performance. It shows that you cannot sell the stock you buy and cannot replace it with fresh supply on time. Forecasts Storage Costs  Inventory days on hand show how much inventory you need to order and when. It indicates the amount of stock turnover which tells you how frequently you need to replace or replenish the stock of a particular commodity, within a specified time period. It also highlights areas in your inventory management process where there is scope for improvement. Thus, you can use the inventory on hand figure to forecast storage costs for your inventory. Mitigates Operating Costs Where and how long you store your inventory affects your storage and operating costs. The lesser stock you have on hand, the lesser you need to spend on ecommerce warehousing and other operations. Therefore, knowing the storage period of your stock enables you to plan your finances in advance and mitigate expenses to the largest extent possible. Of course, having a competent 3PL partner like WareIQ allows you to leverage a nationwide presence of warehouses closer to customer locations. This type of service helps further reduce cost overheads. Increases Profit Margins Inventory is a current asset and affects a company's cash flow and profit margins. The inventory days on hand ratio shows how much time and money must be invested in a stockpile before they turn into sales. Therefore, better and regular monitoring of the inventory on hand can safeguard you against loss-making decisions related to unwanted stockpiling or a lack of adequate volume. Top 5 Strategies to Improve Inventory Days on Hand in 2023 If you regularly deal with inventory days on hand, you might want to improve it wherever possible. Here's how you can do that: Utilizing Inventory Management Software Your 3PL partner's superior inventory management software can track and trace inventory and keep inventory records actively updated. This software can be coupled with devices such as hand-held scanners that scan merchandise in the warehouse and sends data directly to the system for accounting and record-keeping purposes. In addition, these systems can trigger alerts when some stock needs replenishing, when you have overstocked or when it needs to be replaced with a fresh supply, especially in the case of perishable items. Such robust tech can remove the burden of keeping accurate inventory records and renewing them regularly. Furthermore, they essentially guide you on how to improve your inventory management efficiency. Improving Relationships With Manufacturers Better inventory management by the business causes less hassle for the manufacturers and sellers of products. In addition, accurately telling them when you need to stock up or replace the old inventory strengthens your relationship with them. Logistical pace and associations affect the relationship between sellers and manufacturers. For example, if a retailer needs a small quantity of stock urgently, the supplier can utilize existing stock to deliver it to their doorstep on time. In such a scenario, their relationship will grow and become stronger. If, on the other hand, the logistics speed is slow, the supplier will have to keep extra merchandise, thus increasing their inventory days on hand. Strong alliances with suppliers will push you to keep adequate inventory days on hand, thus improving inventory management and business performance. Providing Markdowns and Bundles You can bundle slow-moving stock in pre-determined groups with further discounts. Products experiencing low sales can be combined with a similar category of other products that have a higher rate of demand. For instance, you can combine poorly selling plates with fast-moving coffee mugs. A markdown on their prices can further attract the attention of customers. Clean-ups, closeouts, or flash sales are common ways to mark down your inventory and push it out to improve the inventory days on hand. Making Use of Unsold Inventory If markdowns don't work for your unsold inventory, there might not be a way out of storing it indefinitely. The stock in your warehouse costs you the storage, maintenance, labour, and other overheads. Hence, it is better to put it to use in whatever way it can. If you cannot sell it, you can always donate it and count it as a CSR initiative, recycle it to make new products, or refurbish it to attract new demand. Even if you cannot sell it, it will be less of a loss if it is involved in another business process rather than just wasting your storage space and the money spent on renting it. Streamlining Operational Processes Unclear and poorly strategized operational processes cause trouble in inventory management. Your warehouse and supply chain operations need to be streamlined to avoid an excess burden on the existing inventory. Ensure seamless communication and a smooth flow of information to avoid logistics chain disruptions. Combined with a skilled workforce to operate the systems and man the merchandise on the ground, this can help to improve your inventory days on hand ratio. How Can a Fulfillment Company like WareIQ Help Improve Inventory Days on Hand? A strong 3PL partner like WareIQ can change the way you manage inventory. We can provide three things you will need the most to monitor your stock effectively: State-of-the-art WMS to assist in inventory management and forecasting inventory days on hand of your current inventory.Advanced technology to record and monitor the inventory days on hand and provide solutions for improving it.Nationwide network of fulfillment centers so you can store inventory near areas of high demand or near shipping and distribution hubs. Most importantly, a trustworthy logistics partner can empower you with all the tools, technology, and knowledge to control your inventory on hand in the most intelligent manner. Inventory Days on Hand: FAQs What is the difference between inventory days on hand and inventory turnover?Inventory days on hand refers to the average time it takes for a retailer to turn its inventory into sales whereas inventory turnover indicates how fast a retailer can sell its inventory. During calculations, DOH is the inverse of inventory turnover. What is considered a normal number of inventory days on hand?The ideal inventory days on hand ratio for an eCommerce business can be between 2 and 4. If it is lower than this, it could indicate weak sales or a decline in the demand for your products. What are high days of inventory mean?This clearly means a low turnover rate with the inventory. What causes increases in inventory days on hand?Inventory days on hand can increase for a multitude of reasons but mainly because of economic, global, and competitive factors that result in a sudden fall in demand and sales levels. Why should you reduce inventory days on hand?1. Lowers warehousing and inventory holding costs 2. Prevents Stockouts3. Reduces Dead Stock4. Speedy Profits5. Improves consumer demand How to calculate the inventory days on hand?While ideal inventory on hand differs depending on the nature, price point, and type of products that a business deals with, it can be found out by dividing the average stock by the cost of goods sold and then multiplying the figure by the number of days in that accounting period. Why do we calculate inventory days?Inventory days in simple is a metric that calculates how long a product is in the warehouse before it is sold. So, if the inventory days percentage is high it indicates that either product is not in demand or it is overly priced or other is that there may be something wrong with the selling and marketing strategy.

June 13, 2022

Stock Discrepancy: Definition, 5 Main Causes and Top 7 Methods to Avoid Inventory Discrepancy in 2022 in eCommerce

Stock Discrepancy: Definition, 5 Main Causes and Top 7 Methods to Avoid Inventory Discrepancy in 2022 in eCommerce

The fast-evolving business trends and technologies bring new challenges to every organization. To mitigate the issues of the end-to-end supply chain and cope with customer expectations, organizations are constantly focusing on reducing the delivery lead time. And one of the essential steps to reduce the lead time is to manage inventories in every form like raw material, semi-finished products, and final products. Experts define inventory as a necessary evil. It is essential to run the business, but it blocks the business capital in the form of materials. Therefore, it is essential to manage accurate inventory. The stock discrepancy is one of the major challenges in inventory management, especially in the eCommerce business. This article will take you through a brief definition of a stock discrepancy, its primary reasons, and the best practices to avoid inventory discrepancy. What is Stock Discrepancy? Stock discrepancy refers to the variety of physical available stock or inventory of items with respect to the current inventory in records or systems. To run a successful business of any size, maintaining accurate stock is vital. But inventory variation is a common scenario in a practical situation. In the case of industries like e-commerce, where you need to deal with a massive number of different SKUs, quick and error-free product transfer, and handling hundreds of last-mile deliveries, the chances of inventory mismatch increases. Minor inventory discrepancies can be managed easily, but major inventory discrepancies can lead to considerable losses to your organization. Therefore, you must have a robust system to check inventories, find loopholes and implement best practices to avoid any untoward situations.  [contactus_gynoveda] 5 Main Causes of Inventory Discrepancy Managing inventory throughout an eCommerce supply chain may sound easy, but it is a complicated task. You need to deal with thousands and lakhs of inward receipts and outward delivery day in and day out. Tracking every material movement, delivering the right product to the right place at the right quantity, and above all, managing inventory accuracy is nothing short of a nightmare. But the task becomes easy if you know the probable causes of inventory discrepancy and how to avoid them. Here are some major causes of Inventory Discrepancy. Inventory shrinkage As the name suggests, when there is a shortage in the actual inventory compared to the stock in the records, it is known as inventory shrinkage. Simply put, it refers to when the physical stock of any item is less than the system stock. There are some probable reasons behind such discrepancies:  Pilferage or Theft: Here are two possibilities:If a person involved in operations may pilferage items. Or,Some outsiders may steal.Administrative errors: There may be a chance of error in the accounting system, which eventually decreases the item's quantity. Vendor Fraud: Manufacturers/suppliers may have sent you fewer number items than they billed for it. Misplaced inventory There is a place for every material in modern warehouses, and it is described in the inventory management system. Whenever the warehouse team receives an item, it is labelled first and then goes to its exact location. The same activity happens in the case of goods for delivery. In most industries, this activity is done by humans whereas, in some advanced warehouses, automated robots perform the task. Discrepancies in inventory are primarily due to human errors like wrong material receipt or issuance, putting materials in wrong locations or incorrect labeling. Many times, suppliers also send the wrong materials unintentionally. Any of these mistakes can lead to a stock disrepancy. Human error One of the major causes of inventory discrepancy is human error. Apart from using highly advanced e-commerce warehouse management systems, some of the eCommerce end-to-end supply chain is driven by humans. And if your employees are not appropriately trained on how to receive, store, track and manage stocks, inventory discrepancy is unavoidable. An inventory management system can assist people in managing the inventory efficiently, but they are the people who run the system. Firstly, to avoid human errors, you need to make sure that people understand the consequences of inventory variations. Keeping a standard operating procedure in place, displaying visual instructions, regular training, and frequent inventory audits are some of the best practices to avoid such errors. Mismanaged returns Return management does not add value to the business directly, but it has an impact on the balance sheet and revenue of the organization. Reverse logistics is as important as last-mile delivery. Poor return management can generate significant stock discrepancies and damages. As there are several ways to treat the returned materials (restocked, refurbished, bad-quality-disposed, or scrapped), it is important to perform every activity carefully. If a bad-quality material is not stored back in the warehouse, it will create a stock discrepancy. Similarly, if a returned material is coded wrongly and placed in the location, it will show the wrong information in the system. Effective return management not only helps you to avoid inventory discrepancies but also helps you to improve revenue. Glitches in Inventory Management Software Inventory management software must connect with the existing softwares/platforms businesses use in order to scale to accommodate advanced logistics. Choosing from hundreds of inventory management software solutions and understanding a slew of its features that necessitate training and continuous assistance is a difficult task. Choosing a wrong inventory management software can give further rise to stock discrepancy due to incorrect inventory counting, inventory forecasting etc. 7 Methods to Avoid Stock Discrepancy Having a healthy inventory with accuracy is the key to delivering products on time. On the one hand, it improves customer satisfaction, and on the other, you can book more orders due to better visibility of your inventory status. Stock accuracy is beneficial in mitigating supply chain risks by avoiding incorrect customer orders, material shortages, theft, and damages.  Here are some best practices which can help you to avoid stock discrepancy. Double Check During Counting of Stock Physical inventory counting is a common process to identify and avoid inventory discrepancies. In this process, every item is checked physically, and then the stock is matched with the inventory records. Double counting can minimize errors. In case of a large inventory pool, you can use the ABC analysis method to identify high-value items and perform a double check on those items especially.  You can decide the frequency of physical counting on the basis of ABC and FMR strategy, and decide on a quarterly or annually sales velocity audit (for fast-moving items and slow-moving items).  Identify the Location of Stock In a running eCommerce or production environment, the pace of materials movement is very fast, and there is a tendency to keep the same items in different locations. It is also important to check whether similar items are mixed with each other or not. With a slight change in design, the item code changes, but identifying the difference between such items becomes challenging. While performing physical inventory counting, you must check all the locations thoroughly and avoid the mixing of similar materials.  Check the levels of Inwards & Outwards Stock To improve the inventory accuracy of your warehouse, you must ensure a strict inward and outward process. During the inwards process, checking every item along with their vendor invoices can help avoid major inventory mismatches. Often suppliers inadvertently send similar items with different item codes, leading to stock variation. Communicate with Manufacturers Suppliers play a significant role in an efficient inventory management process. You should establish strong communication with your vendors so that any issues, especially inventory variations, can be communicated immediately. If you inform your supplier about any stock discrepancies during the inward process, they can also check at their end and resolve the problem at the moment. Moreover, training the supplier’s staff can also make a big difference and help run your business smoothly. Strong and transparent communication with your vendors not only helps you to manage inventory discrepancies but also helps avoid a stock-out situation or overstocking and reduces the cost of poor quality (COPQ). Opt for an Inventory Management System In this dynamic eCommerce environment, it is inevitable to have a smart inventory management system in place. It can help you to manage the stock levels, indicate the possible errors, and even help you to locate the item quickly. The advanced inventory management software is beneficial in significantly reducing the inventory counting time, which is a huge saving for any eCommerce business. Train Employees To make a big change, it is essential to increase awareness. As the technology in every field changes, new tools and techniques get introduced into the market every day. Adopting new technologies and training people on the fundamentals is essential. Employees need to know the correct method of inventory counting and its benefits and drawbacks for efficient inventory management. Partner with a 3PL Another best practice to avoid inventory variations is partnering with a 3PL like WareIQ. Being an experienced organization, WareIQ knows every nitty-gritty of inventory management and how to prevent stock discrepancies effectively. It offers stringent control and saves your time and money. Through the latest digitized tools, the overall inventory forecasting process is performed quickly and with high levels of transparency. Conclusion Technological advancement has increased buyers' expectations in terms of competitive price, better material quality, and quick delivery. Poor inventory management with many discrepancies can hamper your revenue and result in customer dissatisfaction. Human errors and inefficient systems are the root cause of a stock discrepancy. By implementing best practices, you can eliminate all bottlenecks and establish a healthy inventory system in your organization. Adopting intelligent inventory management software and partnering with an efficient 3PL like WareIQ can help manage your inventory better. We at WareIQ give you full transparency of your inventory with real-time tracking features that make you monitor your product levels & status across our multiple warehouses from anywhere. As we know, return and reverse logistic is the major cause of the stock discrepancy, we provide RTO and logistics insurance to save your time, money, and other resources. If you keep the listed items on your website in our fulfillment centers, then you do not have to worry about inventory management and stock discrepancy. We are solely responsible for any discrepancy. If in case, it comes from your vendor's side, you will be informed immediately. [signup] Stock Discrepancy FAQs What is the reason for stock discrepancies?Reasons for stock disparities are:i) Theft of stockii) Incorrect recording of dataiii) Misplaced stock and can't be trackediv) Mis-handling of damaged and returned stockv) Human error while the stocktake process like wrong counting What are the necessary actions businesses should take if there is a discrepancy in stock?i) Confirm the discrepancy by double-checking recordsii) Make necessary changes in the records if there is a discrepancyiii) Remove any extra items that have been detected as a discrepancyiv) While arranging replenishment orders, make sure you have enough stock to cover the difference How does WareIQ ensure low to zero inventory discrepancies?WareIQ does inventory tracking for sellers through its own warehouse management system software where WareIQ operations experts handle the process of managing inventory that ensures low to zero inventory discrepancy. How can companies minimize stock variances?To minimize stock variances:i) Inspect incoming inventory and label itii) Separate customer-owned inventory from the restiii) Standardize Inventory Picking Recordkeepingiv) Audit the Bill of Materials and sign for every inventory removed from the warehousev) Extra Requisitions and Returns should be tracked

June 11, 2022

What is Direct Fulfillment? How is it Different from Amazon FBA?

What is Direct Fulfillment? How is it Different from Amazon FBA?

eCommerce retailers are constantly striving to offer the best services to their customers at the most competitive rates to out-shine their rivals. There are many important decisions to be made, especially in terms of order fulfillment because that is the most visible aspect to the customer and they get to experience it first hand. There are many different methods of order fulfillment and today we take a look at one of the more unconventional ones - direct fulfillment. Read further to understand what it is, how it works and if it would be the right fit for your business. What is Direct Fulfillment? Direct fulfillment is the process of shipping goods ordered by a customer directly, using the company’s own facilities and resources, and not relying on a 3PL fulfillment company for any aspect of the fulfillment process. Another process is that wholesale sellers make a large number of product purchases, obtained from the producer, after which separation of the goods into distinct categories occurs, in magneto order to sell to retailers. The distributor then sells the products to the end consumers. This is known as Indirect distribution. Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) is a service provided by Amazon that helps their clients with storage, packaging, shipping guidelines, and other aspects of the B2B fulfillment process. This reduces the burden on sellers. Sellers ship their products to an Amazon fulfillment center, where the products are stored in warehouses, according to their demand, expiry date, etc. The products are then shipped whenever they are needed. When an order is placed, the employees in Amazon are always physically getting ready to prepare, package, and ship the products. [contactus_uth] What are the Benefits of Direct Fulfillment? There are many benefits in the process of direct order fulfillment, especially during the inception of an online retailer, where customers would be fewer and demand would still be on the lower side. A few benefits of direct order fulfillment are Ability to consolidate important information on client purchasing habits. Ability to separate yourself from the competition. First-hand look as to the performance of certain products and client feedback Faster supply of your goods to your customer's Removal of payments and credit to a third-party distributor Direct relationship with your clients Expanded number of ASINs Buy request no needed Unavailable assurance Hassle-free reverse logistics No outbound delivery costs How do I get started with Direct Order Fulfillment? Direct order fulfillment starts with the following steps: The online retailer gets client requests and orders. The company checks stock and by the same token, acknowledges or dismisses the order request. The company initiates the fulfillment of each order from the area allocated by Amazon (commonly a stockroom) and drops the request if they don't have stock in that area. The company satisfies the order request by utilizing the chosen transporter and transport strategy during the arrangement. If you are currently an Amazon vendor 1. If it's not too much trouble, record a help case in your Vendor Portal mentioning the desire to be set up on Drop Ship Central and Direct Fulfillment. If you are not currently an Amazon vendor Train your onboarding contact that you would like the "DF (Direct Fulfillment)" box checked during arrangement on Vendor Central During the Vendor Central arrangement process, you will get a challenge to pursue Drop Ship Central, the administrative entry for dealing with your immediate satisfaction queries. As a component of the guided setup process, you will be asked to (1) pick your conveyance name preference (utilize Amazon's transportation mark as opposed to giving your delivery name); (2) provide your fulfillment warehouse data; (3) provide your hours of operations, occasion, and termination plans; and (4)select a transporter. In around 48 hours, you will get the last guidance to transfer your stock feed data into Drop Ship Central. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Order Fulfillment? Advantages Of Direct Fulfillment You can oversee your own branded shipping, stock, and orders. As long as you have the space, can print address names, pick and pack, and stand in line at a mailing station, you can satisfy orders on your behalf. It functions reliably, assuming your clients are nearby, the operations are sensible, and the transportation costs are negligible, particularly when order volumes are relatively low. Rather than most 3PLs, you can store and transport transitory or perishable merchandise, such as blossoms or lithium batteries. You can be located closer to your clients since this choice accompanies more client contact.  Disadvantages Of Direct Fulfillment This strategy requires a lot of staff to oversee customer service and other eCommerce fulfillment processes. This is likely removing diverting your attention away from developing the business. You need to have adequate warehouse space to store items. To ensure quick international shipping, would require a lot of capital and resources than partnering with a 3PL fulfillment company. Human blunders can happen when orders expand in size and complexity, particularly on the off chance that you are not utilizing automation to assist in dealing with your stock. Read our blog about Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime to get a better understanding of other services Amazon has to offer. What are the Main Points to Keep in Mind while Choosing Direct Fulfillment? Fulfillment companies new to direct order fulfillment and multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations for marketplace fulfillment might battle with one or more of the extraordinary prerequisites needed to successfully serve their customers. Nature of Business Retailers with expanding business operations are best suited to benefit from direct order fulfillment. Such businesses have the monetary means and available manpower to take on the process of fulfilling customer orders on their own, without needing to bank on Amazon’s fulfillment services. Retailers that seek to reduce their order fulfillment and logistics costs can do so by distributing to customers directly and don’t need to pay any fees to a 3PL fulfillment company. Reduced Delays Retailers who rely on Fulfillment by Amazon frequently face challenges relating to inventory receiving times. The receiving process, which would initially take 5 days, can now take upwards of 30 days. This lengthy delay can severely reduce the availability of inventory. By independently taking care of order fulfillment processes, companies can make use of their entire inventory, which would result in an increase in sales. Benefit to small businesses Small businesses generally find Fulfillment by Amazon to be a useful tool and can adopt Amazon’s offerings as their main fulfillment strategy with Direct Fulfillment as a backup. Retailers who make use of Fulfillment by Amazon have access to standardized shipping devoid of any hassles. Amazon takes care of the storage of inventory, packing, and shipping aggregation for all orders that come in. Smaller businesses can also use direct order fulfillment as a backup option to transfer more of their products. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) vs Direct Fulfillment: What are the Differences? Given the benefits, it shouldn’t shock anyone that most third-party sellers on Amazon utilize its Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service. With FBA, sellers' items automatically qualify for Amazon Prime and Super Saver Shipping. They can likewise exploit Amazon's customer service experience, and this all means acquiring more deals than contending with non-FBA sellers. Notwithstanding, not all that sparkles is gold. Amazon's FBA has its disadvantages as well, and numerous sellers frequently select to deal with this aspect of eCommerce logistics themselves.  If you're a third-party seller deciding on direct order fulfillment, you might need to enlist external assistance to help you in dealing with the logistical portion of your business. Fulfillment, direct or otherwise, has become well known and has progressed as necessities have ascended over the last ten years. Innovation is a major tool in terms of dealing with the entire cycle and monitoring individual shipments as well as the stock in the warehouse. For the vast majority of businesses, the goal is to get to the same level of assurance that Amazon Prime offers in terms of reliability and quality. The differences between direct fulfillment and FBA are listed below: [table id=5 /] Conclusion Direct order fulfillment facilitates your enterprise to manage expenses and mitigates dangers while at the same time enhancing your capacity to serve customers. You get all the recognition for providing professional services but conversely, you also get all the blame if something goes wrong. It is a primary step and doubtlessly, a hard one. If you feel that your business needs to outsource its fulfillment requirements to a 3PL company, WareIQ can definitely be of service. WareIQ, is a full-stack eCommerce fulfillment company for some of the most reputed brands in India. WareIQ offers a full-stack platform for eCommerce companies to enable same-day delivery and next day delivery to customers – an Amazon Prime-like experience but accessible to everyone. Why You Should Choose WareIQ's Fulfillment Centers for FBA Prep Service? Comply with Amazon’s scheduled delivery Prep services ensure proper packaging and preparation which helps to reduce delays in receive time. Taking scheduled appointments in the Amazon Fulfillment Center is a hassle because of the complex checklist of items to be executed. There are chances of missing the time slot leading to stock rejection. Stock preparation needs to follow Amazon guidelines which is a thorough process that WareIQ staff is trained in. WareIQ offers FBA prep services that ensure quality control, streamlining and adherence to Amazon standards whether it comes to fragile item preparation, repackaging thousands of SKUs to simply labelling products correctly with barcodes. WareIQ’s automated order fulfillment system ensures efficient and accurate picking and packing. Save operational costs Keeping track of a lot of different stock keeping units or SKUs that require different prep services can be tricky. You have to ask yourself if your business can afford to have its products returned or be billed a non-compliance fee for failure to meet FBA standards. Outsourcing FBA prep is a cost-effective way to move inventory. With WareIQ’s smart technology, SKUs are mapped across sales channels for efficient fulfillment. Also, with WareIQ you’ll only pay for what you use, which means if you ship only one product in a month, you’ll only pay a pick and pack fee for that one. WareIQ books slot for clients on their behalf and offer bulk shipping with multiple sellers thereby ensuring cost efficiencies. Save space FBA doesn’t just take up mind space, it takes up a whole lot of physical space as well. De-palletizing and repackaging, and storing packing materials such as poly mailers, fragile item wrapping, or labels can take up a lot of space, which most vendors do not have. In this case, a fulfillment center may be a great option. WareIQ has the bandwidth to fulfill 1 to 10,000+ orders each day. Save on resources Think about what you could be doing with the resources it takes to manage FBA prep. Outsourcing to a fulfillment centre can help you focus on growing your core business. [signup] Direct Fulfillment FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

June 09, 2022

How to Sell on eBay? 9 Simple Steps to Become an eBay Seller in 2024

How to Sell on eBay? 9 Simple Steps to Become an eBay Seller in 2024

eBay was one of the companies that were born from the internet boom in the 1990s. Since its inception in 1995, it has become a household name in the eCommerce business and currently operates in 32 countries, worldwide. The company was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in San Jose, California.  eBay predated the entry of its closest rival, Amazon, into the Indian eCommerce market by almost a decade, commencing operations in the country in 2005. It has arguably pioneered the rapid growth of the eCommerce industry in the country, with other major players such as Amazon and Flipkart, wanting a share of the action. In this blog, we will take you through how you can sell on eBay, the benefits of using eBay for sale, the challenges associated with it and how WareIQ can help.  Why Should You Choose eBay for Sale? Immediate Recognition While Amazon has garnered more trust from customers in recent years, eBay is no slouch when it comes to trustability and customers’ ability to recognise the brand as an eCommerce giant. If a retailer uses eBay for sale, customers will automatically associate them and their products and services with eBay and all the positives that come with it. This instantly increases the chances of customers buying your products compared to if you were an independent seller because they have faith in eBay’s verification processes and trust that their purchase and order fulfillment experience will be up to the mark. Auction Services One of eBay’s unique features that continues to set it apart from other competitors is the ability for retailers who sell on eBay to conduct auctions. Products that get sold at auctions always end up getting sold for a much higher price than the retail equivalent, simply because the product will always get sold at the highest possible price that people are willing to pay. eBay also gives users the option to set a reserve price, which acts as a safety net to prevent products from getting sold at a severely discounted price compared to what it is actually worth. Promising SEO Capabilities This is another metric where eBay is slightly behind Amazon but still offers prime SEO results, pun not intended. Regardless of what types of products customers are searching for, eBay results are bound to pop up in the top 5 to 10 results, at least. Retailers who only sell on eBay and other eCommerce platforms and who do not operate their own websites can take advantage of the heightened SEO results. Reduced Prices This is one metric where eBay has a clear advantage compared to Amazon. Amazon charges around 15% plus additional fees per sale compared to eBays 10%. This means that retailers who sell on eBay can retain higher profit margins while selling at the same or discounted prices compared to who sell on amazon , flipkart or other eCommerce websites, which can be a huge boon, especially for small to mid-sized businesses. Gigantic Customer Market eBay, while still second to Amazon, has an astounding 183 million active users. This means that retailers who sell on eBay instantly get access to this huge market of potential customers which can instantly result in more demand and sales. However, sellers will have to fend off other competitors who are also seeking to make use of this newfound demand. Retailers will need to adjust their business strategy accordingly but new customers are always a good thing. [contactus_gynoveda] 9 Simple Steps to Start to Sell on eBay in 2024 Creating an Account Open the “My eBay” drop-down menu that is present on all eBay pages and click on “selling”. Type of Account You can either opt for a business account or a personal account. Once that is done, enter the information in the registration form and click on “create account”. You can also sign up with an Apple, Google or Facebook account. Then fill out your contact details and click “Continue”. Registering as an eBay Seller After filling out the contact details, you will be redirected back to “My eBay”. You will have to register as an eBay seller. Click on the “My eBay” menu and click on “selling” as done previously. Listing an Item You will be directed to the Selling Overview page where you need to click on “List an Item” which will redirect you to fill out the “Sell Your Item” form. Naming Your Product Once you enter the name of your product, click on “Get Started”. Adding Product Information Once you enter all the details in the “Sell Your Item” form, click on “Submit”. The listing will then be saved as a draft from where you will be directed back to the Seller Account Registration page where you have to click on “Get Started”. Verify Your Phone Number You will have to fill out your phone number and have it verified by entering an OTP. Changing Account Type You can now change your account type if you want to. It will mostly not be needed. Users can opt between 2 types of accounts to sell on eBay: Personal Account: Choose this if you want to sell on eBay as an individual or if you are connected to a registered business.Business Account: Choose this if you want to sell on eBay as a company (Single-member LLC, Corporation/Multi-member LLC, Partnership) or a sole proprietor. You Can Now Sell on eBay Now that your account has been verified, you can commence selling on eBay. Challenges Faced by Retailers Who Sell on eBay Presence of Additional and Hidden Fees eBay, like other eCommerce selling platforms, cannot abstain from imposing additional and hidden fees on retailers. Retailers are often bombarded with new and varying prices that they have to pay if they want to continue to sell on eBay. Examples include getting charged an insertion fee if you add one listing in 2 different categories and you are also using a free account. These expenses can often have dire consequences for retailers who already have slim profit margins. Restrictions on New Sellers eBay seeks to make the most amount of money it can. Retailers have to remember that it is not a charity service and eBay's bottom line probably matters even more than their own. To ensure that firms are pulling their weight, restrictions such as selling thresholds or minimum income requirements for a specified period of time are often imposed on sellers, with penalties being imposed on sellers who cannot meet them. This will rub salt in the wound for new businesses that are already struggling to get by. Creation of Product Listings Creating listings on eBay can often be a lot harder than it needs to be. For example, if retailers want to upload in bulk, they can upload a CSV file but will have to filter through more than 60 pages of instructions, which can make it unnecessarily complicated for people who are not well-versed with technology. This process can take time and effort, especially if your catalogue is diverse and you have different products with multiple variations. Restrictions on Type of Images eBay imposes restrictions on the type of images that can be used. Images can only be between 500 pixels wide and 1600 pixels wide. Images that are either above or below this threshold will not cut it. Additionally, eBay is very strict when it comes to images used from existing sources and requires crediting the original source, which can then direct the interest of customers away from your page.  Lack of Automation and Integration When retailers opt to sell on eBay and utilise eBay’s 1st-party services, they often limit themselves because there are no options to integrate with other platforms or software solutions. This makes life much harder for businesses that want to sell their products on multiple platforms because they will have to juggle manually updating multiple different pages that have different passwords which can be a cumbersome process. Additionally, there are limited options for automation for basic tasks such as packaging. Suggested Read: Sell on Instagram eBay for Sale: 8 Strategies to Get the Most Out of it Run Promoted Listing Campaigns Promoted listings are a tried and tested way of improving product visibility and eventually, sales. Research shows that promoted listings are viewed 36% more than regular ones. The pricing scheme for these campaigns also limits the amount of risk incurred by a retailer because instead of paying upfront, eBay receives an additional percentage of each sale made. Use Intelligent Keywords Keywords are the words that customers type into search engines when they are looking for a product. Keywords constantly evolve depending on the season, type of products, the platform used, etc. Retailers need to constantly be ahead of the curve and use the appropriate keywords in their product descriptions, page titles and image descriptions so that they can give themselves the best chance of matching with what customers are looking for. Offer Fast and Free Shipping In the current landscape we live in, same-day and next-day shipping have become the norm. Your business needs to offer it to avoid being left behind. Another way to spark interest from customers is to offer free shipping wherever possible. There are many methods to offer free shipping while still retaining a high-profit margin such as including the shipping cost in the price of the product and having minimum cart requirements, among others, so retailers need to analyse their capabilities and offer shipping services accordingly. Try Hiding Negative Reviews  If your listing page is constantly flooded with negative reviews, it could be indicative of a much larger issue. However, if you are a growing business, there are bound to be trials and errors along the way. Retailers who sell on eBay, need to make sure that they address and correct every negative review that they receive so that can be gotten out of the way because they have been solved. They also need to put an honest effort into turning negative reviews into positive ones so that when another customer checks the reviews, the ratio of positive to negative reviews will be higher.  Try to Achieve eBay Top Seller Status If you sell on eBay, you should definitely consider becoming a top-rated seller. This will give you an achievable long term goal and will enable you to optimize all the metrics that will help get you there such as providing an excellent customer experience and selling products that are popular. By becoming a top-rated seller, you would be eligible for various perks such as boosted visibility, a specified amount that gets credited towards promoted listings, discounts on shipping and much more. Have a Fair Return Policy Retailers who use eBay for sale need to frame an appropriate return policy. Since returns expenditures are generally incurred by sellers, they need to have a policy in place that doesn’t put undue pressure on them. Conversely, they also need to keep in mind that a strict, rigid return policy can be a turn off for customers. Retailers need to strike a balance between offering a fair return policy for themselves and their customers. eBay offer a cash-back guarantee relating to orders that are not fulfilled, damaged products and orders that don’t match the description. Excluding these circumstances, retailers are free to choose if they want to offer returns or not. Promote Your Listings on Social Media Social media and eCommerce go hand in hand. The same people that are browsing pages on Facebook and Instagram are also checking for products that they want to buy and spend hours looking for the best deals possible. The logical conclusion is to utilise social media to promote products that you sell on eBay since those users are already well-informed about the internet, how to buy products online and would appreciate extra knowledge about a sale or a product that they may want to buy.  Run Email Marketing Campaigns For retailers who sell on eBay, running email marketing campaigns is a good way of keeping people informed and reminded about your products, promotional offers you are running and information about your brand in general. It is also a good way of gathering data about the tastes and preferences of customers so that it can be used for future marketing campaigns and can yield better results. Conclusion It is a dream for many retailers to sell on eBay due to the vast array of benefits that comes with it. While it is definitely a good idea to register to sell on eBay, we also do not recommend putting all your eggs in just one basket. Due to the adverse growth of the eCommerce industry in the country, it pays dividends to generate as much exposure as possible in order for a retailer to capture the maximum amount of market share that they possibly can. It also depends on factors such as the nature of your business and products, the financial capabilities of your business and the potential customers you are trying to target. If you do decide that selling on eBay is the right decision for your business, you would need to think about the best way to fulfill all those orders. This is where WareIQ can be of assistance. WareIQ is emerging as one of India’s most rapidly expanding 3PL fulfillment companies. We provide every aspect of order fulfillment such as fulfillment centers to store products, picking and packing services, distribution and delivery services and reverse logistics. This, coupled with our superior and advanced tech platform that provides a state of the art Warehouse Management Software, NDR support and an RTO shield that gives you protection from liabilities and return orders, is sure to make your order fulfillment experience world-class. [signup] Sell on eBay: FAQs What are some things retailers shouldn’t do while selling on eBay?There are few things that retailers should abstain from while selling on eBay and some of them are listed below:- Using unoriginal photos- Not being honest about the product and its features- Ignoring messages and enquiries from customers- Miscalculating shipping charges- Not fulfilling orders to certain locations- Setting the wrong start price at an auction How long does it take for you to get paid when you sell on eBay?Payment usually occurs 1 day after confirming the payment from the buyer, unless there is some issue with the transaction. It takes about 2 days for the amount to reflect in the sellers account. Is there a listing fee while listing products to sell on eBay?No, there are no fees associated with listing your products on eBay. Fees will only be charged if a product is sold and if you opt for any of the featured listing options. Can you integrate an eBay account with WareIQ’s WMS?Yes, an eBay seller account can be integrated with WareIQ’s WMS and users can avail of all the benefits that come with that. How can 3PL companies like WareIQ solve the challenges faced by eBay sellers?3PL companies such as WareIQ provide flexibility to users by providing services such as order fulfillment, packaging and shipping at much cheaper rates. Additionally, WareIQ’s WMS can integrate with most eCommerce selling platforms and can consolidate data relating to orders and inventory from all of them in one centralised location.

June 08, 2022

What is Free Shipping In eCommerce? How To Offer Free Deliveries in 2024 For Your Online Store in 10 Ways?

What is Free Shipping In eCommerce? How To Offer Free Deliveries in 2024 For Your Online Store in 10 Ways?

eCommerce Shipping stores are a common sight in online shopping. Instead of wandering around in physical stores and fighting amongst crowds, fulfillment sellers can sell whatever their products at great convenience from the comfort of their offices or homes. For many merchants, free shipping (also known as free distribution, or free delivery) is an added draw that helps them build customer loyalty and lower shipping costs. However, it's not just enough to give away the goods; there needs to be a strategy behind putting this offer together. Free deliveries are a marketing strategy for eCommerce fulfillment companies. In today's competitive online world, many small businesses plan to offer free shipping or at least find ways to lower shipping costs - but it can be hard to understand how to apply this successfully in a real-world scenario. Warehousing and Fulfillment can be tricky for eCommerce logistics, especially those that rely on warehousing and D2C fulfillment companies. However, there are many benefits of free delivery - from increasing customer retention rates to receiving appreciation from your customers. This article will outline how you can provide free shipping and lower shipping costs to your online customers in 2024. What is Free Shipping in eCommerce?  Free shipping is a fantastic feature for online shoppers. It allows customers to get their items without paying any extra fees. It can be a great way to attract new customers and make them feel appreciated. Ensure you have accurate shipping information on your website and offer free shipping on qualifying purchases.  Use promotional codes and discounts to incentivise buyers to make purchases that qualify for free shipping. It will help you reach your MOV requirement faster and increase the number of customers who receive free shipping when they make a purchase, which will enable a higher rate of customer retention and acquisition. [contactus_gynoveda] Why Should Online Stores Offer Free Shipping? Online stores can evaluate both flat rate shipping or standard shipping offered by the 3PL players & then decide which kind of shipping will help them offer free shipping to their online shoppers. Read the blog on flat rate vs standard shipping to understand the differences. Free Deliveries are a great way to attract customers and keep them returning to your online store. Offering free delivery on all orders can help you gain loyal customers and make more sales. There are many reasons online stores should offer free delivery, but four of the most important ones are listed below: Helps Increase Your Customer Base  When you offer free deliveries, you tell customers that you value their business and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that they're satisfied with their purchase. It makes customers more likely to return and recommend your store to their friends. Boosts Your Sales Figures  If an online retailer has many shipping options, they can better cater to the sizes and needs of their consumers. The availability of these different shipping methods equates to a higher sales rate. In 2017, eCommerce warehousing giant Amazon reported that offering free shipping increased sales by 27%. That's a massive boost for any online store and it demonstrates just how important free shipping is for attracting customers. Can Increase Profit Margins  The shipping charge should be available both on the product page and at checkout to maintain an ongoing cost from product page to checkout. If an extra shipping charge deters a customer, they may abandon their shopping cart. Offering free delivery or at least providing lower shipping costs makes it even cheaper for customers since they don't have to pay any additional fees associated with shipping. Plus, if you have a lot of regular customers who order large items, free shipping can save them money. Shows Your Customers That You Care  Many online stores offer free distribution on orders on a specific retail value to show their customers that they're valued and appreciated. Offering free delivery is one way to show your customers that you understand the importance of their business. 10 Different Ways to Provide Free Shipping to eCommerce Customers in 2024 There are a few different ways to offer free deliveries by eCommerce fulfillment to customers. Here are some examples: Use Voucher Codes If you have voucher codes that you offer your customers, you can include them with orders or offer them as a separate product. This way, customers can get access to lower shipping costs or free shipping without spending extra money on more purchases. Offer Free Returns If you offer free returns, you can make it so that customers who return items receive free shipping. This way, customers won't have to worry about paying for shipping twice – once for the original purchase and again for the return. However, use this policy sparingly if your business incurs the logistics cost. Provide Free In-Store Pickup If you have a brick-and-mortar store, you can also offer free in-store pickup for online orders that are above a certain amount. This way, eCommerce customers can take their purchases home without having to pay for shipping. Offer Exclusive Deals on Free Shipping Sometimes, it's beneficial only to offer free delivery on specific items or particular year periods. This way, you can promote your products and keep your customer base loyal by offering exclusive deals with the benefit of free shipping. Use Social Media to Promote Free Shipping You can use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to promote special deal. This way, you can attract new customers and keep your existing ones happy by offering free shipping on their favourite items. Offer Minimum Requirements You can always specify minimum requirements that customers need to meet in order to take advantage of free shipping. This could result in more sales as customers try to reach these minimum requirements which will result in more revenue for the company. Offer Free Shipping to Certain Locations You can offer free shipping to certain locations that meet your expectations for the amount of demand and confirmed orders that they yield. It will help to increase demand even further in these areas, while mitigating increases in shipping prices as orders can be shipped in bulk and you can take advantage of large scale discounts offered by shipping companies. Provide Free Shipping During Specific Seasons Certain seasons result in more demand and more products sold than others. In order to make your customers happy and not risk your bottom line by being too generous, you can offer free shipping only during seasons that result in a large number of sales for your business. Suggested Read: Peak Season Shipping Include the Shipping Fee in the Price of Products By doing this, you are able to maintain your profit margins and also make customers feel like they are getting a better deal than what they actually are since they assume that they are getting something for free. Use Memberships or Subscriptions as a Way to Entice Customers You can entice customers into signing up for memberships or subscriptions by offering perks such as free shipping and ultra-fast delivery. This will help to promote your products as well generate new sales. How Do eCommerce Brands Recover the Zero or Lower Shipping Costs? Brands that are not profitable enough to provide shipping free on all products can choose to offer bonuses with purchases so that customers will spend more and qualify for free delivery. Find Out How to Increase the Price of Your Product. When you are pricing expensive items, shipping may be more than the cost of the item itself and make the product seem overpriced. However, adding a little to the price of already expensive products might not dissuade customers from buying as it will still be cheaper than paying for shipping. Add markup to your products to cover the average shipping and logistics costs. It is hard to predict additional orders, so covering shipping might make it plausible for the other charges. Find Out How to Get Customers to Spend More Gradually Increase LTV, offer subscriptions and loyalty programs and consider effective email marketing strategies. Customers often need to make a second purchase to cover the cost of acquisition. For example, six will subscribe for a second transaction out of ten customers. If the customer's next purchase covers their initial expense, then anything after that is a bonus. Add Bundling or Lower the Spending Threshold to Increase Your AOV Bundle products together to be able to charge lower shipping costs. Include other benefits, such as buying a membership to the website to get more value and money from the customer's purchase. Increasing your AOV (average order value) will help you reach new customers and keep old ones coming back for more. To increase the average order value (AOV), you should bundle products together or pre-kit them, so it's a single pick and pack process to fulfill an order. For example, Bathorium, a manufacturer of bath frames, allows customers to purchase six for the price of five – this saves shoppers money and increases AOV. To avoid losing customers, consider raising prices if the cost of free shipping is too high. If you offer low-cost items or no subscription model with a product, you might require customers to have a minimum order quantity(MOQ) to receive free delivery. How Do I Know if Free Shipping is Right for My Online Business? Some stores have the flexibility to offer customers free shipping on all products. However, other stores need to offer free distribution as an incentive for customers for specific products. For instance, if your product is expensive, you should test free delivery/shipping out for that product by running a limited-time promotion. To promote or boost sales, experiment with the minimum spending requirements and time limitations. It will help you customise the campaign to your customer's needs. Remember, experimentation is critical when it comes to marketing, and you should always keep track of what is working by doubling down on it and stop or remove things that aren't working well. Free delivery likely indicates that retail fulfillment is profitable. If you keep purchasing and making returns, there's always demand for the product and shipping aggregation. Avoid excessive returns by examining the potential impacts and ramifications of your purchase. If you want to offer free shipping, lower shipping costs or make your entire shipping process more efficient, WareIQ can help. We offer the choice of more than 20 of the largest shipping courier providers in the nation at the most competitive prices to enable you to retain higher profit margins and provide a high quality delivery experience to your customers. WareIQ is one of India’s leading and fastest-growing full-stack eCommerce fulfillment companies that offer a variety of services from same-day and next-day delivery, shipping badges and RTO Shield, to state of the art technological solutions such as our custom WMS and our intuitive, well-designed app store. We can take care of your brand’s entire fulfillment service requirements and ensure that you and your customers get the best order fulfillment in the country and have a hassle-free experience and raise satisfaction levels to new heights. [signup] Free Shipping in eCommerce FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Is it worthwhile to provide free shipping?Free delivery is an increasingly common online shopping option in which customers do not have to pay an additional shipping fee. Customers who value clear pricing structures may welcome free delivery, making it a possible competitive edge for online enterprises. How significant is free delivery to customers?Free delivery makes up to 75% of consumers more inclined to purchase. This is because the incentive enhances the online experience and eliminates the barrier that shipping prices generate. Most importantly, customers consider free delivery to be easy and convenience influences their purchasing decisions. Does offering free delivery increase sales?Free delivery is a great method to increase your sales since customers adore it. They see it as an extra benefit that will allow them to save money when the time comes to buy. How does free delivery make money?Free shipping is used as a lever by smart merchants of all sizes to enhance conversions and average purchase values while minimizing the negative impact on revenue generation. Furthermore, free delivery might save customer care expenses for returns. When returning an item, customers frequently request that delivery costs be paid. How can eCommerce business lower shipping costs?• changing product packaging materials which in turn will help reduce the weight and dimensions of packages• decreasing shipping distance by using a network of multiple fulfillment and micro - fulfillment centers• get discounted shipping rates with a 3pl service provider like WareIQ Is free shipping actually free?There is no such thing as free shipping, the customer is paying for it in one way or another. There is a significant amount of money that has been used in shipping and handling of products, so it can never be free. Yes, there is no charge in the bill ~ shipping fee= 0 INR for shipping but it is compensated in the cost of the product or MOV or other. How do I offer free shipping for my online store with WareIQ?There are a few methods that online retailers such as WareIQ use to offer free shipping. One approach is to require a minimum purchase amount before providing free shipping. Other methods include charging additional fees for free shipping or offering different discounts for customers who choose to order products with free shipping. Since we offer users a choice of shipping companies, you can always ship your products at the most competitive rates.

June 07, 2022

5 Important Tricks to Maximize Sales Velocity in eCommerce Business in 2024

5 Important Tricks to Maximize Sales Velocity in eCommerce Business in 2024

In our everyday life, we get hundreds of notifications on our mobile phones through the various applications we have downloaded. They are loaded with new offers, flash sales, newly launched products and much more. Businesses are spending millions on such promotional activities through the help of campaigning and CRM tools. The ultimate goal of them is to create sales opportunities. These sales opportunities help immensely to boost the presence of a company to their existing customers and also to new customers but the following question arises - Are those people continuing to buy products now or at any time in the future? This should be an important question that every eCommerce retailer should ask themselves. They should find out the rate of an increase or decrease in sales within a certain time frame. This captivating process is called sales velocity in eCommerce. What is Sales Velocity in eCommerce? Sales velocity in eCommerce is a term used to describe the measurement of revenue an eCommerce business earns within a given time period. It is a useful practice for brands to forecast their actual revenue generation in order to know the running cost & profit/loss of their business for the specified time period and how it is going to perform in the future. [contactus_uth] Sales Velocity Formula To calculate the sales velocity of an eCommerce business, you first need to bifurcate the business into segments such as small, medium and large. As every company has its unique definition of what constitutes each segment, the seller should divide them accordingly. After determining the market segments, apply the sales velocity formula for each one of them. Sales Velocity = (Total number of Opportunities x Deal Value x Win Rate) / Length of Sales Cycle(a time period) Why is it Necessary for Businesses to Track Sales Velocity in eCommerce? The capacity of a business to thrive and develop is largely determined by sales velocity in eCommerce. The quicker prospects move through your pipeline, the better your chances are of maintaining high velocity sales. As a result, high velocity sales reflect that a business is generating a lot of income in a short amount of time. Tracking sales velocity in eCommerce over time helps a seller to compare their company's performance to that of other companies, the efficacy of particular departments or areas and evaluate how changes in sales processes affect an organization, for better or worse. Understanding sales velocity in eCommerce can also assist companies in better forecasting and determining how to optimize the sales process for faster and more high velocity sales. 4 Important Factors That Impact Sales Velocity in eCommerce The four factors that impact sales velocity in eCommerce are and help to high velocity sales: Number of Opportunities(Qualified Leads)Average Deal ValueWin/Conversion RateDuration of Sales Cycle Number of Opportunities(Qualified Leads) A certain quantity of opportunities is always in your pipeline. Check to see if they're legitimate opportunities. Your bottom line will suffer if your pipeline is full of junk leads with only a few that have a possibility of converting. Average Deal Value In every transaction, the most important resource for both parties involved is time. Make sure you're getting the most out of it. For both your prospect and yourself, incorporating offers or add-ons will improve the calibre of leads while also raising your average deal value and high velocity sales. It is a lot more relevant for companies offering software as a service or businesses that use the subscription model, where customer lifetime value is the most important factor for the business. Win/Conversion Rate Your average win rate is determined by the number of high-quality leads you generate.  To find the win rate, divide the number of sales achieved by the total number of sales opportunities that came across. It can later be subcategorized into SQL and MQL. SQL or Sales Qualified Leads are the leads that are converted into sales whereas,MQL or Marketing Qualified Leads are the leads that may get converted into sales in the future. Duration of Sales Cycle This is the only aspect of sales velocity in eCommerce that you should avoid increasing. Shortening your average sales cycle and closing more quality deals faster can be accomplished by creating a more efficient sales process, revising your sales playbook and occasionally adding manpower to your sales force. 5 Tricks for an eCommerce Business to Achieve High-Velocity Sales Once an eCommerce company's sales velocity has been precisely determined, it can be improved by increasing the number of opportunities, average deal size and win rate or shortening the sales cycle. Here are five tricks you can use in 2024 to achieve high-velocity sales. Increase the Number of Qualified Leads Sales velocity in eCommerce can be increased by increasing sales opportunities and sales opportunities can be increased by converting leads into qualified leads. A lead is a potential customer who has shown interest in a business by reaching out and interacting with it through inquiries through calls and emails and attending a seminar or exhibition by the business, etc. Leads are then turned into sales after the business takes care to qualify them within time. Conversely, an opportunity is a qualified lead. It means that the business has dealt with the lead and then converted it into a sale. A pipeline full of leads isn't always a positive thing as it might cause problems if the leads aren't thoroughly qualified. Concentrate your efforts on those who are a good fit for your solution. Focus on lead quality rather than quantity to improve the number of good chances in your pipeline. It's preferable to have a smaller number of high-quality leads than a large number of low-quality leads. Also, keep your expectations in check. Keep doing what's working for your company. If the solution is best suited for small firms, don't approach an eCommerce giant expecting to make a quick sale. There will always be opportunities to extend your consumer base but it is critical to keep your expectations realistic. Elevate the Average Deal Size A product is sold once its value matches or surpasses the price. Many times, a customer is willing to buy a product but they may not have enough money and sometimes the customer has money but they don't find that the value of the product matches the pricing so a seller needs to match that value and persuade the customer. Boosting average deal size can be explained as accurately as connecting value and pricing. When selling, one of your major concerns should be to focus on the customer's needs and pain points. Make each customer's presentation unique and deliver your solution in a way that demonstrates how it can satisfy their needs and alleviate their problems. Customers should regard you as a consultant who can assist them in finding a valued solution rather than a salesperson seeking to meet given targets. Also, make sure you're using your time wisely. Don't rush anyone through the process but give bigger opportunities with larger clients more time and consideration. You'll be able to devote more time to the deals that will have a bigger impact if you finish your smaller deals faster. Now it's time to start building and nurturing relationships. Building strong, mutually beneficial relationships with consumers will increase the average deal size significantly. CRM software makes this simple, allowing users to maintain customer connections and provide additional value to both buyers and sellers. Optimize Conversions Customers may leave your sales pipeline for a variety of reasons. Identifying why your consumers are or aren't buying is critical for optimizing your conversion rate, whether it's due to a rival or their lack of enthusiasm to address a problem. Ensure that you undertake a thorough sales discovery at the onset of your relationship with the consumer. Recognize why the customer is looking for a solution and position your company as the answer. Match each of their requirements to a feature of your solution. Remember to emphasize the risks of not jumping at the opportunity as well as the advantages of fixing the problem. Keep in mind that your sales process and the buyer’s journey are similar but not identical. Be patient with customers as they go through the process of making a purchase decision. Analyze your sales process to figure out where the customers are getting out of the deal. The problem might be that you need different lead qualification standards or that your representatives need more value demonstration practice. Find areas of struggle in your sales process, identify the problem and take action to resolve it. Reduce the Duration of the Sales Cycle Every transaction is unique and the amount of time you spend selling to each consumer will vary. Smaller and less established organizations can make faster judgments since they have fewer requirements and stakeholders to persuade. Understanding the size of a company and its desire to solve a problem will help you determine how soon you can sell to them. When a customer contacts you, don't be slow to answer. Reach out as soon as a lead has been qualified. If you're further along in the sales process and they're contacting you with concerns, make it a point to get them the information they need as soon as possible. Another strategy to shorten your sales cycle is to have ready-to-distribute material. Customers should have access to blogs, case studies, tutorials and product overviews. By avoiding any back-and-forth with queries and responses, you will save time. If you notice that your sales funnel is sluggish, it's usually because of this. Trust your instincts and respond as quickly as possible. Accelerate Growth with High Velocity Sales A full pipeline does not always imply a productive pipeline. Keep a close eye on sales velocity and the four major factors that influence it. Be careful to measure it on a regular basis and keep track of any changes. Conclusion: How Does Sales Velocity in eCommerce Help a Growing Business and How Can WareIQ Assist in 2024? Sales velocity in eCommerce is a helpful tool used by businesses to calculate their sales with respect to different timeframes and scrutinize the reoccurring problems faced by potential buyers. Creating a sale is not the most difficult part but mitigating customer difficulties through easy product delivery, branded packaging, calculating MOQ, etc. should be the real concern. In the process, most eCommerce companies get directly involved and waste their time and resources which reflects a failure in terms of sales velocity numbers (data). Comparatively, a lot of eCommerce companies are taking the help of 3PL fulfillment companies. WareIQ is one of the trustworthy fulfillment companies that promises to be a vital resource to their partners. In terms of the four factors that result in high velocity sales, here is how WareIQ can help with each one: Number of Opportunities(Qualified Leads) Our custom and highly advanced AI and ML-based WMS software have the following features: Deals immediately with your qualified leadsAnswers queries of confused buyers which persuades them to make a dealReduces the frequency of RTOs Average Deal Value A company looks for lifelong loyal buyers to increase sales velocity in eCommerce. Companies can do this by convincing users that they are getting the best deal possible We make this possible by providing the following: Hassle-free fulfillmentPersonalized customer experiencesBranded shippingEnabling high discounts Win/Conversion Rate Conversion rates are enhanced by increasing sales through different techniques, such as selling on multiple channels and running flash sales and campaigns. Here’s how WareIQ can help: Through our integrations with multiple platforms, sellers can keep track of all their data, across channels, in one place.We solve problems that buyers may face in real-time through our tracking pages, customer support etc.We entice customers by providing same-day and next-day delivery at lower shipping costs. Duration of Sales Cycle In the eCommerce market, delivery timing plays an important role in a sale. Customers are willing to pay more to get their delivery as soon as possible. WareIQ helps businesses by providing the following: Multiple warehouses in prime locations minimize the delivery time and ultimately, the sales cycle time.We give retailers access to more than 20 of the fastest courier services in the country and smartly allocate orders to the most relevant and cheapest option.We take care of order fulfillment, from the moment an order is confirmed till the time it is successfully delivered to the customer.We offer fulfillment 24/7 which reduces time for retailers as well as their customers. [signup] Sales Velocity in eCommerce - FAQs What does velocity mean in business?In business, velocity refers to the time it takes for a corporation to reach particular milestones, which can be measured in days, hours or minutes. It refers to the amount of work performed in a particular amount of time. Additionally, velocity may be used in various departments, including product or service development, sales and marketing. How do you increase sales velocity?You can increase sales velocity by:Increasing the number of opportunities for salesIncreasing the average deal sizeImproving your personal success rateReducing the time it takes for you to close a sale How to calculate sales velocity in eCommerce?Sales velocity is calculated by multiplying the number of opportunities created in a given period by your average selling price and close rate and then dividing it by your sales cycle, which is calculated over the same time period. What is lead velocity or lead velocity rate?The Lead Velocity Rate (LVR) is a metric that monitors the month-over-month growth in the number of qualified leads your company generates. Your LVR percentage is a measure of the efficiency of your pipeline and the long-term growth potential of your organization. What is SKU velocity?The frequency with which each SKU is picked over a given period of time is referred to as SKU velocity. It is a supply chain KPI that's often used to evaluate a logistics facility's stock distribution plan across multiple sites.

June 06, 2022

Why is eCommerce Order Tracking Important? Top 5 Tools for Tracking eCommerce Orders in 2024

Why is eCommerce Order Tracking Important? Top 5 Tools for Tracking eCommerce Orders in 2024

Since eCommerce businesses rely on logistics companies to get their products into customers' hands, the logistics industry as a whole has been directly impacted. The logistics industry has expanded enormously as a result of the rise of the eCommerce sector, providing new technologies to help improve online shopping experiences. eCommerce order tracking is one such service that stands out in the world of eCommerce logistics. Advanced eCommerce order tracking software allows companies to track and manage their orders while they are in transit. This allows businesses to fix any issues that may arise during transit, as well as provide customers with information about the eCommerce order status of their goods. Today we will learn about every aspect of eCommerce order tracking and how it is beneficial to the eCommerce industry in 2024 by ensuring customers can keep an eye on their orders as well as helping retailers understand if there are any errors or delays that have taken place. What is eCommerce Order Tracking? eCommerce order tracking is the process through which customers can track the eCommerce fulfillment status of their orders in real-time. It includes features like shipment tracking,  Estimated Time of Arrival(ETA), and frequent updates on the location of the order. It plays an important role in enhancing the customer experience while product fulfillment, ETA and being notified of any delays, help a retailer track the product if they have opted for dropshipping, retail fulfillment, choosing a third-party logistics service, or tracking reverse logistics during order fulfillment. [contactus_gynoveda] Top Factors that Affect eCommerce Tracking Order Lack of Technology eCommerce order tracking requires the use of advanced technology, mostly from the seller's end. A supply chain system must get updated at each stage and should reflect in the eCommerce order tracking page. Any failure of technology at any point will affect the entire process. A few points to note are: A buyer just needs to have a smartphone to access the eCommerce order status but a seller needs to have advanced software.A good website is required to check for Pincode availability.An automated mail sender for sending order placement confirmation messages and emails with the order tracking IDs is needed.An order tracking tool is required such as a webpage.Human resources are required to handle and update it in case of any errors or glitches.An advanced software system is required to automate the entire eCommerce order tracking process.A dedicated customer care official to handle any related queries and issues is needed.A chatbot is needed to answer minor tracking-related queries in real-time. Shortage of Capital Investment A small eCommerce business with limited capital can barely afford to place MOQs and EOQs so they may also struggle to afford a decent eCommerce order tracking software. Developing an eCommerce order status system and keeping it connected with real-time logistics processes is a money-consuming task. It not only requires a huge one-time investment but also a constant short-term investment.  Lack of Fulfillment Processes Fulfillment is a term that consists of various aspects that need to be taken into consideration and includes tasks such as transportation and logistics. Order fulfillment consists of eCommerce order status, proper inventory tracking, order information needed for picking the product from a particular warehouse, creating scan codes and tracking ID/number, ETA, etc.  Lack of Expertise A supply chain runs 24/7 on high-end technology. It demands 100% accuracy and the shortest delivery time possible. For such tasks, retailers or their partners are required to be well-versed in technology as well as fieldwork expertise. Any mistake can ultimately result in a loss for a seller in terms of product damage and can create a bad image which ultimately results in poor feedback and buyer relinquishment. 5 Benefits of eCommerce Order Tracking Increases Customer Satisfaction With the eCommerce industry being so competitive, online shopping practically requires providing a good customer experience. If you don't want to lose business and seek to provide similar facilities to Amazon or other eCommerce giants, you must have an eCommerce order tracking system in place. Customers will notice if you don't provide the anticipated quality of service, putting your client loyalty at risk. Customers are more likely to write a positive review and re-buy from you in the future if you provide eCommerce order tracking to them. It not only gives them the most up-to-date information but also a sense that you care about their overall experience. Before reaching the customer, an order may pass through a post office or sorting facility after leaving a warehouse, 3PL fulfillment center, or packing facility. Customers will be less confused if they are kept informed. Reduces Costs Engaging customers is a very tough task for a business. Many companies do numerous things to keep their customers engaged such as arranging quizzes, running campaigns, and promoting their brands on social media, which costs them a lot of money.  Customers want to be able to follow the progress of their orders. If you don't supply it, you'll almost certainly have to deal with hundreds of WISMO (where is my order) calls consumer complaints, and inquiries, which will be quite expensive in the long run. It's a vital scenario; if you don't act quickly, your customer reviews will suffer. It can devalue the brand's image. The number of inquiry calls/messages will drop considerably if you provide order tracking to customers where all tracking information would be generated automatically. You may save effort, reduce the stress on your customer service team and focus on quality assurance by automating order fulfillment with order tracking. This will save you time and money, allowing you to spend it in other ways to improve client experiences. Controls Order Fulfillment Quality It enables eCommerce companies to deal with problems in real time. The lifetime value of your consumers will rise when these basic solutions are provided. Also, many eCommerce sellers partner with third-party fulfillment providers for taking advantage of multiple warehouses at an optimum cost where they do not control logistics directly so with eCommerce order tracking, they can track their products when they are dispatched for fulfillment. Lowers Workload Expenses Whether you have a large customer service team or not, they will still benefit from automating eCommerce order tracking procedures. They might put this time saved to good use by providing personalised service to dissatisfied clients. Overall, your consumer experience becomes more smooth while maintaining a high level of quality. Helps in Tracking RTOs  Order tracking benefits both eCommerce firms and their customers from a 360-degree perspective. This can also come in handy when dealing with a large number of RTO requests. Sellers can get an idea about which products and orders are being returned and from which locations, which can assist in the mitigation of RTO-related losses. Top Strategies to Get the Most Out of Tracking eCommerce Orders Utilize eCommerce Order Status Pages as a Means of Marketing eCommerce order tracking pages can be customized to tell customers about upcoming or existing flash sales, the introduction of new products, positive customer testimonials, and ask them for valuable feedback. This increases the amount of time a customer spends on your page as opposed to your competitor's websites. Integrate Live Chatbots for Answering Tracking-Related Queries in Real-Time In today’s world, people are in the habit of two-way communication. They want to ask questions and get a reply to their queries immediately and most sellers do not have a customer support executive to handle these queries so Live Chat through bots comes to the rescue. If sellers facilitate a Live Chat customer support system, they will turn out to have a better customer experience with a more personalized touch. Show Buyers Your Appreciation During Every Purchase The tracking system will know when the product got delivered, so automate a thank you letter to show the buyer that you appreciate the purchase. Additionally, you can give extra discounts to the same customer for further purchases, based on terms and conditions. Collect as Much Data About the Order and the Customer as You Can  Customer data can be a potential MQL (marketing qualified lead) for any seller. They know that the buyer might buy similar products or products related to their last purchase, in the future. Most eCommerce giants are spending billions on acquiring customer data by not only collecting it but also buying it because they know that it will help them to figure out and forecast according to customers’ preferences. Mention the ETA and Adjust it According to Delivery Forecasts When a buyer arrives at your page and sees your products’ availability on multiple eCommerce selling channels, they check if the delivery is serviceable to their address and what the ETA is. Providing an accurate ETA is helpful for both parties because the customer gets an expectation of when it will arrive and the seller has a target of when they need to deliver the order. Use Personalized Data for Future Campaigns Post completion of the delivery, the eCommerce order tracking page provides a confirmation of the delivery and can include a field for customers to provide their feedback or give ratings for the various services they have encountered. Honest feedback helps provide valuable insight into a buyer’s tastes and behaviours which can be used in marketing and promotional campaigns in the future.  Top 5 Tools for eCommerce Order Tracking in 2024 WareIQ Source Among the order tracking tools that are available, WareIQ is one the best and most trustable tracking tools for eCommerce orders and enables real-time tracking across India. WareIQ is a full-stack eCommerce fulfillment platform that provides superior order management services too. It enables order management, inventory management, returns management and a whole lot more as well as order tracking for online sellers and their customers, across multiple channels. It also utilizes a pan-India network of warehouses to enable same-day or next-day shipping to buyers. A few features of the fulfillment company are listed below: Manages order data, inventory levels, and billing from the same systemFulfillment of orders, as well as providing branded shippingReduces RTO rates through an RTO ShieldStores inventory in multiple- fulfillment centers across the countryHelps in ordering inventory according to EOQ and MOQQuick setup, scale-up, and scale-down according to seasonality, sales order velocity, and other factors It helps sellers to enable and utilize the facilities in three simple steps: Step 1 Suggests intelligent inventory placements. To recommend optimal inventory placement, it uses technology to analyze the order density, SKU velocity, seasonality, and market trend by location. Step 2 Picks up your products and distribute them to their hubs from your central warehouse. They combine their platform with sellers' online storefronts and marketplaces. Step 3 Pick, Pack, and Ship; uses the same inventory to fulfill orders from the seller’s online marketplaces, and offers smart shipping where the fastest and cheapest courier service is always chosen to enable the fastest possible delivery at all times. WareIQ provides a full shipping journey and real-time order updates on the tracking page. It offers branded tracking page exclusively to its e-commerce clients to boost brand awareness, repeat customers & improve post-purchase engagement. Shippo Source Shippo is an integrated shipping partner for Gator Website Builder's eCommerce websites. It also works with Magento and WooCommerce, as well as Mercari, Etsy, eBay, and Amazon marketplace systems, as well as national postal services in some non-US nations. It offers drastically discounted fares on major domestic and international carriers. A few features are listed below: Order fulfillment and branded tracking updatesQuick returns and finding the best shipping ratesVendors can provide delivery updates to consumers via email and textCreation of branded tracking pages on the website ShipStation Source ShipStation is a comprehensive shipping tool that manages orders from major eCommerce channels, gets the cheapest prices from different carriers, keeps customers up to speed on order status, streamlines customer returns, records inventory and provides statistics. Marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, Alibaba, Etsy, eBay, and Jet use Shipstation. Some of their features are: Is compatible with both WooCommerce and MagentoWorks with major shipping companies and provides low ratesAllows you to create a bespoke tracking system for mobile and desktop that displays to your consumers, where their order is and the ETA Shipway Source Shipway is an eCommerce automation tool that helps companies automate their order management and shipping processes. It employs artificial intelligence to automate and avoid fraud, as well as to assist businesses in executing deliveries smoothly. To maximize the chances of connecting with customers, the platform uses different methods to reach out to them.  It works with over 12,000 brands and is integrated with over 600 carriers in local and international marketsMonitors about 200,000 orders per day and has sent out more than 500 million notices to dateAssists businesses in creating branded tracking pages for a better user experienceSends out real-time and periodic updates on the status of orders which results in reduced inquiry callsGenerates detailed reports on carrier performance and aids in the reduction of RTO rates ShipWell Source ShipWell is a transportation management solution that helps companies to keep track of their orders while they travel. ShipWell uses data from ELDs and mobile devices to provide real-time product tracking. The platform employs notifications to keep you updated on the status of your order while it's in transit. A managed service team is also available for high-quality client assistance on the platform. Ensures end-to-end visibility with native ELD connectors and the Shipwell Mobile appTracks and traces shipments on the platform, which has access to over 2 million ELD-connected units and 850,000 driversEliminates blind spots throughout the shipment lifecycleIdentifies potential risks so that they are taken care ofImproves customer service by streamlining carrier touchpoints Conclusion: What eCommerce Order Tracking Facilities Does WareIQ Provide? WareIQ helps you to enhance customer experience by allowing them to track their orders at every stage of fulfillment, including when they are received, packed, shipped, in transit, out for delivery, and delivered. Even if an item is being returned, refunded, or exchanged, there will be reverse order tracking provided to both parties to mitigate any confusion. Online customers are notified in real-time through all channels - email, WhatsApp, text messages, etc. In addition, we offer the ability to customize your eCommerce order tracking page with product snippets, brand details and customer care information, so that users will stay engaged with your brand even after purchase. WareIQ's branded tracking page is an opportunity to turn your order tracking page into a profitable marketing channel, where you cross-sell & up-sell using marketing banners, logos, store links etc. [signup] eCommerce Order Tracking FAQs What is branded order tracking?A branded eCommerce order tracking page improves the post-purchase experience of customers by putting useful information through clear and customized content. What is eCommerce order tracking?Clients can track the eCommerce order status of their online orders in real-time with eCommerce order tracking technology. Expected delivery dates, shipment tracking, and regular updates on the eCommerce order status are among the main services it provides. Can I track a package with the order number?No. The order number and the tracking number are two separate numbers. Buyers can only track their packages using a tracking number; tracing a parcel using the order number is not feasible. How does product tracking work?In simple terms, monitoring a package or courier entails locating packages and containers, as well as other items, during the sorting and delivery process. This allows you to confirm their location and source, as well as get an estimated delivery date. Can WareIQ help me with order tracking?Definitely, Yes! WareIQ can help you with eCommerce order tracking and reverse order tracking.

June 06, 2022

Branded Tracking Page: How to Re-Engage Online Customers Through a Branded Tracking Page in 10 Ways in 2024?

Branded Tracking Page: How to Re-Engage Online Customers Through a Branded Tracking Page in 10 Ways in 2024?

eCommerce as an industry relies heavily on customers and their feedback on your business. Focusing on producing a unique product and selling it at an appropriate price is hard enough for a retailer before needing to factor in how to target customers that would show the most interest in their products and would have the highest chances of converting potential interest into a confirmed sale and how to provide seamless order fulfillment and post-sales experience to them so that they’d be obligated to not only purchase from the same brand again but also give positive feedback and recommend it highly to others. Once retailers have figured out a strategic method to implement all these procedures, time needs to be dedicated to understanding how they can convert one-time purchase customers into repeat ones. One of the best ways to re-engage prior customers and entice current customers to keep purchasing from your business is to have an attractive branded tracking page for branded order tracking. Read along to learn about the benefits and best practices of using a branded tracking page and how WareIQ can be of assistance. What is a Branded Tracking Page? A branded tracking page is a page where retailers and customers alike, can track the order status amongst all the order fulfillment processes that it needs to accomplish to ultimately be delivered successfully to the customer. The “branded” aspect of the tracking page refers to various customization options that can be implemented to make the page reflect a particular message or design language that a brand is trying to convey to its customers. Examples can be product suggestions, offer summaries, and unique themes. The purpose of adding these elements, as opposed to just a static page with just the tracking details, is to try and entice the customer into purchasing another product or service and convey that the brand cares about presentation and customer experience, across the entire order fulfillment process, which will help them get a positive impression of the brand and could increase the chance of them becoming repeat customers. Generic Sample Branded Tracking Page [contactus_uth] Why is it Important to Engage Online Customers through Branded Tracking Page? It Helps to Enhance Customer Satisfaction Customers will appreciate engagement through factors like being redirected to a well-designed, easy-to-use branded tracking page, being asked for their feedback, and if they were satisfied with the entire experience and will show their appreciation either with their wallets or through positive feedback. They will know that the brand actually cares about its image and it can be a big factor in how they perceive the overall purchase experience and whether they would choose to buy from you again or not. It Entices Customers to be Loyal to Your Brand Even though the eCommerce space is rife with competition selling similar products at similar prices, an easy way to differentiate yourself from the crowd is to have increased customer engagement. This will set apart your brand in their eyes and if they are satisfied enough, you may have a customer for life. A 10% increase in customer retention can increase revenue by 70% so it definitely pays in the long run. Suggested Read: Online Consumer Behaviour in 2024. It Helps You Track Their Preferences Through Their Responses By engaging with customers, you can receive honest feedback, which may consist of bucketloads of praise but could also contain blunt criticisms. This will help you ascertain what processes work and what don’t and you can streamline the necessary procedures to mitigate those complaints. Similarly, you can double down on what customers like and appreciate so that you will continue to receive positive feedback. It Gives Your Brand a Positive Image Customers are sure to think highly of a brand if they make an honest effort to engage with them. It makes them feel like their experience really matters and so it should. They are the ones who vote with their money so it helps to keep all your customers happy and satisfied. Even if a customer has an issue, immediate engagement and steps to fix it instantly will help your brand’s image skyrocket. It Could Lead to Increased Sales Because of positive feedback and reviews from other customers or prior customers who have experienced your engagement first-hand, your brand will be able to generate more sales from people who appreciate efficient customer service. Few things are more annoying to a consumer who cannot find a solution to order-related problems or queries from the company that has sold it to them in the first place. This can be avoided by engaging online customers. It Helps to Maintain Interest in Your Brand If you consistently try engaging with online customers, whether they are prior or current ones, you will keep them reminded about your brand and all its positive aspects. It can be useful if you are trying to promote a product or an event, trying to generate buzz due to demand stagnation, or even simply trying to get feedback from them to optimize business processes. 5 Must-Have Elements in Branded Tracking Page in 2024 Customer Support Contact Details While a branded order tracking page may satisfy some customers about the status of their order, others may have other queries that they would like to contact you about. Make sure that you add details such as a phone number, email address, and social media handles so that they can contact you and check out your feeds for exciting content at the same time. Banners of Complimentary Products With an appropriate 3PL company, you will be able to customize your branded order tracking page to your liking. This means that you can add banners of any product that you think is relevant, either based on customer preferences or what would be complementary to the ordered product, or products you would like to promote. This will increase the visibility of those products and could result in more sales. Status of the Order This is the primary piece of information that should be on your branded tracking page. You can make it look as fancy and promote as many products as you want but if the order cannot be tracked intuitively and clearly, customers will speak up. You should be sure to provide all the details of the order such as the placement date, dispatch date, ETA, and other items. You can read about order fulfillment status in detail here. Logo of Your Company Presenting your logo front and center on your branded order tracking page reiterates to the customer which brand they are buying from. They don’t need to be bothered about the courier service or manufacturing company. This will ultimately prove to boost your brand image and stamp your logo in the minds of customers. Top 10 Benefits of Using Branded Tracking Page in 2024 Appreciation by Customers Customers pay attention to the finer details, especially in the eCommerce industry with a large number of firms offering similar products and overall experiences. Something as simple as an intuitive and well-designed branded order tracking page with concisely laid out information and representing the ethos of the brand can make the whole experience feel special and can result in occupying real estate in the minds of customers.  Access to Free Advertising You can design your branded tracking page any way you want, including adding popups and links to your other products and services. In addition, you can add snippets for offers you are running, new products you may be launching in the future, and promotion of your brand in general, all without spending an extra dime on advertising.  Leads to Tertiary Purchases As a result of the point above, you may receive tertiary purchases from customers who browsed your branded order tracking page, found something they liked, and placed an additional order. The same process can be repeated on the branded tracking page of that order and can keep on going until they figure that they’ve had enough online shopping for one season. Assists in Post-Purchase Engagement Oftentimes, customers are left neglected between the time they purchase their order and the time they receive it. Branded order tracking pages can be a way of engaging with them after they have spent their money, which makes them feel special and that they're getting a comprehensive customer service experience, which will add brownie points to their feedback and reviews, if and when they decide to give it. Conveys Your Brand Message Your branded tracking page has the potential to be a window for customers to instantly learn more about your brand if they weren't aware of it already. You can choose to present your brand on your terms and convey any message that you desire, knowing that they will constantly be checking the page until their order arrives. This will give your brand a good amount of recognition on a personal level. Mitigates Confusion About the Order Status Customers often get anxious after placing an online order if they don’t know where it is or how long it’s going to take. A branded tracking page will mitigate that confusion and will give them easy access to check where it is on the go and clear any query directly from the page itself which will give them peace of mind and reduce the number of calls that your businesses receive from agitated customers who don’t know where their order is. Reduces Buyers Remorse On many occasions, especially after placing an order from a small or mid-sized company with not much brand recognition, customers feel a sense of buyer’s remorse because they don’t feel assured about the quality of the product or the brand. One way to provide this assurance before they receive their product is to give them access to an efficient and well-designed branded tracking page. They will instantly feel gratified knowing that your company means business and that their money is in the right hands. Reduces Time Spent on Dealing with Agitated Customers Since customers will always be aware of the status of their order and which fulfillment process it is currently in, in real-time, they would not feel the need to frantically try and get in touch with you to get this information. In turn, this puts less stress on your customer care team who can spend time personally handling cases where errors or mishaps have actually occurred and can focus on coming up with a solution as soon as possible. Enhances the Overall Purchase Experience If a retailer can provide a stellar customer experience post-sale, in addition to providing a product that the customer needs, it is definitely a recipe for success and repeat customers. Taking care of every aspect of a customer’s experience with your company and making sure that they are never left wanting, is a sure-fire way of skyrocketing your brand image in the eyes of that customer and other customers who read their glowing reviews about their brilliant experience. Conclusion: How WareIQ Help eCommerce Businesses Engage Their Customers Through a Branded Tracking Page? Now that we have learned the many benefits and touchpoints of utilising branded tracking pages, you need to assess if your business requires them or not. Generally, businesses that are expanding rapidly or who are just trying to provide a professional experience to customers, in addition to standard order fulfillment processes, would be best suited to making use of branded tracking pages. Luckily, if you fall into the above categories, you don’t need to look any further. WareIQ has got you covered. In addition to providing all the above features and more, WareIQ provides a whole range of order fulfillment and eCommerce warehousing-related services to assist any requirement that your company may have in terms of inbound and outbound logistics operations. With respect to branded tracking pages, we offer the following services: Customizable Tracking URL You can insert a customizable tracking link that redirects customers to your website or any page that you desire so that no click or tap goes to waste. Marketable Product Placements With our customization options, you can turn your branded tracking page into a mini eCommerce store, complete with product descriptions, images, and options to buy them. This will help customers spend more time browsing through your products, as opposed to a competitor’s.  Insert Links to Your Store You can add multiple links to take customers wherever you think would make a difference. Whether it is to your website homepage, your social media handles, or your eCommerce selling profiles, you can be assured that customers will only be directed to where you want them to go. Updates in Real-Time Our branded tracking page provides customers and retailers updates to each and every metric of the order fulfillment process, such as location, ETA, and stage in the delivery process in real-time so neither you nor they will ever be left wondering about where the order is. Suggested Read: Why is branded shipping useful? Receive Customer Feedback For receiving customer feedback, you can add fields for customers to leave valuable feedback so that you can better gauge their tastes and preferences and how to improve and refine your products and services. This will not only help you to retain customers but will assist you in streamlining the process to find new ones. [signup] Branded Tracking Page: FAQs What is branded order tracking?Branded order tracking is a means by which customers can track their order but also browse through other fields such as product banners, information about the brand and links to social media handles, which helps a customer spend more time scrolling through the relevant company's pages rather than a competitor's page. What technology do you need to offer branded tracking?If you partner with a 3PL company, they will generally equip you with the software needed to provide branded tracking. What kind of companies are best suited to offering branded order tracking?Companies that are trying to expand at a rapid pace, companies that want customers to spend more time scrolling through their pages and companies that are trying to convey a strong image of their brand to customers as well as companies that are trying to offer a streamlined post-purchase experience to customers are all suited towards offering branded tracking. What happens if you don't order branded tracking?Generally, if a customer can only track their orders through a mundane interface, they will not seek to find out more about the company, its other products and services and may close the page after a couple of minutes as opposed to spending a much larger amount of time on a branded tracking page. This can contribute to an average customer experience that won't stand out and diminishes your chances of getting repeat customers. How can you offer branded tracking with WareIQ?If you choose to partner with WareIQ, you will get access to a whole bunch of features that you can choose to take advantage of, including branded shipping. Why should you use WareIQ's branded tracking page?Branded tracking page by WareIQ lets you track and updates shipments in real-time and provides a fully customizable branded experience that helps improve customer satisfaction.

June 06, 2022